Seite 28 von 34

Re: [RC1] jQ User Map api3 v.0.9.0

Verfasst: 02.02.2014 14:46
von BNa
whitethunder hat geschrieben: Nach dem Automod Install bekomme ich oberhalb folgenden Fehler angezeigt:
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/functions.php on line 4831: Undefined variable: config_user_map_weather
Vorausgesetzt, Automod hat richtig gearbeitet, dann sollte kein Fehler sein
und folgender Code in der includes/functions.php stehen (bitte überprüfen):




Code: Alles auswählen

    if (!empty($_EXTRA_URL))
        foreach ($_EXTRA_URL as $url_param)
            $url_param = explode('=', $url_param, 2);
            $s_hidden_fields[$url_param[0]] = $url_param[1];

Code: Alles auswählen

   // jQ User Map api3  / 4seven / 2012
   $config_user_map_weather = $config['user_map_weather'];
   $config_user_map_weather = 1;   
   // jQ User Map api3  / 4seven / 2012  

Code: Alles auswählen

    'S_DISPLAY_MEMBERLIST'    => (isset($auth)) ? $auth->acl_get('u_viewprofile') : 0,

Code: Alles auswählen

        // jQ User Map api3  / 4seven / 2012
        'USER_MAP_IMG'          => "{$phpbb_root_path}images/user_map.png",
        'U_USER_MAP'        => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}user_weather/user_map.$phpEx"),
        'S_USER_WEATHER_MAP'    =>  ($config_user_map_weather == 1) ? true : false,
        // jQ User Map api3  / 4seven / 2012  

Re: [RC1] jQ User Map api3 v.0.9.0

Verfasst: 02.02.2014 16:50
von Miriam
Also von meinem Tablet aus kann ich in der MOD keine SQL Anweisung finden, die eine Variable $config['user_map_weather'] begründen könnte.
Das nur als Hinweis.

Re: [RC1] jQ User Map api3 v.0.9.0

Verfasst: 02.02.2014 19:35
von whitethunder
Habe das so eingepflegt...jedoch ist jetzt der Erdkugel komplett weg :o Fehler wird nicht mehr angezeigt. Und die Felder im eig. Profil sind auch vorhanden.

Code: Alles auswählen

$tapatalk_dir = !empty($config['tapatalkdir']) ? $config['tapatalkdir'] : 'mobiquo';
		include $phpbb_root_path.$tapatalk_dir.'/hook/head_output_hook.php';
	if (strpos($user_lang, '-x-') !== false)
		$user_lang = substr($user_lang, 0, strpos($user_lang, '-x-'));

	$s_search_hidden_fields = array();
	if ($_SID)
		$s_search_hidden_fields['sid'] = $_SID;

   // jQ User Map api3  / 4seven / 2012
   $config_user_map_weather = $config['user_map_weather'];
   $config_user_map_weather = 1;   
   // jQ User Map api3  / 4seven / 2012

	if (class_exists('phpbb_gallery_integration'))


	if (class_exists('phpbb_gallery_integration'))
	// The following assigns all _common_ variables that may be used at any point in a template.
		'SITENAME'						=> $config['sitename'],
		'SITE_DESCRIPTION'				=> $config['site_desc'],
		'PAGE_TITLE'					=> $page_title,
		'SCRIPT_NAME'					=> str_replace('.' . $phpEx, '', $user->page['page_name']),
		'LAST_VISIT_DATE'				=> sprintf($user->lang['YOU_LAST_VISIT'], $s_last_visit),
		'LAST_VISIT_YOU'				=> $s_last_visit,
		'CURRENT_TIME'					=> sprintf($user->lang['CURRENT_TIME'], $user->format_date(time(), false, true)),
		'TOTAL_USERS_ONLINE'			=> $l_online_users,
		'LOGGED_IN_USER_LIST'			=> $online_userlist,
		'RECORD_USERS'					=> $l_online_record,
		'PRIVATE_MESSAGE_INFO'			=> $l_privmsgs_text,
		'PRIVATE_MESSAGE_INFO_UNREAD'	=> $l_privmsgs_text_unread,

