Newsletter Mod gesucht

Du suchst einen bestimmten Mod, weißt aber nicht genau wo bzw. ob er überhaupt existiert? Wenn dir dieser Artikel nicht weiterhilft, kannst du hier den von dir gewünschten/gesuchten Mod beschreiben ...
Falls ein Mod-Autor eine der Anfragen hier aufnimmt, um einen neuen Mod zu entwickeln, geht's in [3.0.x] Mods in Entwicklung weiter.
phpBB 3.0 hat das Ende seiner Lebenszeit überschritten
phpBB 3.0 wird nicht mehr aktiv unterstützt. Insbesondere werden - auch bei Sicherheitslücken - keine Patches mehr bereitgestellt. Der Einsatz von phpBB 3.0 erfolgt daher auf eigene Gefahr. Wir empfehlen einen Umstieg auf die neuste phpBB-Version, welches aktiv weiterentwickelt wird und für welches regelmäßig Updates zur Verfügung gestellt werden.
Beiträge: 232
Registriert: 29.12.2007 19:55
Wohnort: Niebüll (S-H)

Re: Newsletter Mod gesucht

Beitrag von Pionier »

Habe zwei kleine Tippfehler in der install.xml gefunden.
  1. Bei der SQL-Anweisung schreibst du

    Code: Alles auswählen

    CREATE TABLE phpbb_newsletter (
    	newsletter_id mdiumint(8) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    es müsste aber wie folgt heißen

    Code: Alles auswählen

    CREATE TABLE phpbb_newsletter (
    	newsletter_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  2. Bei Open: includes/functions.php fehlt bei der 2. Anweisung ein Replace With

  1. Im UCP unter Newsletter-Einstellung, sollte der User auch den Newsletter abbestellen können.
  2. In den Emails (html und txt) sollte auch ein Link vorhanden sein, mit dem der User den Newsletter abbestellen kann.

Habe gerade gesehen, dass du den geänderten SQL-Code schon auf deiner Seite anzeigst :oops:
MFG Pionier
Martin Truckenbrodt
Beiträge: 1143
Registriert: 15.08.2003 23:16
Wohnort: Südthüringen

Re: Newsletter Mod gesucht

Beitrag von Martin Truckenbrodt »

Hallo Pionier,
vielen Dank für das Feedback!
Die Sache mit dem fehlenden Replace-With werde ich mir wahrscheinlich heute noch anschauen.

Newsletter vom Typ "Optionaler Newsletter" können sich die Benutzer im UCP selbst zuweisen oder dies auch wieder rückgängig machen. "Board Newsletter" und "Group Newsletter" bekommen sie quasi "drauf gebrummt". Diese Zuwesiung kann jedoch durch die Spracheinstellung der Benutzer etwas beeinflusst werden, sofern diese Newsletter explizit einer Sprache zugewiesen werden.

Danke und Gruß Martin
Advanced Block MOD 1.1.4 ist released! - Verhindere Spam auf Deinem phpBB3 Board mit Stop Forum Spam, BotScout, Akismet, Project Honey Pot und verschiedenen IP-RBL und Domain-RBL DNS Blacklisten! - Meine MODs - phpBB Complete Core
Beiträge: 337
Registriert: 19.07.2006 15:21
Wohnort: Holzgerlingen

Re: Newsletter Mod gesucht

Beitrag von amilo »

N' Abend
bin gerade dabei mir den Newsletter Mod ein zu bauen. Lob an den Autor. Schöner Mod, wenn er funktionieren würde ;)
Bekomme beim Klick auf senden im MCP folgende Meldung:

Code: Alles auswählen

 Zurück zur Foren-Übersicht
Allgemeiner Fehler
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

Falscher integer-Wert: '' für Feld 'forum_id' in Zeile 1 [1366]


INSERT INTO phpbb_log (user_id, log_ip, log_time, log_operation, log_data, log_type, forum_id, topic_id, newsletter_id, email_id) VALUES ('2', '', 1234533542, 'LOG_NEWSLETTER_EMAIL_SENT_INFO', 'a:1:{i:0;s:4:\"TEST\";}', 1, '', '', 4, 7)


FILE: includes/db/mysql.php
LINE: 174
CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_error()

FILE: includes/functions.php
LINE: 2935
CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query()

FILE: includes/mcp/mcp_newsletter.php
LINE: 396
CALL: add_log()

FILE: includes/functions_module.php
LINE: 507
CALL: mcp_newsletter->main()

FILE: mcp.php
LINE: 236
CALL: p_master->load_active()
Könnt mir jemand weiterhelfen?
Bei der install.xml wurde eine Anweisung vergessen und zwar bei der includes/functions.php beim zweiten Schritt. Ich hab es als "replace with" gedeutet

Danke schonmal
Martin Truckenbrodt
Beiträge: 1143
Registriert: 15.08.2003 23:16
Wohnort: Südthüringen

Re: Newsletter Mod gesucht

Beitrag von Martin Truckenbrodt »

Hallo amilo (und Pionier),
1. das mit dem replace-with hast Du/habt Ihr richtig erkannt

2. Der MOD läuft allen Foren, auf denen ich ihn installiert habe. :D
Ich denke aber, dass aus Kompatibilitätsgründen Folgendes geändert werden müsste:

Code: Alles auswählen

	if ($mode == 'mod' && substr($action, 0, 14) == 'LOG_NEWSLETTER')
		$newsletter_id	= $forum_id;
		$email_id		= $topic_id;
		$forum_id = $topic_id = '';
		$newsletter_id	= '';
		$email_id		= '';

Code: Alles auswählen

	if ($mode == 'mod' && substr($action, 0, 14) == 'LOG_NEWSLETTER')
		$newsletter_id	= $forum_id;
		$email_id		= $topic_id;
		$forum_id		= $topic_id = 0;
		$newsletter_id	= $email_id = 0;
Bitte probiere es mal aus und gebe mir Bescheid.

