freeCap unter phpBB 3.0

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phpBB 3.0 wird nicht mehr aktiv unterstützt. Insbesondere werden - auch bei Sicherheitslücken - keine Patches mehr bereitgestellt. Der Einsatz von phpBB 3.0 erfolgt daher auf eigene Gefahr. Wir empfehlen einen Umstieg auf die neuste phpBB-Version, welches aktiv weiterentwickelt wird und für welches regelmäßig Updates zur Verfügung gestellt werden.
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freeCap unter phpBB 3.0

Beitrag von holschmitz »


ich bin Admin eines phpBB 3-Forums und leide seit längerem unter Botregistrierungen trotz aktiviertem CAPTCHA. Nun habe ich vor kurzem herausgefunden, dass das Standard-Captcha von phpBB 3 leicht zu knacken ist.

Darufhin wollte ich das CAPTCHA von freeCap einsetzen ( ... cript_113/), nur leider habe ich dazu bisher nur eine Anleitung zur Integration in phpBB 2 gefunden ( ... ptcha.html).

Das CAPTCHA selbst läuft (also bis zum Schritt 4 in obig verlinkter Anleitung habe ich alles hinbekommen), nur die Integration in den phpBB-3-Registrierungsprozess (bzw. -Formular) bekomme ich nicht hin, da phpBB 3 anders aufgebaut ist als phpBB 2, und ich so nicht weiss, was ich in welche Dateien eintragen muss, damit das freeCAP statt des normalen CAPTCHAS bei der Userregistrierung verwendet wird.

Hat das jemand schon mal versucht und kann mir eventuell eine kleine Anleitung dazu geben? Wäre unendlich dankbar und andere hier bestimmt auch, da sich viele bestimmt wegen Bots rumärgern müssen.

Vielen Dank für jede Hilfe

Beiträge: 570
Registriert: 05.02.2005 15:15
Wohnort: Berlin

Re: freeCap unter phpBB 3.0

Beitrag von kellanved »

Grundsätzlich ist es recht leicht, etwa wie unten. Problematisch ist aber, dass a)Freecap hoffnungslos veraltet ist und heutzutage oft nicht mehr richtig funktioniert und b) es bereits vor geraumer Zeit von Spambots gebrochen wurde; zudem hat es c) gravierende Sicherheitslücken.

captcha_gd ersetzen, Fonts etc in ein captcha_files Verzeichnis unter dem includes/captcha Verzeichnis packen; Dateinamen anpassen und es sollte gehen (null Support von meiner Seite).

Code: Alles auswählen

* @package VC
* @version $Id: captcha_gd.php 9403 2009-03-20 16:34:06Z Kellanved $
* @copyright (c) 2006 phpBB Group
* @license GNU Public License
* based on freeCap v1.4.1 Copyright 2005 Howard Yeend

* @ignore
if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))

* @package VC
class captcha

	var $height = 96;

	* Create the image containing $code with a seed of $seed
	function execute($code, $seed)
		global $config, $phpbb_root_path, $im, $im2, $im3;

		// Create image
		// or if you don't want any text:
		$site_tags = null;

		// where to write the above:
		// 0=top
		// 1=bottom
		// 2=both
		$tag_pos = 1;

		// text colour
		// 0=one random colour for all letters
		// 1=different random colour for each letter
		$col_type = 1;

		// list of fonts to use
		// font size should be around 35 pixels wide for each character.
		// you can use my GD fontmaker script at to create your own fonts
		// There are other programs to can create GD fonts, but my script allows a greater
		// degree of control over exactly how wide each character is, and is therefore
		// recommended for 'special' uses. For normal use of GD fonts,
		// the GDFontGenerator @ is excellent for convering ttf to GD

		// the fonts included with freeCap *only* include lowercase alphabetic characters
		// so are not suitable for most other uses
		// to increase security, you really should add other fonts
		$font_locations = array("{$phpbb_root_path}includes/captcha/captcha_files/.ht_freecap_font1.gdf",