		'S_USER_NEW_PRIVMSG'			=> $user->data['user_new_privmsg'],
		'S_USER_UNREAD_PRIVMSG'			=> $user->data['user_unread_privmsg'],
		'S_USER_NEW'					=> $user->data['user_new'],

		'SID'				=> $SID,
		'_SID'				=> $_SID,
		'SESSION_ID'		=> $user->session_id,
		'ROOT_PATH'			=> $phpbb_root_path,
	    //tapatalk add
		'TAPATALK_HEAD'     => $app_head_include,
		'BOARD_URL'			=> $board_url,

		'L_LOGIN_LOGOUT'	=> $l_login_logout,
		'L_INDEX'			=> $user->lang['FORUM_INDEX'],
		'L_ONLINE_EXPLAIN'	=> $l_online_time,
'U_IMPRESSUM'  		=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}impressum.$phpEx"),

		'U_PORTAL'				=> (isset($config['board3_enable']) && $config['board3_enable'] && $auth->acl_get('u_view_portal')) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}portal.$phpEx") : '',
		'U_PRIVATEMSGS'			=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'i=pm&folder=inbox'),
		'U_RETURN_INBOX'		=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'i=pm&folder=inbox'),
		'U_POPUP_PM'			=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'i=pm&mode=popup'),
		'UA_POPUP_PM'			=> addslashes(append_sid((!empty($phpbb_seo) ? $phpbb_seo->seo_path['phpbb_url'] : $phpbb_root_path) . "ucp.$phpEx", 'i=pm&mode=popup')),
		'U_MEMBERLIST'			=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}memberlist.$phpEx"),
		'U_VIEWONLINE'			=> ($auth->acl_gets('u_viewprofile', 'a_user', 'a_useradd', 'a_userdel')) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewonline.$phpEx") : '',
		'U_LOGIN_LOGOUT'		=> $u_login_logout,
		'U_INDEX'				=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}index.$phpEx"),
		'U_SEARCH'				=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}search.$phpEx"),
		'U_REGISTER'			=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'mode=register'),
		'U_PROFILE'				=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx"),
		'U_MODCP'				=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.$phpEx", false, true, $user->session_id),
		'U_FAQ'					=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}faq.$phpEx"),
		'U_SEARCH_SELF'			=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}search.$phpEx", 'search_id=egosearch'),
		'U_SEARCH_NEW'			=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}search.$phpEx", 'search_id=newposts'),
		'U_SEARCH_UNANSWERED'	=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}search.$phpEx", 'search_id=unanswered'),
		'U_SEARCH_UNREAD'		=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}search.$phpEx", 'search_id=unreadposts'),
		'U_SEARCH_ACTIVE_TOPICS'=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}search.$phpEx", 'search_id=active_topics'),
		'U_DELETE_COOKIES'		=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'mode=delete_cookies'),
		'U_TEAM'				=> ($user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS && !$auth->acl_get('u_viewprofile')) ? '' : append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}memberlist.$phpEx", 'mode=leaders'),
		'U_TERMS_USE'			=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'mode=terms'),
		'U_PRIVACY'				=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'mode=privacy'),
		'U_RESTORE_PERMISSIONS'	=> ($user->data['user_perm_from'] && $auth->acl_get('a_switchperm')) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'mode=restore_perm') : '',
		'U_FEED'				=> generate_board_url() . "/feed.$phpEx",

