Activity MOD v2.0.0

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phpBB 2.0 hat das Ende seiner Lebenszeit überschritten
phpBB 2.0 wird nicht mehr aktiv unterstützt. Insbesondere werden - auch bei Sicherheitslücken - keine Patches mehr bereitgestellt. Der Einsatz von phpBB 2.0 erfolgt daher auf eigene Gefahr. Wir empfehlen einen Umstieg auf phpBB 3.0, welches aktiv weiterentwickelt wird und für welches regelmäßig Updates zur Verfügung gestellt werden.
Doc Lecter
Beiträge: 377
Registriert: 13.12.2003 16:24

Activity MOD v2.0.0

Beitrag von Doc Lecter »

Hi! Ich habe gestern ein Update meines Activity Mods 1.0 auf 2.0 vorgenommen. (den mod gibts hier:

Erstes Problem: Gibt es dafür schon eine deutsche Sprachdatei?

Code: Alles auswählen

// Admin
$lang['admin_main_header'] = "-:- This is an interface between iNetAngel MODs and other MODs. It will help site admins from having conflicts with other MODs that may have been installed or are no longer supported but well liked. This control panel will help you maintain and control the online activities that have been created by <a href=\"\" target=\"newindow\" class=\"copyright\">iNetAngel</a>. Future iNetAngel MODs will use this menu for any new expansions that are user specific. If you are currently having a problem with an iNetAngel MOD and another MOD, then please contact us at <a href=\"\" class=\"copyright\"></a> so we may help fix the problem.";
$lang['admin_config_menu'] = "iNetAngel Online Activity Configuration Menu";
$lang['admin_game_menu'] = "iNetAngel Online Activity Game Menu";
$lang['admin_game_editor'] = "iNetAngel Online Activity Game Editor Menu";
$lang['admin_editor_info'] = "-:- This control panel allows you to edit Game data. Any game that has been released by <a href=\"\" target=\"new_window\">iNetAngel</a> can easily be plugged into your forums using this control panel. If you would like to convert a game to use this control panel, then ask for help at our <a href=\"\" target=\"new_window\">forums</a>. If you are having trouble with this menu or the Activity MOD then please contact us at <a href=\"\"></a>.";
$lang['admin_game_deleted'] = "Game Deleted<br /><br />";
$lang['admin_game_not_deleted'] = "Game NOT Deleted<br /><br />";
$lang['admin_game_repaired'] = "Games Repaired<br /><br />";
$lang['admin_game_saved'] = "Game Saved Successfully<br /><br />";
$lang['admin_score_reset'] = "All scores have been reset<br /><br />";
$lang['admin_return_activity'] = "Click %sHere%s to return to the Activity Menu";
$lang['admin_config_updated'] = "Online Activities Configuration Updated<br /><br />";
$lang['admin_toggles'] = "Support Toggles";
$lang['admin_rewards'] = "Reward system Toggles";
$lang['admin_activity_config'] = "Activity Configuration";
$lang['admin_use_adar_shop'] = "<b>Use the <a href=\"\" target=\"newindow\">Adar Item Shop</a></b><br />";
$lang['admin_use_adar_info'] = "-:- If you want to reward Items for Highscore bonuses and you have the<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Adar ItemShop, then toggle this to <b>Yes</b>.<br /><br />-:- <b>NOTE : </b>This will not work with other shops!";
$lang['admin_use_gamelib'] = "<b>Use the <a href=\"\" target=\"newindow\">Gamelib Javascript Library</a></b><br />";
$lang['admin_use_gl_info'] = "-:- If you are using a game/application that uses Scott Porter's gamelib,<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;then toggle this on.";
$lang['admin_use_points'] = "<b>Use the <a href=\"\" target=\"newindow\">Points System</a></b><br />";
$lang['admin_use_pts_info'] = "-:- If you are using the Points System then toggle this on so iNetAngel MODs<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;can use this reward system for your forums.";
$lang['admin_use_cash'] = "<b>Use the <a href=\"\" target=\"newindow\">Cash System</a></b><br />";
$lang['admin_use_cash_info'] = "-:- If you are using the Cash System then toggle this on so iNetAngel MODs<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;can use this reward system for your forums.";
$lang['admin_use_allowance'] = "<b>Use the <a href=\"\" target=\"newindow\">Allowance System</a></b><br />";
$lang['admin_use_allowance_info'] = "-:- If you are using the Allowance System then toggle this on so iNetAngel MODs<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;can use this reward system for your forums.";
$lang['admin_gl_game_path'] = "<b>Gamelib Games Path</b><br />";
$lang['admin_gl_path_info'] = "-:- This is the directory located in your forums root directory where you wish<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to hold all of your games that use the gamelib.";
$lang['admin_gl_lib_path'] = "<b>Gamelib Javascript Library Path</b><br />";
$lang['admin_gl_lib_info'] = "-:- This Directory is located in your \"<b>Gamelib Games Path</b>\" and holds all<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;of the gamelib*.js files.<br /><br />-:- <b>NOTE</b> : If your games are locking up or you don't hear any<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sound then check this directory to make sure there are gamelib files<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;in here.";
$lang['admin_games_per_page'] = "<b>Games Per Page</b><br />";
