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PHP Cross Reference of phpBB-3.1.12-deutsch




/phpbb/db/migration/data/v30x/ -> release_3_0_6_rc1.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3  *
   4  * This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
   5  *
   6  * @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com>
   7  * @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
   8  *
   9  * For full copyright and license information, please see
  10  * the docs/CREDITS.txt file.
  11  *
  12  */
  14  namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x;
  16  class release_3_0_6_rc1 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration
  17  {
  18  	public function effectively_installed()
  19      {
  20          return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.6-RC1', '>=');
  21      }
  23  	static public function depends_on()
  24      {
  25          return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_5');
  26      }
  28  	public function update_schema()
  29      {
  30          return array(
  31              'add_columns' => array(
  32                  $this->table_prefix . 'confirm' => array(
  33                      'attempts' => array('UINT', 0),
  34                  ),
  35                  $this->table_prefix . 'users' => array(
  36                      'user_new' => array('BOOL', 1),
  37                      'user_reminded' => array('TINT:4', 0),
  38                      'user_reminded_time' => array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
  39                  ),
  40                  $this->table_prefix . 'groups' => array(
  41                      'group_skip_auth' => array('BOOL', 0, 'after' => 'group_founder_manage'),
  42                  ),
  43                  $this->table_prefix . 'privmsgs' => array(
  44                      'message_reported' => array('BOOL', 0),
  45                  ),
  46                  $this->table_prefix . 'reports' => array(
  47                      'pm_id' => array('UINT', 0),
  48                  ),
  49                  $this->table_prefix . 'profile_fields'    => array(
  50                      'field_show_on_vt' => array('BOOL', 0),
  51                  ),
  52                  $this->table_prefix . 'forums' => array(
  53                      'forum_options' => array('UINT:20', 0),
  54                  ),
  55              ),
  56              'change_columns' => array(
  57                  $this->table_prefix . 'users' => array(
  58                      'user_options' => array('UINT:11', 230271),
  59                  ),
  60              ),
  61              'add_index' => array(
  62                  $this->table_prefix . 'reports' => array(
  63                      'post_id' => array('post_id'),
  64                      'pm_id' => array('pm_id'),
  65                  ),
  66                  $this->table_prefix . 'posts' => array(
  67                      'post_username' => array('post_username:255'),
  68                  ),
  69              ),
  70          );
  71      }
  73  	public function revert_schema()
  74      {
  75          return array(
  76              'drop_columns' => array(
  77                  $this->table_prefix . 'confirm' => array(
  78                      'attempts',
  79                  ),
  80                  $this->table_prefix . 'users' => array(
  81                      'user_new',
  82                      'user_reminded',
  83                      'user_reminded_time',
  84                  ),
  85                  $this->table_prefix . 'groups' => array(
  86                      'group_skip_auth',
  87                  ),
  88                  $this->table_prefix . 'privmsgs' => array(
  89                      'message_reported',
  90                  ),
  91                  $this->table_prefix . 'reports' => array(
  92                      'pm_id',
  93                  ),
  94                  $this->table_prefix . 'profile_fields'    => array(
  95                      'field_show_on_vt',
  96                  ),
  97                  $this->table_prefix . 'forums' => array(
  98                      'forum_options',
  99                  ),
 100              ),
 101              'drop_keys' => array(
 102                  $this->table_prefix . 'reports' => array(
 103                      'post_id',
 104                      'pm_id',
 105                  ),
 106                  $this->table_prefix . 'posts' => array(
 107                      'post_username',
 108                  ),
 109              ),
 110          );
 111      }
 113  	public function update_data()
 114      {
 115          return array(
 116              array('config.add', array('captcha_plugin', 'phpbb_captcha_nogd')),
 117              array('if', array(
 118                  ($this->config['captcha_gd']),
 119                  array('config.update', array('captcha_plugin', 'phpbb_captcha_gd')),
 120              )),
 122              array('config.add', array('feed_enable', 0)),
 123              array('config.add', array('feed_limit', 10)),
 124              array('config.add', array('feed_overall_forums', 1)),
 125              array('config.add', array('feed_overall_forums_limit', 15)),
 126              array('config.add', array('feed_overall_topics', 0)),
 127              array('config.add', array('feed_overall_topics_limit', 15)),
 128              array('config.add', array('feed_forum', 1)),
 129              array('config.add', array('feed_topic', 1)),
 130              array('config.add', array('feed_item_statistics', 1)),
 132              array('config.add', array('smilies_per_page', 50)),
 133              array('config.add', array('allow_pm_report', 1)),
 134              array('config.add', array('min_post_chars', 1)),