		'S_USER_LOGGED_IN'		=> ($user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS) ? true : false,
		'S_AUTOLOGIN_ENABLED'	=> ($config['allow_autologin']) ? true : false,
		'S_BOARD_DISABLED'		=> ($config['board_disable']) ? true : false,
		'S_REGISTERED_USER'		=> (!empty($user->data['is_registered'])) ? true : false,
		'S_IS_BOT'				=> (!empty($user->data['is_bot'])) ? true : false,
		'S_USER_PM_POPUP'		=> $user->optionget('popuppm'),
		'S_USER_LANG'			=> $user_lang,
		'S_USER_BROWSER'		=> (isset($user->data['session_browser'])) ? $user->data['session_browser'] : $user->lang['UNKNOWN_BROWSER'],
		'S_USERNAME'			=> $user->data['username'],
		'S_CONTENT_DIRECTION'	=> $user->lang['DIRECTION'],
		'S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN'	=> ($user->lang['DIRECTION'] == 'ltr') ? 'left' : 'right',
		'S_CONTENT_FLOW_END'	=> ($user->lang['DIRECTION'] == 'ltr') ? 'right' : 'left',
		'S_TIMEZONE'			=> ($user->data['user_dst'] || ($user->data['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS && $config['board_dst'])) ? sprintf($user->lang['ALL_TIMES'], $user->lang['tz'][$tz], $user->lang['tz']['dst']) : sprintf($user->lang['ALL_TIMES'], $user->lang['tz'][$tz], ''),
		'S_DISPLAY_ONLINE_LIST'	=> ($l_online_time) ? 1 : 0,
		'S_DISPLAY_SEARCH'		=> (!$config['load_search']) ? 0 : (isset($auth) ? ($auth->acl_get('u_search') && $auth->acl_getf_global('f_search')) : 1),
		'S_DISPLAY_PM'			=> ($config['allow_privmsg'] && !empty($user->data['is_registered']) && ($auth->acl_get('u_readpm') || $auth->acl_get('u_sendpm'))) ? true : false,
		        // jQ User Map api3  / 4seven / 2012
        'USER_MAP_IMG'          => "{$phpbb_root_path}images/user_map.png",
        'U_USER_MAP'        => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}user_weather/user_map.$phpEx"),
        'S_USER_WEATHER_MAP'    =>  ($config_user_map_weather == 1) ? true : false,
        // jQ User Map api3  / 4seven / 2012  
		// jQ User Map api3  / 4seven / 2012
		'USER_MAP_IMG'          => "{$phpbb_root_path}images/user_map.png",
		'U_USER_MAP'		=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}user_weather/user_map.$phpEx"),
		'S_USER_WEATHER_MAP'	=>  ($config_user_map_weather == 1) ? true : false,
		// jQ User Map api3  / 4seven / 2012
		'S_NEW_PM'				=> ($s_privmsg_new) ? 1 : 0,
		'S_REGISTER_ENABLED'	=> ($config['require_activation'] != USER_ACTIVATION_DISABLE) ? true : false,
		'S_FORUM_ID'			=> $forum_id,
		'S_TOPIC_ID'			=> $topic_id,

		'S_LOGIN_ACTION'		=> ((!defined('ADMIN_START')) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'mode=login') : append_sid("index.$phpEx", false, true, $user->session_id)),
		'S_LOGIN_REDIRECT'		=> build_hidden_fields(array('redirect' => build_url())),

		'S_ENABLE_FEEDS'			=> ($config['feed_enable']) ? true : false,
		'S_ENABLE_FEEDS_OVERALL'	=> ($config['feed_overall']) ? true : false,
		'S_ENABLE_FEEDS_FORUMS'		=> ($config['feed_overall_forums']) ? true : false,
		'S_ENABLE_FEEDS_TOPICS'		=> ($config['feed_topics_new']) ? true : false,
		'S_ENABLE_FEEDS_TOPICS_ACTIVE'	=> ($config['feed_topics_active']) ? true : false,
		'S_ENABLE_FEEDS_NEWS'		=> ($s_feed_news) ? true : false,

		'S_LOAD_UNREADS'			=> ($config['load_unreads_search'] && ($config['load_anon_lastread'] || $user->data['is_registered'])) ? true : false,