		// background:
		// 0=transparent (if jpg, white)
		// 1=white bg with grid
		// 2=white bg with squiggles
		// 3=morphed image blocks
		// 'random' background from v1.3 didn't provide any extra security (according to 2 independent experts)
		// many thanks to and for testing
		// for jpgs, 'transparent' is white
		$bg_type = 2;
		// should we blur the background? (looks nicer, makes text easier to read, takes longer)
		$blur_bg = false;
		// for bg_type 3, which images should we use?
		// if you add your own, make sure they're fairly 'busy' images (ie a lot of shapes in them)
		$bg_images = array("{$phpbb_root_path}includes/captcha/captcha_files/.ht_freecap_im1.jpg",
		// for non-transparent backgrounds only:
		// if 0, merges CAPTCHA with bg
		// if 1, write CAPTCHA over bg
		$merge_type = 0;
		// should we morph the bg? (recommend yes, but takes a little longer to compute)
		$morph_bg = true;

		// you shouldn't need to edit anything below this, but it's extensively commented if you do want to play
		// have fun, and email me with ideas, or improvements to the code (very interested in speed improvements)
		// hope this script saves some spam :-)

		////// Create Images + initialise a few things

		// how faded should the bg be? (100=totally gone, 0=bright as the day)
		// to test how much protection the bg noise gives, take a screenshot of the freeCap image
		// and take it into a photo editor. play with contrast and brightness.
		// If you can remove most of the bg, then it's not a good enough percentage
			case 0:
			case 1:
			case 2:
				$bg_fade_pct = 65;
			case 3:
				$bg_fade_pct = 50;
		// slightly randomise the bg fade
		$bg_fade_pct += mt_rand(-2,2);

		// read each font and get font character widths
		$font_widths = array();
		for($i=0 ; $i<sizeof($font_locations) ; $i++)
			$handle = fopen($font_locations[$i],"r");
			// read header of GD font, up to char width
			$c_wid = fread($handle,12);
			$font_widths[$i] = ord($c_wid{8})+ord($c_wid{9})+ord($c_wid{10}) + ord($c_wid{11});

		// modify image width depending on maximum possible length of word
		// you shouldn't need to use words > 6 chars in length really.
		$width = 380;
		$height = $this->height;
		$im = ImageCreate($width, $height);
		$im2 = ImageCreate($width, $height);
			// generate noisy background, to be merged with CAPTCHA later
			// any suggestions on how best to do this much appreciated
			// sample code would be even better!
			// I'm not an OCR expert (hell, I'm not even an image expert; was designed in MsPaint)
			// so the noise models are based around my -guesswork- as to what would make it hard for an OCR prog
			// ideally, the character obfuscation would be strong enough not to need additional background noise
			// in any case, I hope at least one of the options given here provide some extra security!

			$im3 = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height);
			$temp_bg = ImageCreateTrueColor($width*1.5, $height * 1.5);
			$bg3 = ImageColorAllocate($im3, 255, 255, 255);
			$temp_bg_col = ImageColorAllocate($temp_bg, 255, 255, 255);

			// we draw all noise onto temp_bg
			// then if we're morphing, merge from temp_bg to im3
			// or if not, just copy a $widthx$height portion of $temp_bg to $im3
			// temp_bg is much larger so that when morphing, the edges retain the noise.

				// grid bg:

				// draw grid on x
				for($i=mt_rand(6,20) ; $i<$width*2 ; $i+=mt_rand(10,25))
					$text_r = mt_rand(100,150);
					$text_g = mt_rand(100,150);
					$text_b = mt_rand(100,150);
					$text_colour3 = ImageColorAllocate($temp_bg, $text_r, $text_g, $text_b);

				// draw grid on y
				for($i=mt_rand(6,20) ; $i<$height*2 ; $i+=mt_rand(10,25))
					$text_r = mt_rand(100,150);
					$text_g = mt_rand(100,150);
					$text_b = mt_rand(100,150);
					$text_colour3 = ImageColorAllocate($temp_bg, $text_r, $text_g, $text_b);

					ImageLine($temp_bg,0,$i,$width*2, $i ,$text_colour3);
			} else if($bg_type==2) {
				// draw squiggles!