 135              array('config.add', array('allow_quick_reply', 1)),
 136              array('config.add', array('new_member_post_limit', 0)),
 137              array('config.add', array('new_member_group_default', 0)),
 138              array('config.add', array('delete_time', $this->config['edit_time'])),
 140              array('config.add', array('allow_avatar', 0)),
 141              array('if', array(
 142                  ($this->config['allow_avatar_upload'] || $this->config['allow_avatar_local'] || $this->config['allow_avatar_remote']),
 143                  array('config.update', array('allow_avatar', 1)),
 144              )),
 145              array('config.add', array('allow_avatar_remote_upload', 0)),
 146              array('if', array(
 147                  ($this->config['allow_avatar_remote'] && $this->config['allow_avatar_upload']),
 148                  array('config.update', array('allow_avatar_remote_upload', 1)),
 149              )),
 151              array('module.add', array(
 152                  'acp',
 153                  'ACP_BOARD_CONFIGURATION',
 154                  array(
 155                      'module_basename'    => 'acp_board',
 156                      'modes'                => array('feed'),
 157                  ),
 158              )),
 159              array('module.add', array(
 160                  'acp',
 161                  'ACP_CAT_USERS',
 162                  array(
 163                      'module_basename'    => 'acp_users',
 164                      'modes'                => array('warnings'),
 165                  ),
 166              )),
 167              array('module.add', array(
 168                  'acp',
 169                  'ACP_SERVER_CONFIGURATION',
 170                  array(
 171                      'module_basename'    => 'acp_send_statistics',
 172                      'modes'                => array('send_statistics'),
 173                  ),
 174              )),
 175              array('module.add', array(
 176                  'acp',
 177                  'ACP_FORUM_BASED_PERMISSIONS',
 178                  array(
 179                      'module_basename'    => 'acp_permissions',
 180                      'modes'                => array('setting_forum_copy'),
 181                  ),
 182              )),
 183              array('module.add', array(
 184                  'mcp',
 185                  'MCP_REPORTS',
 186                  array(
 187                      'module_basename'    => 'mcp_pm_reports',
 188                      'modes'                => array('pm_reports','pm_reports_closed','pm_report_details'),
 189                  ),
 190              )),
 191              array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'add_newly_registered_group'))),
 192              array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'set_user_options_default'))),
 194              array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.6-RC1')),
 195          );
 196      }
 198  	public function set_user_options_default()
 199      {
 200          // 229376 is the added value to enable all three signature options
 201          $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . ' SET user_options = user_options + 229376';
 202          $this->sql_query($sql);
 203      }
 205  	public function add_newly_registered_group()
 206      {
 207          // Add newly_registered group... but check if it already exists (we always supported running the updater on any schema)
 208          $sql = 'SELECT group_id
 209              FROM ' . GROUPS_TABLE . "
 210              WHERE group_name = 'NEWLY_REGISTERED'";
 211          $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
 212          $group_id = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('group_id');
 213          $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
 215          if (!$group_id)
 216          {
 217              $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' .  GROUPS_TABLE . " (group_name, group_type, group_founder_manage, group_colour, group_legend, group_avatar, group_desc, group_desc_uid, group_max_recipients) VALUES ('NEWLY_REGISTERED', 3, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 5)";
 218              $this->sql_query($sql);
 220              $group_id = $this->db->sql_nextid();
 221          }
 223          // Insert new user role... at the end of the chain
 224          $sql = 'SELECT role_id
 225              FROM ' . ACL_ROLES_TABLE . "
 226              WHERE role_name = 'ROLE_USER_NEW_MEMBER'
 227                  AND role_type = 'u_'";
 228          $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
 229          $u_role = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('role_id');
 230          $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
 232          if (!$u_role)
 233          {
 234              $sql = 'SELECT MAX(role_order) as max_order_id
 235                  FROM ' . ACL_ROLES_TABLE . "
 236                  WHERE role_type = 'u_'";
 237              $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
 238              $next_order_id = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('max_order_id');
 239              $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
 241              $next_order_id++;
 243              $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . ACL_ROLES_TABLE . " (role_name, role_description, role_type, role_order) VALUES ('ROLE_USER_NEW_MEMBER', 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_USER_NEW_MEMBER', 'u_', $next_order_id)";
 244              $this->sql_query($sql);
 245              $u_role = $this->db->sql_nextid();
 247              // Now add the correct data to the roles...