$lang['admin_games_per_info'] = "-:- This is how many games you want listed before a new page is needed.<br /><br />-:- <b>NOTE</b> : Leaving this blank or <b>0</b> will return errors.";
$lang['admin_page'] = "Pages";
$lang['admin_path'] = "Path";
$lang['admin_adar_config'] = "Adarian Shop Options";
$lang['admin_adar_shop'] = "<b>Adar Shop</b><br />";
$lang['admin_no_adar_info'] = "-:- The Adarian Shop options are not installed. Please install Adar before<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;setting these options.";
$lang['admin_games'] = "Games";
$lang['admin_charge'] = "Charge";
$lang['admin_button'] = "Button";
$lang['admin_description'] = "Description";
$lang['admin_reward'] = "Reward";
$lang['admin_bonus'] = "Bonus";
$lang['admin_flash'] = "Flash";
$lang['admin_score'] = "Score";
$lang['admin_gamelib'] = "Gamelib";
$lang['admin_action'] = "Action";
$lang['admin_move'] = "Move";
$lang['admin_repair'] = "Repair Game Index";
$lang['admin_reset'] = "Reset all Scores";
$lang['admin_up'] = "Up";
$lang['admin_down'] = "Dn";
$lang['admin_delete'] = "X";
$lang['admin_limit'] = "Limit";
$lang['admin_width'] = "Width";
$lang['admin_height'] = "Height";
$lang['admin_cash'] = "Cash";
$lang['admin_name'] = "<b>Name</b><br />";
$lang['admin_name_info'] = "-:- This is the name of the game you are installing. <br /><br />-:- <b>NOTE</b> : Keep the name of this game limited to one word with no<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;spaces or unusual characters. Anything else will cause errors.";
$lang['admin_game_path'] = "<b>Game Path</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_path_info'] = "-:- This is the path location of your game located within your forum root directory.";
$lang['admin_game_desc'] = "<b>Description</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_desc_info'] = "-:- This is the description of this game that is displayed on the activity menu.";
$lang['admin_game_charge'] = "<b>Game Charges</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_charge_info'] = "-:- This is how much to charge users to play this game.";
$lang['admin_game_per'] = "<b>Score per point reward</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_per_info'] = "-:- This is the score value the user has to get to receive 1 Reward  <br /><br />-:- <b>Example</b> : A player gets 100 score points. If you put 100 as the value<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;for this option, then the player will get 1 Reward Point.";
$lang['admin_game_bonus'] = "<b>Highscore Bonus</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_bonus_info'] = "-:- This is the amount of reward points to give a user if they obtain the highscore.";
$lang['admin_game_gamelib'] = "<b>Use the Gamelib</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_gamelib_info'] = "-:- Set this to yes if this game uses the <b>GameLib</b>.";
$lang['admin_game_flash'] = "<b>Uses Macromedia Flash</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_flash_info'] = "-:- Set this to yes if this is a Macromedia Flash game or has a .SWF extension.";
$lang['admin_game_show_score'] = "<b>Show the scores</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_show_info'] = "-:- Set this to yes if you wish to use scores for this activity.";
$lang['admin_game_reverse'] = "<b>Reverse Highscore Listing</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_reverse_info'] = "-:- Set this to yes if you wish to list the lowest scores first.";
$lang['admin_game_highscore'] = "<b>Highscore Limit</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_highscore_info'] = "-:- This is how many scores you want listed for this game. Leave blank for all.";
$lang['admin_game_size'] = "<b>Window Size</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_size_info'] = "-:- This is how big in pixels, the window will be when a game is started.";
$lang['instructions_info'] = "Enter this games \"How to play\" instructions below. HTML Tags will also work in here.<br />";
$lang['admin_game_reset_hs'] = "<b>Reset Highscores</b><br />";
$lang['admin_game_reset_hs_info'] = "-:- By setting this to <b>\"Yes\"</b> the Highscores will reset.";
$lang['admin_use_rewards'] = "<b>Use Rewards MOD</b><br />";
$lang['admin_use_rewards_info'] = "-:- If you have a rewards MOD installed [Points/Cash/Allowance]<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;then turn this on to configure your rewards MOD.";
$lang['admin_warn_cheater'] = "<b>Display warning to possible cheater</b><br />";
$lang['admin_warn_cheater_info'] = "-:- If turned on, then this will display a message to anyone who might get caught cheating.";
$lang['admin_cheater_warning'] = "You have been reported to the site Admin as a possible cheater. If you feel that you have not cheated in an online game, then please contact the site Admin.";
$lang['admin_warn_admin'] = "<b>Report cheaters</b><br />";
$lang['admin_warn_admin_info'] = "-:- If turned on the site Admin will get an E-mail notification if someone is caught cheating.";
$lang['admin_cash_default_info'] = "-:- The Activity MOD uses only 1 reward field. Please enter in a default user<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;reward field for your users. [<b>Cash MOD Only</b>]";