				$bg3 = ImageColorAllocate($im3,255,255,255);

				for($i=0 ; $i<strlen($code)+1 ; $i++)
					$text_r = mt_rand(100,150);
					$text_g = mt_rand(100,150);
					$text_b = mt_rand(100,150);
					$text_colour3 = ImageColorAllocate($temp_bg, $text_r, $text_g, $text_b);

					$points = Array();
					// draw random squiggle for each character
					// the longer the loop, the more complex the squiggle
					// keep random so OCR can't say "if found shape has 10 points, ignore it"
					// each squiggle will, however, be a closed shape, so OCR could try to find
					// line terminations and start from there. (I don't think they're that advanced yet..)
					for($j=1 ; $j < mt_rand(5,10) ; $j++)
						$points[] = mt_rand(1*(20*($i+1)),1*(50*($i+1)));
						$points[] = mt_rand(30,$height+30);


			} else if($bg_type==3) {
				// take random chunks of $bg_images and paste them onto the background

				for($i=0 ; $i<sizeof($bg_images) ; $i++)
					// read each image and its size
					$temp_im[$i] = ImageCreateFromJPEG($bg_images[$i]);
					$temp_width[$i] = imagesx($temp_im[$i]);
					$temp_height[$i] = imagesy($temp_im[$i]);

				$blocksize = mt_rand(20,60);
				for($i=0 ; $i<$width*2 ; $i+=$blocksize)
					// could randomise blocksize here... hardly matters
					for($j=0 ; $j<$height*2 ; $j+=$blocksize)
						$image_index = mt_rand(0,sizeof($temp_im)-1);
						$cut_x = mt_rand(0,$temp_width[$image_index]-$blocksize);
						$cut_y = mt_rand(0,$temp_height[$image_index]-$blocksize);
						ImageCopy($temp_bg, $temp_im[$image_index], $i, $j, $cut_x, $cut_y, $blocksize, $blocksize);
				for($i=0 ; $i<sizeof($temp_im) ; $i++)
					// remove bgs from memory

				// for debug:

			// for debug:

				// morph background
				// we do this separately to the main text morph because:
				// a) the main text morph is done char-by-char, this is done across whole image
				// b) if an attacker could un-morph the bg, it would un-morph the CAPTCHA
				// hence bg is morphed differently to text
				// why do we morph it at all? it might make it harder for an attacker to remove the background
				// morph_chunk 1 looks better but takes longer

				// this is a different and less perfect morph than the one we do on the CAPTCHA
				// occasonally you get some dark background showing through around the edges
				// it doesn't need to be perfect as it's only the bg.
				$morph_chunk = mt_rand(1,5);
				$morph_y = 0;
				for($x=0 ; $x<$width ; $x+=$morph_chunk)
					$morph_chunk = mt_rand(1,5);
					$morph_y += mt_rand(-1,1);
					ImageCopy($im3, $temp_bg, $x, 0, $x+30, 30+$morph_y, $morph_chunk, $height*2);

				ImageCopy($temp_bg, $im3, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height);

				$morph_x = 0;
				for($y=0 ; $y<=$height; $y+=$morph_chunk)
					$morph_chunk = mt_rand(1,5);
					$morph_x += mt_rand(-1,1);
					ImageCopy($im3, $temp_bg, $morph_x, $y, 0, $y, $width, $morph_chunk);

			} else {
				// just copy temp_bg onto im3


		// write word in random starting X position
		$word_start_x = mt_rand(5,32);
		// y positions jiggled about later
		$word_start_y = 15;

			$text_r = rand_color();
			$text_g = rand_color();
			$text_b = rand_color();
			$text_colour2 = ImageColorAllocate($im2, $text_r, $text_g, $text_b);