		'S_SEARCH_HIDDEN_FIELDS'	=> build_hidden_fields($s_search_hidden_fields),

		'T_THEME_PATH'			=> "{$web_path}styles/" . rawurlencode($user->theme['theme_path']) . '/theme',
		'T_TEMPLATE_PATH'		=> "{$web_path}styles/" . rawurlencode($user->theme['template_path']) . '/template',
		'T_SUPER_TEMPLATE_PATH'	=> (isset($user->theme['template_inherit_path']) && $user->theme['template_inherit_path']) ? "{$web_path}styles/" . rawurlencode($user->theme['template_inherit_path']) . '/template' : "{$web_path}styles/" . rawurlencode($user->theme['template_path']) . '/template',
		'T_IMAGESET_PATH'		=> "{$web_path}styles/" . rawurlencode($user->theme['imageset_path']) . '/imageset',
		'T_IMAGESET_LANG_PATH'	=> "{$web_path}styles/" . rawurlencode($user->theme['imageset_path']) . '/imageset/' . $user->lang_name,
		'T_IMAGES_PATH'			=> "{$web_path}images/",
		'T_SMILIES_PATH'		=> "{$web_path}{$config['smilies_path']}/",
		'T_AVATAR_PATH'			=> "{$web_path}{$config['avatar_path']}/",
		'T_AVATAR_GALLERY_PATH'	=> "{$web_path}{$config['avatar_gallery_path']}/",
		'T_ICONS_PATH'			=> "{$web_path}{$config['icons_path']}/",
		'T_RANKS_PATH'			=> "{$web_path}{$config['ranks_path']}/",
		'T_UPLOAD_PATH'			=> "{$web_path}{$config['upload_path']}/",
		'T_STYLESHEET_LINK'		=> (!$user->theme['theme_storedb']) ? "{$web_path}styles/" . rawurlencode($user->theme['theme_path']) . '/theme/stylesheet.css' : append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}style.$phpEx", 'id=' . $user->theme['style_id'] . '&lang=' . $user->lang_name),
		'T_STYLESHEET_NAME'		=> $user->theme['theme_name'],

		'T_THEME_NAME'			=> rawurlencode($user->theme['theme_path']),
		'T_TEMPLATE_NAME'		=> rawurlencode($user->theme['template_path']),
		'T_SUPER_TEMPLATE_NAME'	=> rawurlencode((isset($user->theme['template_inherit_path']) && $user->theme['template_inherit_path']) ? $user->theme['template_inherit_path'] : $user->theme['template_path']),
		'T_IMAGESET_NAME'		=> rawurlencode($user->theme['imageset_path']),
		'T_IMAGESET_LANG_NAME'	=> $user->data['user_lang'],
		'T_IMAGES'				=> 'images',
		'T_SMILIES'				=> $config['smilies_path'],
		'T_AVATAR'				=> $config['avatar_path'],
		'T_AVATAR_GALLERY'		=> $config['avatar_gallery_path'],
		'T_ICONS'				=> $config['icons_path'],
		'T_RANKS'				=> $config['ranks_path'],
		'T_UPLOAD'				=> $config['upload_path'],

		'SITE_LOGO_IMG'			=> $user->img('site_logo'),

		'A_COOKIE_SETTINGS'		=> addslashes('; path=' . $config['cookie_path'] . ((!$config['cookie_domain'] || $config['cookie_domain'] == 'localhost' || $config['cookie_domain'] == '') ? '' : '; domain=' . $config['cookie_domain']) . ((!$config['cookie_secure']) ? '' : '; secure')),

	// application/xhtml+xml not used because of IE
	header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');

	header('Cache-Control: private, no-cache="set-cookie"');
	header('Expires: 0');
	header('Pragma: no-cache');

	if (!empty($user->data['is_bot']))
		// Let reverse proxies know we detected a bot.
		header('X-PHPBB-IS-BOT: yes');


* Generate page footer
function page_footer($run_cron = true)
	global $db, $config, $template, $user, $auth, $cache, $starttime, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;
	global $phpbb_seo;
	if (!empty($phpbb_seo)) {

	// Output page creation time
	if (defined('DEBUG'))
		$mtime = explode(' ', microtime());
		$totaltime = $mtime[0] + $mtime[1] - $starttime;

		if (!empty($_REQUEST['explain']) && $auth->acl_get('a_') && defined('DEBUG_EXTRA') && method_exists($db, 'sql_report'))

		$debug_output = sprintf('Time : %.3fs | ' . $db->sql_num_queries() . ' Queries | GZIP : ' . (($config['gzip_compress'] && @extension_loaded('zlib')) ? 'On' : 'Off') . (($user->load) ? ' | Load : ' . $user->load : ''), $totaltime);

		if ($auth->acl_get('a_') && defined('DEBUG_EXTRA'))
			if (function_exists('memory_get_usage'))
				if ($memory_usage = memory_get_usage())
					global $base_memory_usage;
					$memory_usage -= $base_memory_usage;
					$memory_usage = get_formatted_filesize($memory_usage);