// Activity 
$lang['not_enough_points'] = "You do NOT have enough " . $board_config['points_name'] . " to play this game. <br /><a href=\"javascript:parent.window.close();\">[Close Window]</a>";
$lang['not_enough_reward'] = "You do NOT have enough to play this game. <br /><a href=\"javascript:parent.window.close();\">[Close Window]</a>";
$lang['game_instructions'] = "Instructions";
$lang['game_no_instructions'] = "No Instructions.";
$lang['game_free'] = "Free";
$lang['game_cost'] = "Cost";
$lang['game_dash'] = ":";
$lang['game_number'] = "#";
$lang['game_list'] = $board_config['sitename'] . " Games";
$lang['game_score'] = "Score";
$lang['game_info'] = "Info";
$lang['game_bonuses'] = "Bonuses";
$lang['game_best_player'] = "Best Player";
$lang['game_highscores'] = "Highscores";
$lang['game_score_saved'] = "Score Saved";
$lang['game_no_score_saved'] = "You don't have a score so your score was not saved";
$lang['game_score_close'] = "Close";
$lang['game_cheater'] = "Busted!";
$lang['game_played'] = "Played";

// If anything is changed below this line, then don't be surprised if you don't get very
// good support from the MOD Author. The next few lines deal with error handling & GPL
// licenses. By changing them you could break the law as well as cause errors.
// DO NOT TAKE THIS LINK OUT! Scott Porters Gamelib requires that this link is included
// by anyone using his library. If you don't have any games using gamelib, then turn it
// off and this link will not get displayed!
$lang['game_lib_link'] = "<br />Some of the games here have been created with &copy; <A HREF=\"\" TARGET=\"New_Window\">GameLib</A> v2.08<br />Check out <A HREF=\"\" TARGET=\"New_Window\">JavaScript Games</A> for more info.";