		// write each char in different font
		for($i=0 ; $i < strlen($code) ; $i++)
				$text_r = $this->rand_color();
				$text_g = $this->rand_color();
				$text_b = $this->rand_color();
				$text_colour2 = ImageColorAllocate($im2, $text_r, $text_g, $text_b);

			$j = mt_rand(0,sizeof($font_locations)-1);
			$font = imageloadfont($font_locations[$j]);

		//	ImageString($im2, 0, $word_start_x+30, $word_start_y, $code{$i}, $text_colour2);
    	ImageString($im2, $font, $word_start_x+($font_widths[$j]*$i), $word_start_y, $code{$i}, $text_colour2);

			//ImageString($im2, $font, 100, 100, $code{$i}, $text_colour2);
		// use last pixelwidth
		$font_pixelwidth = $font_widths[$j];

		////// Morph Image:
		$y_pos = $bg2 = $bg = 0;
		// calculate how big the text is in pixels
		// (so we only morph what we need to)
		$word_pix_size = $word_start_x+(strlen($code)*$font_pixelwidth);

		// firstly move each character up or down a bit:
		for($i=$word_start_x ; $i<$word_pix_size ; $i+=$font_pixelwidth)
			// move on Y axis
			// deviates at least 4 pixels between each letter
			$prev_y = $y_pos;
				$y_pos = mt_rand(-5,5);
			} while($y_pos<$prev_y+2 && $y_pos>$prev_y-2);
			ImageCopy($im, $im2, $i, $y_pos, $i, 0, $font_pixelwidth, $height);

			// for debug:

		// for debug:


		// randomly morph each character individually on x-axis
		// this is where the main distortion happens
		// massively improved since v1.2
		$y_chunk = 1;
		$morph_factor = 1;
		$morph_x = 0;
		for($j=0 ; $j<strlen($code) ; $j++)
			$y_pos = 0;
			for($i=0 ; $i<=$height; $i+=$y_chunk)
				$orig_x = $word_start_x+($j*$font_pixelwidth);
				// morph x += so that instead of deviating from orig x each time, we deviate from where we last deviated to
				// get it? instead of a zig zag, we get more of a sine wave.
				// I wish we could deviate more but it looks crap if we do.
				$morph_x += mt_rand(-$morph_factor,$morph_factor);
				// had to change this to ImageCopyMerge when starting using ImageCreateTrueColor
				// according to the manual; "when (pct is) 100 this function behaves identically to imagecopy()"
				// but this is NOT true when dealing with transparencies...
				ImageCopyMerge($im2, $im, $orig_x+$morph_x, $i+$y_pos, $orig_x, $i, $font_pixelwidth, $y_chunk, 100);

				// for debug:
				//ImageLine($im2, $orig_x+$morph_x, $i, $orig_x+$morph_x+1, $i+$y_chunk, $debug2);
				//ImageLine($im2, $orig_x+$morph_x+$font_pixelwidth, $i, $orig_x+$morph_x+$font_pixelwidth+1, $i+$y_chunk, $debug2);

		// for debug:

		// now do the same on the y-axis
		// (much easier because we can just do it across the whole image, don't have to do it char-by-char)
		$y_pos = 0;
		$x_chunk = 1;
		for($i=0 ; $i<=$width ; $i+=$x_chunk)
			// can result in image going too far off on Y-axis;
			// not much I can do about that, apart from make image bigger
			// again, I wish I could do 1.5 pixels
			$y_pos += mt_rand(-1,1);
			ImageCopy($im, $im2, $i, $y_pos, $i, 0, $x_chunk, $height);

			// for debug:

		// for debug:

		// blur edges:
		// doesn't really add any security, but looks a lot nicer, and renders text a little easier to read
		// for humans (hopefully not for OCRs, but if you know better, feel free to disable this function)
		// (and if you do, let me know why)

		// for debug:
		$output = "png";
		if($output!="jpg" && $bg_type==0)
			// make background transparent

		////// Try to avoid 'free p*rn' style CAPTCHA re-use
		// ('*'ed to stop my site coming up for certain keyword searches on google)

		// can obscure CAPTCHA word in some cases..