Ansonsten habe ich noch ein kleines BBCode Darstellungsproblem in der includes/newsletter/plain.php festgestellt. Sobald dieses gefixt ist, werde ich Version 1.0.1 veröffentlichen und, da wieder läuft, diese Version dann auch erstmalig durch die Validierung lassen.

Gruß Martin
Advanced Block MOD 1.1.4 ist released! - Verhindere Spam auf Deinem phpBB3 Board mit Stop Forum Spam, BotScout, Akismet, Project Honey Pot und verschiedenen IP-RBL und Domain-RBL DNS Blacklisten! - Meine MODs - phpBB Complete Core
Beiträge: 337
Registriert: 19.07.2006 15:21
Wohnort: Holzgerlingen

Re: Newsletter Mod gesucht

Beitrag von amilo »

N' Abend,

danke für deine Antwort. Durch die Änderung ist der Fehler weg und der Newsletter scheint verschickt zu werden. Leider wird nun keine Mail mehr verschickt. D.h. keine Mail bei einer PN, bei einem neuen Beitrag usw. Lade ich die original functions_messenger.php hoch, erhalte ich die meisten Mails, kann jedoch keine Newsletter mehr verschicken, da ja die Änderungen fehlen. Jedoch wird danach als Einzigstes keine Benachrichtigungs Mail für einen neuen Beitrag verschickt. Die Datei konnte ich jedoch noch nicht finden. Irgend eine aus dem include Ordner, da ich diesen komplett wieder hochgeladen habe und die Mail sofort da war.

Ich hoffe du bekommst das noch gefixt.^^

Gruß und nochmals danke
Martin Truckenbrodt
Beiträge: 1143
Registriert: 15.08.2003 23:16
Wohnort: Südthüringen

Re: Newsletter Mod gesucht

Beitrag von Martin Truckenbrodt »

Hallo amilo,
ich habe heute wenig Zeit. Hier mal meine includes/functions_messenger.php :

Code: Alles auswählen

* @package phpBB3
* @version $Id: functions_messenger.php 9078 2008-11-22 19:55:00Z acydburn $
* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
* @license GNU Public License

* @ignore
if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))

* Messenger
* @package phpBB3
class messenger
	var $vars, $msg, $extra_headers, $replyto, $from, $subject;
	var $addresses = array();

	var $mail_priority = MAIL_NORMAL_PRIORITY;
	var $use_queue = true;
	var $tpl_msg = array();
	var $use_html = false;

	* Constructor
	function messenger($use_queue = true)
		global $config;

		$this->use_queue = (!$config['email_package_size']) ? false : $use_queue;
		$this->subject = '';
		$this->use_html = false;

	* Resets all the data (address, template file, etc etc) to default
	function reset()
		$this->addresses = $this->extra_headers = array();
		$this->vars = $this->msg = $this->replyto = $this->from = '';
		$this->mail_priority = MAIL_NORMAL_PRIORITY;

	* Sets an email address to send to
	function to($address, $realname = '')
		global $config;

		$pos = isset($this->addresses['to']) ? sizeof($this->addresses['to']) : 0;

		$this->addresses['to'][$pos]['email'] = trim($address);

		// If empty sendmail_path on windows, PHP changes the to line
		if (!$config['smtp_delivery'] && DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == '\\')
			$this->addresses['to'][$pos]['name'] = '';
			$this->addresses['to'][$pos]['name'] = trim($realname);

	* Sets an cc address to send to
	function cc($address, $realname = '')
		$pos = isset($this->addresses['cc']) ? sizeof($this->addresses['cc']) : 0;
		$this->addresses['cc'][$pos]['email'] = trim($address);
		$this->addresses['cc'][$pos]['name'] = trim($realname);

	* Sets an bcc address to send to
	function bcc($address, $realname = '')
		$pos = isset($this->addresses['bcc']) ? sizeof($this->addresses['bcc']) : 0;
		$this->addresses['bcc'][$pos]['email'] = trim($address);
		$this->addresses['bcc'][$pos]['name'] = trim($realname);

	* Sets a im contact to send to
	function im($address, $realname = '')
		// IM-Addresses could be empty
		if (!$address)

		$pos = isset($this->addresses['im']) ? sizeof($this->addresses['im']) : 0;
		$this->addresses['im'][$pos]['uid'] = trim($address);
		$this->addresses['im'][$pos]['name'] = trim($realname);

	* Set the reply to address
	function replyto($address)
		$this->replyto = trim($address);

	* Set the from address
	function from($address)
		$this->from = trim($address);

	* set up subject for mail
	function subject($subject = '')
		$this->subject = trim($subject);

	* set up extra mail headers
	function headers($headers)
		$this->extra_headers[] = trim($headers);

	* Set the email priority
	function set_mail_priority($priority = MAIL_NORMAL_PRIORITY)
		$this->mail_priority = $priority;

	* Set the email html
	function set_mail_html($html = false)
		$this->use_html = $html;

	* Set email template to use
	function template($template_file, $template_lang = '')
		global $config, $phpbb_root_path;

		if (!trim($template_file))
			trigger_error('No template file set', E_USER_ERROR);

		if (!trim($template_lang))
			$template_lang = basename($config['default_lang']);

		if (empty($this->tpl_msg[$template_lang . $template_file]))
			$tpl_file = "{$phpbb_root_path}language/$template_lang/email/$template_file.txt";

			if (!file_exists($tpl_file))
				trigger_error("Could not find email template file [ $tpl_file ]", E_USER_ERROR);

			if (($data = @file_get_contents($tpl_file)) === false)
				trigger_error("Failed opening template file [ $tpl_file ]", E_USER_ERROR);

			$this->tpl_msg[$template_lang . $template_file] = $data;

		$this->msg = $this->tpl_msg[$template_lang . $template_file];

		return true;

