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Re: [BETA][3.1][3.2] Kalender

Verfasst: 18.05.2017 12:08
von Wolfkin48
Wolfkin48 hat geschrieben:Hallo!

Entschuldigungen im Voraus für den Google Translate Text :oops:

Diese extension ist fantastisch! Aber ich habe ein kleines Problem.

Wie ändere ich den Namen des Monats in "Upcoming Dates" auf dem Index angezeigt? Sie sind standardmäßig in Englisch. Sie werden in "Weekly Overview" korrekt angezeigt.
Friendly bump :geek:

Re: [BETA][3.1][3.2] Kalender

Verfasst: 18.05.2017 12:54
von Mohammed AlSarsawi
HJW hat geschrieben: @ Mohammed AlSarsawi:
Please update to 0.8.8

Then try this:

ext\hjw\calendar\event\main_listener.php, line 577:
ext\hjw\calendar\includes\calendar_event.php, line 121:

Code: Alles auswählen

if (isset($auth_array[$user_id][$row['forum_id']]['f_read']) && $auth_array[$user_id][$row['forum_id']]['f_read'])
replace with:

Code: Alles auswählen

if($user_id == $row['poster_id'])
I need to make your extension with brunoais extension work together
to give permissions to who can see and read and who can not in specific forum category only not in whole forums

I talked to brunoais and he need small chat with you to adjust his extension to make this happen
can you please chat with him in this link
i will appreciate that

Thank you

Re: [BETA][3.1][3.2] Kalender

Verfasst: 18.05.2017 16:00
von HJW
Wolfkin48 hat geschrieben:
Wolfkin48 hat geschrieben:Hallo!

Entschuldigungen im Voraus für den Google Translate Text :oops:

Diese extension ist fantastisch! Aber ich habe ein kleines Problem.

Wie ändere ich den Namen des Monats in "Upcoming Dates" auf dem Index angezeigt? Sie sind standardmäßig in Englisch. Sie werden in "Weekly Overview" korrekt angezeigt.
Friendly bump :geek:
Ich verstehe deine Frage nicht. In der „Weekly Overview“ gibt es keine Monats-Namen, deshalb können die da auch nicht korrekt angezeigt werden. :wink:
Mohammed AlSarsawi hat geschrieben:
HJW hat geschrieben: @ Mohammed AlSarsawi:
Please update to 0.8.8

Then try this:

ext\hjw\calendar\event\main_listener.php, line 577:
ext\hjw\calendar\includes\calendar_event.php, line 121:

Code: Alles auswählen

if (isset($auth_array[$user_id][$row['forum_id']]['f_read']) && $auth_array[$user_id][$row['forum_id']]['f_read'])
replace with:

Code: Alles auswählen

if($user_id == $row['poster_id'])
I need to make your extension with brunoais extension work together
to give permissions to who can see and read and who can not in specific forum category only not in whole forums

I talked to brunoais and he need small chat with you to adjust his extension to make this happen
can you please chat with him in this link
i will appreciate that

Thank you
No, I will not. Give him this information. These are the two positions where the rights are queried. Have you tested my changes?

Re: [BETA][3.1][3.2] Kalender

Verfasst: 19.05.2017 14:03
von Mohammed AlSarsawi
Have you tested my changes?
yes i tested
but i need brunoais extension to work with the calendar to give permissions to users
to who can see the "topic title" on calendar that started by other users .. and who can not

message from brunoais
What he told was how to change his own extension, which I don't have permissions to and I don't intent to meddle with.
In order to get what you want, I need him to change his extension and tell me what API I need to provide to his extension.

Re: [BETA][3.1][3.2] Kalender

Verfasst: 24.05.2017 01:47
von Wolfkin48
Wolfkin48 hat geschrieben:Hallo!

Entschuldigungen im Voraus für den Google Translate Text :oops:

Diese extension ist fantastisch! Aber ich habe ein kleines Problem.