 248              // The standard role says that new users are not able to send a PM, Mass PM, are not able to PM groups
 249              $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . ACL_ROLES_DATA_TABLE . " (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT $u_role, auth_option_id, 0 FROM " . ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE . " WHERE auth_option LIKE 'u_%' AND auth_option IN ('u_sendpm', 'u_masspm', 'u_masspm_group')";
 250              $this->sql_query($sql);
 252              // Add user role to group
 253              $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . ACL_GROUPS_TABLE . " (group_id, forum_id, auth_option_id, auth_role_id, auth_setting) VALUES ($group_id, 0, 0, $u_role, 0)";
 254              $this->sql_query($sql);
 255          }
 257          // Insert new forum role
 258          $sql = 'SELECT role_id
 259              FROM ' . ACL_ROLES_TABLE . "
 260              WHERE role_name = 'ROLE_FORUM_NEW_MEMBER'
 261                  AND role_type = 'f_'";
 262          $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
 263          $f_role = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('role_id');
 264          $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
 266          if (!$f_role)
 267          {
 268              $sql = 'SELECT MAX(role_order) as max_order_id
 269                  FROM ' . ACL_ROLES_TABLE . "
 270                  WHERE role_type = 'f_'";
 271              $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
 272              $next_order_id = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('max_order_id');
 273              $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
 275              $next_order_id++;
 277              $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . ACL_ROLES_TABLE . " (role_name, role_description, role_type, role_order) VALUES  ('ROLE_FORUM_NEW_MEMBER', 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_FORUM_NEW_MEMBER', 'f_', $next_order_id)";
 278              $this->sql_query($sql);
 279              $f_role = $this->db->sql_nextid();
 281              $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . ACL_ROLES_DATA_TABLE . " (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT $f_role, auth_option_id, 0 FROM " . ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE . " WHERE auth_option LIKE 'f_%' AND auth_option IN ('f_noapprove')";
 282              $this->sql_query($sql);
 283          }
 285          // Set every members user_new column to 0 (old users) only if there is no one yet (this makes sure we do not execute this more than once)
 286          $sql = 'SELECT 1
 287              FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . '
 288              WHERE user_new = 0';
 289          $result = $this->db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
 290          $row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result);
 291          $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
 293          if (!$row)
 294          {
 295              $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . ' SET user_new = 0';
 296              $this->sql_query($sql);
 297          }
 299          // To mimick the old "feature" we will assign the forum role to every forum, regardless of the setting (this makes sure there are no "this does not work!!!! YUO!!!" posts...
 300          // Check if the role is already assigned...
 301          $sql = 'SELECT forum_id
 302              FROM ' . ACL_GROUPS_TABLE . '
 303              WHERE group_id = ' . $group_id . '
 304                  AND auth_role_id = ' . $f_role;
 305          $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
 306          $is_options = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('forum_id');
 307          $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
 309          // Not assigned at all... :/
 310          if (!$is_options)
 311          {
 312              // Get postable forums
 313              $sql = 'SELECT forum_id
 314                  FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . '
 315                  WHERE forum_type != ' . FORUM_LINK;
 316              $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
 318              while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result))
 319              {
 320                  $this->sql_query('INSERT INTO ' . ACL_GROUPS_TABLE . ' (group_id, forum_id, auth_option_id, auth_role_id, auth_setting) VALUES (' . $group_id . ', ' . (int) $row['forum_id'] . ', 0, ' . $f_role . ', 0)');
 321              }
 322              $this->db->sql_freeresult($result);
 323          }
 325          // Clear permissions...
 326          include_once($this->phpbb_root_path . 'includes/acp/auth.' . $this->php_ext);
 327          $auth_admin = new \auth_admin();
 328          $auth_admin->acl_clear_prefetch();
 329      }
 330  }

Generated: Thu Jan 11 00:25:41 2018 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1