	* assign variables to email template
	function assign_vars($vars)
		$this->vars = (empty($this->vars)) ? $vars : $this->vars + $vars;

	* Send the mail out to the recipients set previously in var $this->addresses
	function send($method = NOTIFY_EMAIL, $break = false)
		global $config, $user;

		// We add some standard variables we always use, no need to specify them always
		$this->vars['U_BOARD'] = (!isset($this->vars['U_BOARD'])) ? generate_board_url() : $this->vars['U_BOARD'];
		if ($this->use_html)
			$this->vars['EMAIL_SIG'] = (!isset($this->vars['EMAIL_SIG'])) ? nl2br(str_replace('<br />', "\n", "-- \n" . htmlspecialchars_decode($config['board_email_sig']))) : nl2br($this->vars['EMAIL_SIG']);
			$this->vars['EMAIL_SIG'] = (!isset($this->vars['EMAIL_SIG'])) ? str_replace('<br />', "\n", "-- \n" . htmlspecialchars_decode($config['board_email_sig'])) : $this->vars['EMAIL_SIG'];
		$this->vars['SITENAME'] = (!isset($this->vars['SITENAME'])) ? htmlspecialchars_decode($config['sitename']) : $this->vars['SITENAME'];

		// Escape all quotes, else the eval will fail.
		$this->msg = str_replace ("'", "\'", $this->msg);
		$this->msg = preg_replace('#\{([a-z0-9\-_]*?)\}#is', "' . ((isset(\$this->vars['\\1'])) ? \$this->vars['\\1'] : '') . '", $this->msg);

		eval("\$this->msg = '$this->msg';");

		// We now try and pull a subject from the email body ... if it exists,
		// do this here because the subject may contain a variable
		$drop_header = '';
		$match = array();
		if (preg_match('#^(Subject:(.*?))$#m', $this->msg, $match))
			$this->subject = (trim($match[2]) != '') ? trim($match[2]) : (($this->subject != '') ? $this->subject : $user->lang['NO_EMAIL_SUBJECT']);
			$drop_header .= '[\r\n]*?' . preg_quote($match[1], '#');
			$this->subject = (($this->subject != '') ? $this->subject : $user->lang['NO_EMAIL_SUBJECT']);

		if ($drop_header)
			$this->msg = trim(preg_replace('#' . $drop_header . '#s', '', $this->msg));

		if ($break)
			return true;

		switch ($method)
				$result = $this->msg_email();

			case NOTIFY_IM:
				$result = $this->msg_jabber();

			case NOTIFY_BOTH:
				$result = $this->msg_email();

		return $result;

	* Add error message to log
	function error($type, $msg)
		global $user, $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path, $config;

		// Session doesn't exist, create it
		if (!isset($user->session_id) || $user->session_id === '')

		$calling_page = (!empty($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : $_ENV['PHP_SELF'];

		$message = '';
		switch ($type)
			case 'EMAIL':
				$message = '<strong>EMAIL/' . (($config['smtp_delivery']) ? 'SMTP' : 'PHP/' . $config['email_function_name'] . '()') . '</strong>';

				$message = "<strong>$type</strong>";

		$message .= '<br /><em>' . htmlspecialchars($calling_page) . '</em><br /><br />' . $msg . '<br />';
		add_log('critical', 'LOG_ERROR_' . $type, $message);

	* Save to queue
	function save_queue()
		global $config;

		if ($config['email_package_size'] && $this->use_queue && !empty($this->queue))

	* Return email header
	function build_header($to, $cc, $bcc)
		global $config;

		$headers = array();

		$headers[] = 'From: ' . $this->from;

		if ($cc)
			$headers[] = 'Cc: ' . $cc;

		if ($bcc)
			$headers[] = 'Bcc: ' . $bcc;

		$headers[] = 'Reply-To: ' . $this->replyto;
		$headers[] = 'Return-Path: <' . $config['board_email'] . '>';
		$headers[] = 'Sender: <' . $config['board_email'] . '>';
		$headers[] = 'MIME-Version: 1.0';
		$headers[] = 'Message-ID: <' . md5(unique_id(time())) . '@' . $config['server_name'] . '>';
		$headers[] = 'Date: ' . date('r', time());
		if ($this->use_html)
			$headers[] = 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'; // format=flowed
			$headers[] = 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8'; // format=flowed
		$headers[] = 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit'; // 7bit

		$headers[] = 'X-Priority: ' . $this->mail_priority;
		$headers[] = 'X-MSMail-Priority: ' . (($this->mail_priority == MAIL_LOW_PRIORITY) ? 'Low' : (($this->mail_priority == MAIL_NORMAL_PRIORITY) ? 'Normal' : 'High'));
		$headers[] = 'X-Mailer: PhpBB3';
		$headers[] = 'X-MimeOLE: phpBB3';
		$headers[] = 'X-phpBB-Origin: phpbb://' . str_replace(array('http://', 'https://'), array('', ''), generate_board_url());

		// We use \n here instead of \r\n because our smtp mailer is adjusting it to \r\n automatically, whereby the php mail function only works
		// if using \n.

		if (sizeof($this->extra_headers))
			$headers[] = implode("\n", $this->extra_headers);

		return implode("\n", $headers);

	* Send out emails
	function msg_email()
		global $config, $user;

		if (empty($config['email_enable']))
			return false;

		$use_queue = false;
		if ($config['email_package_size'] && $this->use_queue)
			if (empty($this->queue))
				$this->queue = new queue();
				$this->queue->init('email', $config['email_package_size']);
			$use_queue = true;

		if (empty($this->replyto))
			$this->replyto = '<' . $config['board_contact'] . '>';

		if (empty($this->from))
			$this->from = '<' . $config['board_contact'] . '>';

		// Build to, cc and bcc strings
		$to = $cc = $bcc = '';
		foreach ($this->addresses as $type => $address_ary)
			if ($type == 'im')

			foreach ($address_ary as $which_ary)
				$$type .= (($$type != '') ? ', ' : '') . (($which_ary['name'] != '') ? '"' . mail_encode($which_ary['name']) . '" <' . $which_ary['email'] . '>' : $which_ary['email']);