		// write site tags 'shining through' the morphed image
			for($i=0 ; $i<sizeof($site_tags) ; $i++)
				// ensure tags are centered
				$tag_width = strlen($site_tags[$i])*6;
				// write tag is chosen position
				if($tag_pos==0 || $tag_pos==2)
					// write at top
					ImageString($im2, 2, intval($width/2)-intval($tag_width/2), (10*$i), $site_tags[$i], $site_tag_col2);
				if($tag_pos==1 || $tag_pos==2)
					// write at bottom
					ImageString($im2, 2, intval($width/2)-intval($tag_width/2), ($height-34+($i*10)), $site_tags[$i], $site_tag_col2);
		// for debug:

		////// Merge with obfuscated background

			// merge bg image with CAPTCHA image to create smooth background

			// fade bg:
				$temp_im = ImageCreateTrueColor($width,$height);
				$white = ImageColorAllocate($temp_im,255,255,255);
				// for debug:
				$c_fade_pct = 50;
			} else {
				$c_fade_pct = $bg_fade_pct;

			// captcha over bg:
			// might want to not blur if using this method
			// otherwise leaves white-ish border around each letter
			} else {
				// bg over captcha:
		// for debug:

		////// Write tags, remove variables and output!

		// tag it
		// feel free to remove/change
		// but if it's not essential I'd appreciate you leaving it
		// after all, I've put a lot of work into this and am giving it away for free
		// the least you could do is give me credit (or buy me stuff from amazon!)
		// but I understand that in professional environments, your boss might not like this tag
		// so that's cool.
		$tag_str = "freeCap v1.41";
		// for debug:
		//$tag_str = "[".$word."]";

		// ensure tag is right-aligned
		$tag_width = strlen($tag_str)*6;
		// write tag
		$tag_col = ImageColorAllocate($im,10,10,10);

		ImageString($im, 2, $width-$tag_width, $height-13, $tag_str, $tag_col);

		// unset all sensetive vars
		// in case someone include()s this file on a shared server
		// you might think this unneccessary, as it exit()s
		// but by using register_shutdown_function
		// on a -very- insecure shared server, they -might- be able to get the word
		// the below aren't really essential, but might aid an OCR attack if discovered.
		// so we unset them

		// output final image :-)

	function rand_color() {
		global $bg_type;
			// needs darker colour..
			return mt_rand(10,100);
		} else {
			return mt_rand(60,170);

	function myImageBlur($im)
		// w00t. my very own blur function
		// in GD2, there's a gaussian blur function. bunch of bloody show-offs... :-)

		$width = imagesx($im);
		$height = imagesy($im);

		$temp_im = ImageCreateTrueColor($width,$height);
		$bg = ImageColorAllocate($temp_im,150,150,150);

		// preserves transparency if in orig image

		// fill bg

		// anything higher than 3 makes it totally unreadable
		// might be useful in a 'real' blur function, though (ie blurring pictures not text)
		$distance = 1;
		// use $distance=30 to have multiple copies of the word. not sure if this is useful.

		// blur by merging with itself at different x/y offsets:
		ImageCopyMerge($temp_im, $im, 0, 0, 0, $distance, $width, $height-$distance, 70);
		ImageCopyMerge($im, $temp_im, 0, 0, $distance, 0, $width-$distance, $height, 70);
		ImageCopyMerge($temp_im, $im, 0, $distance, 0, 0, $width, $height, 70);
		ImageCopyMerge($im, $temp_im, $distance, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, 70);
		// remove temp image

		return $im;

	function sendImage($pic)
		// output image with appropriate headers
		global $output,$im,$im2,$im3;
			// add other cases as desired
			case "jpg":
				header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");
			case "gif":
				header("Content-Type: image/gif");
			case "png":
				header("Content-Type: image/png");

		// kill GD images (removes from memory)


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