					$debug_output .= ' | Memory Usage: ' . $memory_usage;

			$debug_output .= ' | <a href="' . build_url() . '&explain=1">Explain</a>';

		'DEBUG_OUTPUT'			=> (defined('DEBUG')) ? $debug_output : '',
		'TRANSLATION_INFO'		=> (!empty($user->lang['TRANSLATION_INFO'])) ? $user->lang['TRANSLATION_INFO'] : '',
		'CREDIT_LINE'			=> $user->lang('POWERED_BY', '<a href="">phpBB</a>&reg; Forum Software &copy; phpBB Group'),

		'U_ACP' => ($auth->acl_get('a_') && !empty($user->data['is_registered'])) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}adm/index.$phpEx", false, true, $user->session_id) : '')

	// Call cron-type script
	$call_cron = false;
	if (!defined('IN_CRON') && $run_cron && !$config['board_disable'] && !$user->data['is_bot'])
		$call_cron = true;
		$time_now = (!empty($user->time_now) && is_int($user->time_now)) ? $user->time_now : time();

		// Any old lock present?
		if (!empty($config['cron_lock']))
			$cron_time = explode(' ', $config['cron_lock']);

			// If 1 hour lock is present we do not call cron.php
			if ($cron_time[0] + 3600 >= $time_now)
				$call_cron = false;

	// Call cron job?
	if ($call_cron)
		$cron_type = '';

		if ($time_now - $config['queue_interval'] > $config['last_queue_run'] && !defined('IN_ADMIN') && file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'cache/queue.' . $phpEx))
			// Process email queue
			$cron_type = 'queue';
		else if (method_exists($cache, 'tidy') && $time_now - $config['cache_gc'] > $config['cache_last_gc'])
			// Tidy the cache
			$cron_type = 'tidy_cache';
		else if ($config['warnings_expire_days'] && ($time_now - $config['warnings_gc'] > $config['warnings_last_gc']))
			$cron_type = 'tidy_warnings';
		else if ($time_now - $config['database_gc'] > $config['database_last_gc'])
			// Tidy the database
			$cron_type = 'tidy_database';
		else if ($time_now - $config['search_gc'] > $config['search_last_gc'])
			// Tidy the search
			$cron_type = 'tidy_search';
		else if ($time_now - $config['session_gc'] > $config['session_last_gc'])
			$cron_type = 'tidy_sessions';

		if ($cron_type)
			$template->assign_var('RUN_CRON_TASK', '<img src="' . append_sid($phpbb_root_path . 'cron.' . $phpEx, 'cron_type=' . $cron_type) . '" width="1" height="1" alt="cron" />');



* Closing the cache object and the database
* Cool function name, eh? We might want to add operations to it later
function garbage_collection()
	global $cache, $db;

	// Unload cache, must be done before the DB connection if closed
	if (!empty($cache))

	// Close our DB connection.
	if (!empty($db))

* Handler for exit calls in phpBB.
* This function supports hooks.
* Note: This function is called after the template has been outputted.
function exit_handler()
	global $phpbb_hook, $config;

	if (!empty($phpbb_hook) && $phpbb_hook->call_hook(__FUNCTION__))
		if ($phpbb_hook->hook_return(__FUNCTION__))
			return $phpbb_hook->hook_return_result(__FUNCTION__);

	// As a pre-caution... some setups display a blank page if the flush() is not there.
	(ob_get_level() > 0) ? @ob_flush() : @flush();


* Handler for init calls in phpBB. This function is called in user::setup();
* This function supports hooks.
function phpbb_user_session_handler()
	global $phpbb_hook;

	if (!empty($phpbb_hook) && $phpbb_hook->call_hook(__FUNCTION__))
		if ($phpbb_hook->hook_return(__FUNCTION__))
			return $phpbb_hook->hook_return_result(__FUNCTION__);



Re: [RC1] jQ User Map api3 v.0.9.0

Verfasst: 02.02.2014 23:43
von BNa
Miriam hat geschrieben:Also von meinem Tablet aus kann ich in der MOD keine SQL Anweisung finden, die eine Variable $config['user_map_weather'] begründen könnte.
Das nur als Hinweis.
Das ist der Switch der es aktiviert >set_config()