		// Build header
		$headers = $this->build_header($to, $cc, $bcc);

		// Send message ...
		if (!$use_queue)
			$mail_to = ($to == '') ? 'undisclosed-recipients:;' : $to;
			$err_msg = '';

			if ($config['smtp_delivery'])
				$result = smtpmail($this->addresses, mail_encode($this->subject), wordwrap(utf8_wordwrap($this->msg), 997, "\n", true), $err_msg, $headers);
				$result = $config['email_function_name']($mail_to, mail_encode($this->subject), wordwrap(utf8_wordwrap($this->msg), 997, "\n", true), $headers);
				$err_msg = ob_get_clean();

			if (!$result)
				$this->error('EMAIL', $err_msg);
				return false;
			$this->queue->put('email', array(
				'to'			=> $to,
				'addresses'		=> $this->addresses,
				'subject'		=> $this->subject,
				'msg'			=> $this->msg,
				'headers'		=> $headers)

		return true;

	* Send jabber message out
	function msg_jabber()
		global $config, $db, $user, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;

		if (empty($config['jab_enable']) || empty($config['jab_host']) || empty($config['jab_username']) || empty($config['jab_password']))
			return false;

		if (empty($this->addresses['im']))
			return false;

		$use_queue = false;
		if ($config['jab_package_size'] && $this->use_queue)
			if (empty($this->queue))
				$this->queue = new queue();
				$this->queue->init('jabber', $config['jab_package_size']);
			$use_queue = true;

		$addresses = array();
		foreach ($this->addresses['im'] as $type => $uid_ary)
			$addresses[] = $uid_ary['uid'];
		$addresses = array_unique($addresses);

		if (!$use_queue)
			include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_jabber.' . $phpEx);
			$this->jabber = new jabber($config['jab_host'], $config['jab_port'], $config['jab_username'], $config['jab_password'], $config['jab_use_ssl']);

			if (!$this->jabber->connect())
				$this->error('JABBER', $user->lang['ERR_JAB_CONNECT'] . '<br />' . $this->jabber->get_log());
				return false;

			if (!$this->jabber->login())
				$this->error('JABBER', $user->lang['ERR_JAB_AUTH'] . '<br />' . $this->jabber->get_log());
				return false;

			foreach ($addresses as $address)
				$this->jabber->send_message($address, $this->msg, $this->subject);

			$this->queue->put('jabber', array(
				'addresses'		=> $addresses,
				'subject'		=> $this->subject,
				'msg'			=> $this->msg)
		return true;

* handling email and jabber queue
* @package phpBB3
class queue
	var $data = array();
	var $queue_data = array();
	var $package_size = 0;
	var $cache_file = '';

	* constructor
	function queue()
		global $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path;

		$this->data = array();
		$this->cache_file = "{$phpbb_root_path}cache/queue.$phpEx";

	* Init a queue object
	function init($object, $package_size)
		$this->data[$object] = array();
		$this->data[$object]['package_size'] = $package_size;
		$this->data[$object]['data'] = array();

	* Put object in queue
	function put($object, $scope)
		$this->data[$object]['data'][] = $scope;

	* Process queue
	* Using lock file
	function process()
		global $db, $config, $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path, $user;

		set_config('last_queue_run', time(), true);

		// Delete stale lock file
		if (file_exists($this->cache_file . '.lock') && !file_exists($this->cache_file))
			@unlink($this->cache_file . '.lock');

		if (!file_exists($this->cache_file) || (file_exists($this->cache_file . '.lock') && filemtime($this->cache_file) > time() - $config['queue_interval']))

		$fp = @fopen($this->cache_file . '.lock', 'wb');
		@chmod($this->cache_file . '.lock', 0777);


		foreach ($this->queue_data as $object => $data_ary)

			if (!isset($data_ary['package_size']))
				$data_ary['package_size'] = 0;

			$package_size = $data_ary['package_size'];
			$num_items = (!$package_size || sizeof($data_ary['data']) < $package_size) ? sizeof($data_ary['data']) : $package_size;

			// If the amount of emails to be sent is way more than package_size than we need to increase it to prevent backlogs...
			if (sizeof($data_ary['data']) > $package_size * 2.5)
				$num_items = sizeof($data_ary['data']);

			switch ($object)
				case 'email':
					// Delete the email queued objects if mailing is disabled
					if (!$config['email_enable'])
						continue 2;

				case 'jabber':
					if (!$config['jab_enable'])
						continue 2;

					include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_jabber.' . $phpEx);
					$this->jabber = new jabber($config['jab_host'], $config['jab_port'], $config['jab_username'], $config['jab_password'], $config['jab_use_ssl']);

					if (!$this->jabber->connect())
						messenger::error('JABBER', $user->lang['ERR_JAB_CONNECT']);
						continue 2;

					if (!$this->jabber->login())
						messenger::error('JABBER', $user->lang['ERR_JAB_AUTH']);
						continue 2;



			for ($i = 0; $i < $num_items; $i++)
				// Make variables available...

				switch ($object)
					case 'email':
						$err_msg = '';
						$to = (!$to) ? 'undisclosed-recipients:;' : $to;

						if ($config['smtp_delivery'])
							$result = smtpmail($addresses, mail_encode($subject), wordwrap(utf8_wordwrap($msg), 997, "\n", true), $err_msg, $headers);
							$result = $config['email_function_name']($to, mail_encode($subject), wordwrap(utf8_wordwrap($msg), 997, "\n", true), $headers);
							$err_msg = ob_get_clean();

						if (!$result)
							@unlink($this->cache_file . '.lock');

							messenger::error('EMAIL', $err_msg);
							continue 2;

					case 'jabber':
						foreach ($addresses as $address)
							if ($this->jabber->send_message($address, $msg, $subject) === false)
								messenger::error('JABBER', $this->jabber->get_log());
								continue 3;