Wie ändere ich den Namen des Monats in "Upcoming Dates" auf dem Index angezeigt? Sie sind standardmäßig in Englisch. Sie werden in "Weekly Overview" korrekt angezeigt.
HJW hat geschrieben:Ich verstehe deine Frage nicht. In der „Weekly Overview“ gibt es keine Monats-Namen, deshalb können die da auch nicht korrekt angezeigt werden. :wink:
I hope it's okay if I switch to English for this. If not, I apologize :)

No, month is not shown on "Weekly Overview", but weekday is - and that part gets translated correctly. On my board I have both weekday and date of month when showing "Upcoming Dates". However, weekday get translated, while month does not. For some reason it's in abbreviated English (like: Jan 2nd, '20)

:geek: Another question:

This one's about viewtopic_body_postrow_post_content_footer.html

When visiting a topic where an appointment has been created, just below the accompanying post, there's this line: Calendar Entry followed by the date of the appointment (this is clickable, by the way). Suppose I'd like to have the name of the appointment listed in front of this - how would I go about doing that? Users tend to misclick, and I don't want them signing up for the wrong appointment :D Having the name of the appointment visible while signing up could help eliminate that risk :)

Re: [BETA][3.1][3.2] Kalender

Verfasst: 24.05.2017 08:54
von HJW
Wolfkin48 hat geschrieben:No, month is not shown on "Weekly Overview", but weekday is - and that part gets translated correctly. On my board I have both weekday and date of month when showing "Upcoming Dates". However, weekday get translated, while month does not. For some reason it's in abbreviated English (like: Jan 2nd, '20)
You have to change the \ext\hjw\calendar\language\en\calendar.php

Code: Alles auswählen

'CALENDAR_DATE_FORM'		=> 'M jS, \'y',

Code: Alles auswählen

'CALENDAR_DATE_FORM'		=> 'F jS, \'y',
Wolfkin48 hat geschrieben:When visiting a topic where an appointment has been created, just below the accompanying post, there's this line: Calendar Entry followed by the date of the appointment (this is clickable, by the way). Suppose I'd like to have the name of the appointment listed in front of this - how would I go about doing that? Users tend to misclick, and I don't want them signing up for the wrong appointment :D Having the name of the appointment visible while signing up could help eliminate that risk :)
I will look for it in the next week. No time in the moment.

Re: [BETA][3.1][3.2] Kalender

Verfasst: 24.05.2017 17:33
von Wolfkin48
HJW hat geschrieben:]You have to change the \ext\hjw\calendar\language\en\calendar.php

Code: Alles auswählen

'CALENDAR_DATE_FORM'		=> 'M jS, \'y',

Code: Alles auswählen

'CALENDAR_DATE_FORM'		=> 'F jS, \'y',
I'm terribly sorry, but you misunderstood me :)

Exchanging the M for an F outputs the full, non-abbreviated names of the months (which is nice too, btw), but what I am asking is a matter of translation, I suppose. My native language is Danish, but in the "Upcoming Dates" the names of the months do not get translated. Instead they are in English, for some reason.

Anyway, I changed

Code: Alles auswählen

'CALENDAR_DATE_FORM'		=> 'M jS, \'y',

Code: Alles auswählen

'CALENDAR_DATE_FORM'		=> ''j/n-y',
for a satifying result :) So all's good!

As for my other issue:
HJW hat geschrieben:I will look for it in the next week. No time in the moment
That's cool! Thanks a lot :)

Re: [BETA][3.1][3.2] Kalender

Verfasst: 25.05.2017 01:59
von donsenilo

ich habe die aktuelle Version installiert, aber es wird nun als erster Tag gestern angezeigt. Das aktuelle Datum in PHPbb passt jedoch.

Re: [BETA][3.1][3.2] Kalender

Verfasst: 09.06.2017 23:12
von NomadThanatos

Is there any plan to support time(hh-mm-ss) in event?
Since even I can write the time in title, users are in different timezone and they might display a wrong date.


Re: [BETA][3.1][3.2] Kalender

Verfasst: 12.06.2017 11:43
von Lucan
Leider wirft der Kalender zum einen ein Warning aus (php 5.6) und zum anderen läuft eine Query scheinbar so lange, dass der Server sich aufhängt bzw. in die max_execution_time rennt.

PHP Warning: Division by zero in XX/ext/hjw/calendar/includes/calendar_event.php on line 155
PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in XX/ext/hjw/calendar/event/main_listener.php on line 592

Tritt unter der aktuellsten Version auf.

Gibt es hierzu einen fix?