// Errors
$lang['no_main_data'] = "Couldn't obtain main data";
$lang['no_game_data'] = "Couldn't obtain game data";
$lang['no_game_update'] = "Could't update game data";
$lang['no_game_total'] = "Error getting total games";
$lang['no_game_user'] = "Error obtaining user game data";
$lang['no_game_delete'] = "Couldn't delete game";
$lang['no_game_repair'] = "Couldn't repair game tables";
$lang['no_game_save'] = "Couldn't save game data";
$lang['no_user_update'] = "Couldn't update user data";
$lang['no_score_data'] = "Couldn't obtain scores data";
$lang['no_score_reset'] = "Couldn't reset scores data";
$lang['no_score_insert'] = "Couldn't insert score";
$lang['no_score_reset'] = "Couldn't reset scores";
$lang['no_config_data'] = "Could not access Online Activities configuration";
$lang['no_config_update'] = "Failed to update Online Activities configuration for ";

Zweites, weitaus größeres Problem: Bis zum Update liefen ALLE Flash Spiele einwandfrei. Nun sehe ich nur noch ein weißes Feld wenn das Spiel aufgerufen wird. Keine Fehlermeldung - NICHTS!

Ich hoffe mir kann jemand helfen... :(

Naja, wenigstens hat das Update keinen Einfluss auf die Highscores - die wurden alle übernommen...
Beiträge: 283
Registriert: 06.08.2003 00:40
Wohnort: Bremen

Beitrag von Spidy »

Beiträge: 1152
Registriert: 07.07.2003 23:03
Wohnort: Hohenau/Österreich

Beitrag von Helmut71 »

danke spidy :-)

..auch für deine tolle Download-Sektion.

Kann bei der 2.0 Version des activity-Mods keine großen Veränderungen bzw. Verbesserungen feststellen.
Es tanzt ein Bi Ba Butzemann.
Beiträge: 11
Registriert: 28.12.2003 07:36

Beitrag von dd »


wie installieren ich diesen Mod denn unter 2.0.8? Bekommen immer wieder die Meldung, dass es nur bis 2.0.6 funtioniert. Hab den Mod jetzt aber schon öfter unter 2.0.8 gesehen.

Ich hoffe ihr könnt helfen

Beiträge: 40
Registriert: 27.03.2004 16:43
Wohnort: Backnang

Beitrag von sim2k »

Spidy hat geschrieben:Ja klar
kann mir jemand sagen warum ich net auf die seite komm *gg*
Die Seite kann nicht angezeigt werden.
Die gewünschte Seite ist zurzeit nicht verfügbar. Möglicherweise sind technische Schwierigkeiten aufgetreten oder Sie sollten die Browsereinstellungen überprüfen.

geht sie bei euch??
gruß sim
Beiträge: 40
Registriert: 27.03.2004 16:43
Wohnort: Backnang

Beitrag von sim2k »

dd hat geschrieben:Hallo,

wie installieren ich diesen Mod denn unter 2.0.8? Bekommen immer wieder die Meldung, dass es nur bis 2.0.6 funtioniert. Hab den Mod jetzt aber schon öfter unter 2.0.8 gesehen.

Ich hoffe ihr könnt helfen

ganz einfach du musst in der der .php nach .0.6 suchen da steht sowas in die richtung
if (blalba = .0.6) {
Dieser mod kann nur in version 2.0.6 installiert werden!
} else { ...

einfach das fett gedruckte 0.6 zu 0.8 ändern!

gruß sim
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 13.04.2004 10:11

Geht nicht

Beitrag von Arnencis »


leider geht gar kein Link! Kann man den Mod sonst noch irgendwo downloaden?

Grüße Arnencis
Beiträge: 126
Registriert: 03.03.2004 22:22
Wohnort: Bergisch Gladbach

Re: Geht nicht

Beitrag von pmm »

Arnencis hat geschrieben:Hallo,

leider geht gar kein Link! Kann man den Mod sonst noch irgendwo downloaden?

Grüße Arnencis
Ja zur Zeit, und nur vorübergehend, auf

Gruß Peter
kaum macht man´s richtig, schon funktioniert´s
Beiträge: 344
Registriert: 05.01.2004 18:46

Beitrag von Jack9027 »

ich kann mich aber nicht registrieren, weil ich erst 15 bin...und kann des deswegen nicht runterladen
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 06.04.2004 13:45

Beitrag von Nasenmatti »

Jack´s Problem mit dem Anmelden hat sich erledigt 8)

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