			// No more data for this object? Unset it
			if (!sizeof($this->queue_data[$object]['data']))

			// Post-object processing
			switch ($object)
				case 'jabber':
					// Hang about a couple of secs to ensure the messages are
					// handled, then disconnect

		if (!sizeof($this->queue_data))
			if ($fp = @fopen($this->cache_file, 'wb'))
				@flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
				fwrite($fp, "<?php\n\$this->queue_data = unserialize(" . var_export(serialize($this->queue_data), true) . ");\n\n?>");
				@flock($fp, LOCK_UN);

				phpbb_chmod($this->cache_file, CHMOD_WRITE);

		@unlink($this->cache_file . '.lock');

	* Save queue
	function save()
		if (!sizeof($this->data))

		if (file_exists($this->cache_file))

			foreach ($this->queue_data as $object => $data_ary)
				if (isset($this->data[$object]) && sizeof($this->data[$object]))
					$this->data[$object]['data'] = array_merge($data_ary['data'], $this->data[$object]['data']);
					$this->data[$object]['data'] = $data_ary['data'];

		if ($fp = @fopen($this->cache_file, 'w'))
			@flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
			fwrite($fp, "<?php\n\$this->queue_data = unserialize(" . var_export(serialize($this->data), true) . ");\n\n?>");
			@flock($fp, LOCK_UN);

			phpbb_chmod($this->cache_file, CHMOD_WRITE);

* Replacement or substitute for PHP's mail command
function smtpmail($addresses, $subject, $message, &$err_msg, $headers = '')
	global $config, $user;

	// Fix any bare linefeeds in the message to make it RFC821 Compliant.
	$message = preg_replace("#(?<!\r)\n#si", "\r\n", $message);

	if ($headers != '')
		if (is_array($headers))
			$headers = (sizeof($headers) > 1) ? join("\n", $headers) : $headers[0];
		$headers = chop($headers);

		// Make sure there are no bare linefeeds in the headers
		$headers = preg_replace('#(?<!\r)\n#si', "\r\n", $headers);

		// Ok this is rather confusing all things considered,
		// but we have to grab bcc and cc headers and treat them differently
		// Something we really didn't take into consideration originally
		$header_array = explode("\r\n", $headers);
		$headers = '';

		foreach ($header_array as $header)
			if (strpos(strtolower($header), 'cc:') === 0 || strpos(strtolower($header), 'bcc:') === 0)
				$header = '';
			$headers .= ($header != '') ? $header . "\r\n" : '';

		$headers = chop($headers);

	if (trim($subject) == '')
		$err_msg = (isset($user->lang['NO_EMAIL_SUBJECT'])) ? $user->lang['NO_EMAIL_SUBJECT'] : 'No email subject specified';
		return false;

	if (trim($message) == '')
		$err_msg = (isset($user->lang['NO_EMAIL_MESSAGE'])) ? $user->lang['NO_EMAIL_MESSAGE'] : 'Email message was blank';
		return false;

	$mail_rcpt = $mail_to = $mail_cc = array();

	// Build correct addresses for RCPT TO command and the client side display (TO, CC)
	if (isset($addresses['to']) && sizeof($addresses['to']))
		foreach ($addresses['to'] as $which_ary)
			$mail_to[] = ($which_ary['name'] != '') ? mail_encode(trim($which_ary['name'])) . ' <' . trim($which_ary['email']) . '>' : '<' . trim($which_ary['email']) . '>';
			$mail_rcpt['to'][] = '<' . trim($which_ary['email']) . '>';

	if (isset($addresses['bcc']) && sizeof($addresses['bcc']))
		foreach ($addresses['bcc'] as $which_ary)
			$mail_rcpt['bcc'][] = '<' . trim($which_ary['email']) . '>';

	if (isset($addresses['cc']) && sizeof($addresses['cc']))
		foreach ($addresses['cc'] as $which_ary)
			$mail_cc[] = ($which_ary['name'] != '') ? mail_encode(trim($which_ary['name'])) . ' <' . trim($which_ary['email']) . '>' : '<' . trim($which_ary['email']) . '>';
			$mail_rcpt['cc'][] = '<' . trim($which_ary['email']) . '>';

	$smtp = new smtp_class();

	$errno = 0;
	$errstr = '';

	$smtp->add_backtrace('Connecting to ' . $config['smtp_host'] . ':' . $config['smtp_port']);

	// Ok we have error checked as much as we can to this point let's get on it already.
	$smtp->socket = fsockopen($config['smtp_host'], $config['smtp_port'], $errno, $errstr, 20);
	$error_contents = ob_get_clean();

	if (!$smtp->socket)
		if ($errstr)
			$errstr = utf8_convert_message($errstr);

		$err_msg = (isset($user->lang['NO_CONNECT_TO_SMTP_HOST'])) ? sprintf($user->lang['NO_CONNECT_TO_SMTP_HOST'], $errno, $errstr) : "Could not connect to smtp host : $errno : $errstr";
		$err_msg .= ($error_contents) ? '<br /><br />' . htmlspecialchars($error_contents) : '';
		return false;

	// Wait for reply
	if ($err_msg = $smtp->server_parse('220', __LINE__))
		return false;

	// Let me in. This function handles the complete authentication process
	if ($err_msg = $smtp->log_into_server($config['smtp_host'], $config['smtp_username'], $config['smtp_password'], $config['smtp_auth_method']))
		return false;

	// From this point onward most server response codes should be 250
	// Specify who the mail is from....
	$smtp->server_send('MAIL FROM:<' . $config['board_email'] . '>');
	if ($err_msg = $smtp->server_parse('250', __LINE__))
		return false;

	// Specify each user to send to and build to header.
	$to_header = implode(', ', $mail_to);
	$cc_header = implode(', ', $mail_cc);