Code: Alles auswählen

        <open src="includes/acp/acp_profile.php">
                <find><![CDATA[                add_log('admin', 'LOG_PROFILE_FIELD_ACTIVATE', $field_ident);]]></find>
                <action type="before-add"><![CDATA[                // jQ User Map api3 / 4seven / 2012
                if($field_ident = 'user_map_weather')
                set_config('user_map_weather', 1);
                // jQ User Map api3 / 4seven / 2012]]></action>
                <find><![CDATA[                add_log('admin', 'LOG_PROFILE_FIELD_DEACTIVATE', $field_ident);]]></find>
                <action type="before-add"><![CDATA[                // jQ User Map api3 / 4seven / 2012
                if($field_ident = 'user_map_weather')
                set_config('user_map_weather', 0);
                // jQ User Map api3 / 4seven / 2012]]></action>                        
und das hier fragt ab:

Code: Alles auswählen

   // jQ User Map api3  / 4seven / 2012
   $config_user_map_weather = $config['user_map_weather'];
   $config_user_map_weather = 1;   
   // jQ User Map api3  / 4seven / 2012      
(betrifft die S_VARIABLE in der functions.php (siehe mein letztes post drüber))
also im zweifelsfalle true, falls noch kein log.

Re: [RC1] jQ User Map api3 v.0.9.0

Verfasst: 06.02.2014 10:57
von whitethunder
Brauch da nochmal eure Hilfe....soll ich das jetzt irgendwo noch zufügen? Wenn ja wo genau bitte. Oder muss ich das irgendwo ändern. Inder funktions.php finde ich davon nix :oops:
Sorry bin noch nicht so fit darin

Re: [RC1] jQ User Map api3 v.0.9.0

Verfasst: 06.02.2014 19:52
von BNa
Steht alles im ersten Post oben:

Re: [RC1] jQ User Map api3 v.0.9.0

Verfasst: 07.02.2014 08:38
von whitethunder
Danke, das oben von dir genannte habe ich auch so gemacht. Da zeigt er nun auch keinen Fehler mehr an, nur der Button (Erdkugel) der zuvor auch vorhanden war ist nach dem "ändern" "einpflegen" weg. Somit habe ich kein Button mehr im Forum den ich bzgl. Userkarte anklicken könnte. Sollte ich ggf. alles nochmals deinstallieren?

Re: [RC1] jQ User Map api3 v.0.9.0

Verfasst: 07.02.2014 20:51
von BNa
Ich weiß nicht, was da los ist,
weil es bei mir auf X Boards sofort funktioniert hat,
aber versuch mal folgendes



Code: Alles auswählen

            'S_USER_WEATHER_MAP'    =>  ($config_user_map_weather == 1) ? true : false,
ersetze mit

Code: Alles auswählen

            'S_USER_WEATHER_MAP'    =>  true,

Re: [RC1] jQ User Map api3 v.0.9.0

Verfasst: 07.02.2014 21:17
von whitethunder
Nein leider nix gebracht. :oops:

Re: [RC1] jQ User Map api3 v.0.9.0

Verfasst: 08.02.2014 23:15
von BNa
Ok, dann einmal die



und das finden

Code: Alles auswählen

        <!-- IF not S_IS_BOT && S_DISPLAY_MEMBERLIST -->
            <li><img style="position:relative;bottom:-5px;" src="{USER_MAP_IMG}" alt="" />&thinsp;<a href="{U_USER_MAP}" title="{L_U_M}"><span style="position:relative;bottom:-1px;">{L_U_M}</span></a></li>
            <!-- ENDIF --> 
ändern in

Code: Alles auswählen

            <li><img style="position:relative;bottom:-5px;" src="{USER_MAP_IMG}" alt="" />&thinsp;<a href="{U_USER_MAP}" title="{L_U_M}"><span style="position:relative;bottom:-1px;">{L_U_M}</span></a></li> 
Kann es sein, das Dein (Test)User kein Recht hat die Memberlist zu sehen?