	// Now tell the MTA to send the Message to the following people... [TO, BCC, CC]
	$rcpt = false;
	foreach ($mail_rcpt as $type => $mail_to_addresses)
		foreach ($mail_to_addresses as $mail_to_address)
			// Add an additional bit of error checking to the To field.
			if (preg_match('#[^ ]+\@[^ ]+#', $mail_to_address))
				$smtp->server_send("RCPT TO:$mail_to_address");
				if ($err_msg = $smtp->server_parse('250', __LINE__))
					// We continue... if users are not resolved we do not care
					if ($smtp->numeric_response_code != 550)
						return false;
					$rcpt = true;

	// We try to send messages even if a few people do not seem to have valid email addresses, but if no one has, we have to exit here.
	if (!$rcpt)
		$err_msg .= '<br /><br />';
		$err_msg .= (isset($user->lang['INVALID_EMAIL_LOG'])) ? sprintf($user->lang['INVALID_EMAIL_LOG'], htmlspecialchars($mail_to_address)) : '<strong>' . htmlspecialchars($mail_to_address) . '</strong> possibly an invalid email address?';
		return false;

	// Ok now we tell the server we are ready to start sending data

	// This is the last response code we look for until the end of the message.
	if ($err_msg = $smtp->server_parse('354', __LINE__))
		return false;

	// Send the Subject Line...
	$smtp->server_send("Subject: $subject");

	// Now the To Header.
	$to_header = ($to_header == '') ? 'undisclosed-recipients:;' : $to_header;
	$smtp->server_send("To: $to_header");

	// Now the CC Header.
	if ($cc_header != '')
		$smtp->server_send("CC: $cc_header");

	// Now any custom headers....

	// Ok now we are ready for the message...

	// Ok the all the ingredients are mixed in let's cook this puppy...
	if ($err_msg = $smtp->server_parse('250', __LINE__))
		return false;

	// Now tell the server we are done and close the socket...

	return true;

* SMTP Class
* Auth Mechanisms originally taken from the AUTH Modules found within the PHP Extension and Application Repository (PEAR)
* See docs/AUTHORS for more details
* @package phpBB3
class smtp_class
	var $server_response = '';
	var $socket = 0;
	var $responses = array();
	var $commands = array();
	var $numeric_response_code = 0;

	var $backtrace = false;
	var $backtrace_log = array();

	function smtp_class()
		// Always create a backtrace for admins to identify SMTP problems
		$this->backtrace = true;
		$this->backtrace_log = array();

	* Add backtrace message for debugging
	function add_backtrace($message)
		if ($this->backtrace)
			$this->backtrace_log[] = utf8_htmlspecialchars($message);

	* Send command to smtp server
	function server_send($command, $private_info = false)
		fputs($this->socket, $command . "\r\n");

		(!$private_info) ? $this->add_backtrace("# $command") : $this->add_backtrace('# Omitting sensitive information');

		// We could put additional code here

	* We use the line to give the support people an indication at which command the error occurred
	function server_parse($response, $line)
		global $user;

		$this->server_response = '';
		$this->responses = array();
		$this->numeric_response_code = 0;

		while (substr($this->server_response, 3, 1) != ' ')
			if (!($this->server_response = fgets($this->socket, 256)))
				return (isset($user->lang['NO_EMAIL_RESPONSE_CODE'])) ? $user->lang['NO_EMAIL_RESPONSE_CODE'] : 'Could not get mail server response codes';
			$this->responses[] = substr(rtrim($this->server_response), 4);
			$this->numeric_response_code = (int) substr($this->server_response, 0, 3);

			$this->add_backtrace("LINE: $line <- {$this->server_response}");

		if (!(substr($this->server_response, 0, 3) == $response))
			$this->numeric_response_code = (int) substr($this->server_response, 0, 3);
			return (isset($user->lang['EMAIL_SMTP_ERROR_RESPONSE'])) ? sprintf($user->lang['EMAIL_SMTP_ERROR_RESPONSE'], $line, $this->server_response) : "Ran into problems sending Mail at <strong>Line $line</strong>. Response: $this->server_response";

		return 0;

	* Close session
	function close_session(&$err_msg)

		if ($this->backtrace)
			$message = '<h1>Backtrace</h1><p>' . implode('<br />', $this->backtrace_log) . '</p>';
			$err_msg .= $message;

	* Log into server and get possible auth codes if neccessary
	function log_into_server($hostname, $username, $password, $default_auth_method)
		global $user;

		$err_msg = '';
		$local_host = (function_exists('php_uname')) ? php_uname('n') : $user->host;

		// If we are authenticating through pop-before-smtp, we
		// have to login ones before we get authenticated
		// NOTE: on some configurations the time between an update of the auth database takes so
		// long that the first email send does not work. This is not a biggie on a live board (only
		// the install mail will most likely fail) - but on a dynamic ip connection this might produce
		// severe problems and is not fixable!
		if ($default_auth_method == 'POP-BEFORE-SMTP' && $username && $password)
			global $config;

			$errno = 0;
			$errstr = '';


			$result = $this->pop_before_smtp($hostname, $username, $password);
			$username = $password = $default_auth_method = '';

			// We need to close the previous session, else the server is not
			// able to get our ip for matching...
			if (!$this->socket = @fsockopen($config['smtp_host'], $config['smtp_port'], $errno, $errstr, 10))
				if ($errstr)
					$errstr = utf8_convert_message($errstr);

				$err_msg = (isset($user->lang['NO_CONNECT_TO_SMTP_HOST'])) ? sprintf($user->lang['NO_CONNECT_TO_SMTP_HOST'], $errno, $errstr) : "Could not connect to smtp host : $errno : $errstr";
				return $err_msg;

			// Wait for reply
			if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('220', __LINE__))
				return $err_msg;

		// Try EHLO first
		$this->server_send("EHLO {$local_host}");
		if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('250', __LINE__))
			// a 503 response code means that we're already authenticated
			if ($this->numeric_response_code == 503)
				return false;

			// If EHLO fails, we try HELO
			$this->server_send("HELO {$local_host}");
			if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('250', __LINE__))
				return ($this->numeric_response_code == 503) ? false : $err_msg;

		foreach ($this->responses as $response)
			$response = explode(' ', $response);
			$response_code = $response[0];
			$this->commands[$response_code] = implode(' ', $response);

		// If we are not authenticated yet, something might be wrong if no username and passwd passed
		if (!$username || !$password)
			return false;

		if (!isset($this->commands['AUTH']))
			return (isset($user->lang['SMTP_NO_AUTH_SUPPORT'])) ? $user->lang['SMTP_NO_AUTH_SUPPORT'] : 'SMTP server does not support authentication';

		// Get best authentication method
		$available_methods = explode(' ', $this->commands['AUTH']);

		// Define the auth ordering if the default auth method was not found
		$auth_methods = array('PLAIN', 'LOGIN', 'CRAM-MD5', 'DIGEST-MD5');
		$method = '';

		if (in_array($default_auth_method, $available_methods))
			$method = $default_auth_method;
			foreach ($auth_methods as $_method)
				if (in_array($_method, $available_methods))
					$method = $_method;

		if (!$method)
			return (isset($user->lang['NO_SUPPORTED_AUTH_METHODS'])) ? $user->lang['NO_SUPPORTED_AUTH_METHODS'] : 'No supported authentication methods';

		$method = strtolower(str_replace('-', '_', $method));
		return $this->$method($username, $password);

	* Pop before smtp authentication
	function pop_before_smtp($hostname, $username, $password)
		global $user;

		if (!$this->socket = @fsockopen($hostname, 110, $errno, $errstr, 10))
			if ($errstr)
				$errstr = utf8_convert_message($errstr);

			return (isset($user->lang['NO_CONNECT_TO_SMTP_HOST'])) ? sprintf($user->lang['NO_CONNECT_TO_SMTP_HOST'], $errno, $errstr) : "Could not connect to smtp host : $errno : $errstr";

		$this->server_send("USER $username", true);
		if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('+OK', __LINE__))
			return $err_msg;

		$this->server_send("PASS $password", true);
		if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('+OK', __LINE__))
			return $err_msg;


		return false;

	* Plain authentication method
	function plain($username, $password)
		$this->server_send('AUTH PLAIN');
		if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('334', __LINE__))
			return ($this->numeric_response_code == 503) ? false : $err_msg;

		$base64_method_plain = base64_encode("\0" . $username . "\0" . $password);
		$this->server_send($base64_method_plain, true);
		if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('235', __LINE__))
			return $err_msg;

		return false;

	* Login authentication method
	function login($username, $password)
		$this->server_send('AUTH LOGIN');
		if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('334', __LINE__))
			return ($this->numeric_response_code == 503) ? false : $err_msg;

		$this->server_send(base64_encode($username), true);
		if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('334', __LINE__))
			return $err_msg;

		$this->server_send(base64_encode($password), true);
		if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('235', __LINE__))
			return $err_msg;

		return false;

	* cram_md5 authentication method
	function cram_md5($username, $password)
		$this->server_send('AUTH CRAM-MD5');
		if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('334', __LINE__))
			return ($this->numeric_response_code == 503) ? false : $err_msg;

		$md5_challenge = base64_decode($this->responses[0]);
		$password = (strlen($password) > 64) ? pack('H32', md5($password)) : ((strlen($password) < 64) ? str_pad($password, 64, chr(0)) : $password);
		$md5_digest = md5((substr($password, 0, 64) ^ str_repeat(chr(0x5C), 64)) . (pack('H32', md5((substr($password, 0, 64) ^ str_repeat(chr(0x36), 64)) . $md5_challenge))));

		$base64_method_cram_md5 = base64_encode($username . ' ' . $md5_digest);

		$this->server_send($base64_method_cram_md5, true);
		if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('235', __LINE__))
			return $err_msg;

		return false;

	* digest_md5 authentication method
	* A real pain in the ***
	function digest_md5($username, $password)
		global $config, $user;

		$this->server_send('AUTH DIGEST-MD5');
		if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('334', __LINE__))
			return ($this->numeric_response_code == 503) ? false : $err_msg;

		$md5_challenge = base64_decode($this->responses[0]);

		// Parse the md5 challenge - from AUTH_SASL (PEAR)
		$tokens = array();
		while (preg_match('/^([a-z-]+)=("[^"]+(?<!\\\)"|[^,]+)/i', $md5_challenge, $matches))
			// Ignore these as per rfc2831
			if ($matches[1] == 'opaque' || $matches[1] == 'domain')
				$md5_challenge = substr($md5_challenge, strlen($matches[0]) + 1);

			// Allowed multiple "realm" and "auth-param"
			if (!empty($tokens[$matches[1]]) && ($matches[1] == 'realm' || $matches[1] == 'auth-param'))
				if (is_array($tokens[$matches[1]]))
					$tokens[$matches[1]][] = preg_replace('/^"(.*)"$/', '\\1', $matches[2]);
					$tokens[$matches[1]] = array($tokens[$matches[1]], preg_replace('/^"(.*)"$/', '\\1', $matches[2]));
			else if (!empty($tokens[$matches[1]])) // Any other multiple instance = failure
				$tokens = array();
				$tokens[$matches[1]] = preg_replace('/^"(.*)"$/', '\\1', $matches[2]);

			// Remove the just parsed directive from the challenge
			$md5_challenge = substr($md5_challenge, strlen($matches[0]) + 1);

		// Realm
		if (empty($tokens['realm']))
			$tokens['realm'] = (function_exists('php_uname')) ? php_uname('n') : $user->host;

		// Maxbuf
		if (empty($tokens['maxbuf']))
			$tokens['maxbuf'] = 65536;

		// Required: nonce, algorithm
		if (empty($tokens['nonce']) || empty($tokens['algorithm']))
			$tokens = array();
		$md5_challenge = $tokens;

		if (!empty($md5_challenge))
			$str = '';
			for ($i = 0; $i < 32; $i++)
				$str .= chr(mt_rand(0, 255));
			$cnonce = base64_encode($str);

			$digest_uri = 'smtp/' . $config['smtp_host'];

			$auth_1 = sprintf('%s:%s:%s', pack('H32', md5(sprintf('%s:%s:%s', $username, $md5_challenge['realm'], $password))), $md5_challenge['nonce'], $cnonce);
			$auth_2 = 'AUTHENTICATE:' . $digest_uri;
			$response_value = md5(sprintf('%s:%s:00000001:%s:auth:%s', md5($auth_1), $md5_challenge['nonce'], $cnonce, md5($auth_2)));

			$input_string = sprintf('username="%s",realm="%s",nonce="%s",cnonce="%s",nc="00000001",qop=auth,digest-uri="%s",response=%s,%d', $username, $md5_challenge['realm'], $md5_challenge['nonce'], $cnonce, $digest_uri, $response_value, $md5_challenge['maxbuf']);
			return (isset($user->lang['INVALID_DIGEST_CHALLENGE'])) ? $user->lang['INVALID_DIGEST_CHALLENGE'] : 'Invalid digest challenge';

		$base64_method_digest_md5 = base64_encode($input_string);
		$this->server_send($base64_method_digest_md5, true);
		if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('334', __LINE__))
			return $err_msg;

		$this->server_send(' ');
		if ($err_msg = $this->server_parse('235', __LINE__))
			return $err_msg;

		return false;

* Encodes the given string for proper display in UTF-8.
* This version is using base64 encoded data. The downside of this
* is if the mail client does not understand this encoding the user
* is basically doomed with an unreadable subject.
* Please note that this version fully supports RFC 2045 section 6.8.
function mail_encode($str)
	// define start delimimter, end delimiter and spacer
	$start = "=?UTF-8?B?";
	$end = "?=";
	$spacer = $end . ' ' . $start;
	$split_length = 64;

	$encoded_str = base64_encode($str);

	// If encoded string meets the limits, we just return with the correct data.
	if (strlen($encoded_str) <= $split_length)
		return $start . $encoded_str . $end;

	// If there is only ASCII data, we just return what we want, correctly splitting the lines.
	if (strlen($str) === utf8_strlen($str))
		return $start . implode($spacer, str_split($encoded_str, $split_length)) . $end;

	// UTF-8 data, compose encoded lines
	$array = utf8_str_split($str);
	$str = '';

	while (sizeof($array))
		$text = '';

		while (sizeof($array) && intval((strlen($text . $array[0]) + 2) / 3) << 2 <= $split_length)
			$text .= array_shift($array);

		$str .= $start . base64_encode($text) . $end . ' ';

	return substr($str, 0, -1);

Gruß Martin
Advanced Block MOD 1.1.4 ist released! - Verhindere Spam auf Deinem phpBB3 Board mit Stop Forum Spam, BotScout, Akismet, Project Honey Pot und verschiedenen IP-RBL und Domain-RBL DNS Blacklisten! - Meine MODs - phpBB Complete Core
Martin Truckenbrodt
Beiträge: 1143
Registriert: 15.08.2003 23:16
Wohnort: Südthüringen

Re: Newsletter Mod gesucht

Beitrag von Martin Truckenbrodt »

Hallo amilo,
ich habe doch noch ein bißchen Zeit.
Ich habe schon einmal ein fehlendes edit in der includes/functions_messenger.php gefunden:

Code: Alles auswählen

				<find><![CDATA[	var $tpl_msg = array();
				<action type="after-add"><![CDATA[	var $use_html = false;
Ich vermute, das ist die Ursache für das von Dir geschilderte Problem.

Falls ich noch Weiterers finden sollte, werde ich es in diesem Beitrag hier gänzen.

Gruß Martin
Advanced Block MOD 1.1.4 ist released! - Verhindere Spam auf Deinem phpBB3 Board mit Stop Forum Spam, BotScout, Akismet, Project Honey Pot und verschiedenen IP-RBL und Domain-RBL DNS Blacklisten! - Meine MODs - phpBB Complete Core
Beiträge: 337
Registriert: 19.07.2006 15:21
Wohnort: Holzgerlingen

Re: Newsletter Mod gesucht

Beitrag von amilo »

Mit deiner functions_messenger bekomme ich wieder die normalen Board Mails, jedoch keinen Newsletter.
Nach der Änderung passiert nichts mehr.

Vll. bau ich alles nochmal komplett neu ein.
Es eilt auf jedem Fall nicht. Also mach dir keinen Stress.

Martin Truckenbrodt
Beiträge: 1143
Registriert: 15.08.2003 23:16
Wohnort: Südthüringen

Re: Newsletter Mod gesucht

Beitrag von Martin Truckenbrodt »

Hallo amilo,
die Änderung war in meiner Datei bereits drinnen. Sie hat in der install.xml gefehlt.

Gruß Martin
Advanced Block MOD 1.1.4 ist released! - Verhindere Spam auf Deinem phpBB3 Board mit Stop Forum Spam, BotScout, Akismet, Project Honey Pot und verschiedenen IP-RBL und Domain-RBL DNS Blacklisten! - Meine MODs - phpBB Complete Core
Beiträge: 337
Registriert: 19.07.2006 15:21
Wohnort: Holzgerlingen

Re: Newsletter Mod gesucht

Beitrag von amilo »

Upps, übersehn^^ Hat sich aber leider nichts geändert. Sobald der original includes Ordner hochgeladen wurde, erhalte ich die Mails ansonsten nicht.

Zurück zu „[3.0.x] Mod Suche/Anfragen“