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/phpbb/template/twig/ -> lexer.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3  *
   4  * This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
   5  *
   6  * @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com>
   7  * @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
   8  *
   9  * For full copyright and license information, please see
  10  * the docs/CREDITS.txt file.
  11  *
  12  */
  14  namespace phpbb\template\twig;
  16  class lexer extends \Twig_Lexer
  17  {
  18  	public function tokenize($code, $filename = null)
  19      {
  20          // Our phpBB tags
  21          // Commented out tokens are handled separately from the main replace
  22          $phpbb_tags = array(
  23              /*'BEGIN',
  24              'BEGINELSE',
  25              'END',
  26              'IF',
  27              'ELSE',
  28              'ELSEIF',
  29              'ENDIF',
  30              'DEFINE',
  31              'UNDEFINE',*/
  32              'ENDDEFINE',
  33              'INCLUDE',
  34              'INCLUDEPHP',
  35              'INCLUDEJS',
  36              'INCLUDECSS',
  37              'PHP',
  38              'ENDPHP',
  39              'EVENT',
  40          );
  42          // Twig tag masks
  43          $twig_tags = array(
  44              'autoescape',
  45              'endautoescape',
  46              'if',
  47              'elseif',
  48              'else',
  49              'endif',
  50              'block',
  51              'endblock',
  52              'use',
  53              'extends',
  54              'embed',
  55              'filter',
  56              'endfilter',
  57              'flush',
  58              'for',
  59              'endfor',
  60              'macro',
  61              'endmacro',
  62              'import',
  63              'from',
  64              'sandbox',
  65              'endsandbox',
  66              'set',
  67              'endset',
  68              'spaceless',
  69              'endspaceless',
  70              'verbatim',
  71              'endverbatim',
  72          );
  74          // Fix tokens that may have inline variables (e.g. <!-- DEFINE $TEST = '{FOO}')
  75          $code = $this->strip_surrounding_quotes(array(
  76              'INCLUDE',
  77              'INCLUDEPHP',
  78              'INCLUDEJS',
  79              'INCLUDECSS',
  80          ), $code);
  81          $code = $this->fix_inline_variable_tokens(array(
  82              'DEFINE \$[a-zA-Z0-9_]+ =',
  83              'INCLUDE',
  84              'INCLUDEPHP',
  85              'INCLUDEJS',
  86              'INCLUDECSS',
  87          ), $code);
  88          $code = $this->add_surrounding_quotes(array(
  89              'INCLUDE',
  90              'INCLUDEPHP',
  91              'INCLUDEJS',
  92              'INCLUDECSS',
  93          ), $code);
  95          // Fix our BEGIN statements
  96          $code = $this->fix_begin_tokens($code);
  98          // Fix our IF tokens
  99          $code = $this->fix_if_tokens($code);
 101          // Fix our DEFINE tokens
 102          $code = $this->fix_define_tokens($code);
 104          // Replace all of our starting tokens, <!-- TOKEN --> with Twig style, {% TOKEN %}
 105          // This also strips outer parenthesis, <!-- IF (blah) --> becomes <!-- IF blah -->
 106          $code = preg_replace('#<!-- (' . implode('|', $phpbb_tags) . ')(?: (.*?) ?)?-->#', '{% $1 $2 %}', $code);
 108          // Replace all of our twig masks with Twig code (e.g. <!-- BLOCK .+ --> with {% block $1 %})
 109          $code = $this->replace_twig_tag_masks($code, $twig_tags);
 111          // Replace all of our language variables, {L_VARNAME}, with Twig style, {{ lang('NAME') }}
 112          // Appends any filters after lang()
 113          $code = preg_replace('#{L_([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+)(\|[^}]+?)?}#', '{{ lang(\'$1\')$2 }}', $code);
 115          // Replace all of our escaped language variables, {LA_VARNAME}, with Twig style, {{ lang('NAME')|addslashes }}
 116          // Appends any filters after lang(), but before addslashes
 117          $code = preg_replace('#{LA_([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+)(\|[^}]+?)?}#', '{{ lang(\'$1\')$2|addslashes }}', $code);
 119          // Replace all of our variables, {VARNAME}, with Twig style, {{ VARNAME }}
 120          // Appends any filters
 121          $code = preg_replace('#{([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+)(\|[^}]+?)?}#', '{{ $1$2 }}', $code);
 123          return parent::tokenize($code, $filename);
 124      }
 126      /**
 127      * Strip surrounding quotes
 128      *
 129      * First step to fix tokens that may have inline variables
 130      * E.g. <!-- INCLUDE '{TEST}.html' to <!-- INCLUDE {TEST}.html
 131      *
 132      * @param array $tokens array of tokens to search for (imploded to a regular expression)
 133      * @param string $code
 134      * @return string
 135      */
 136  	protected function strip_surrounding_quotes($tokens, $code)
 137      {
 138          // Remove matching quotes at the beginning/end if a statement;
 139          // E.g. 'asdf'"' -> asdf'"
 140          // E.g. "asdf'"" -> asdf'"
 141          // E.g. 'asdf'" -> 'asdf'"
 142          return preg_replace('#<!-- (' . implode('|', $tokens) . ') (([\'"])?(.*?)\1) -->#', '<!-- $1 $2 -->', $code);
 143      }
 145      /**
 146      * Fix tokens that may have inline variables
 147      *
 148      * Second step to fix tokens that may have inline variables
 149      * E.g. <!-- INCLUDE '{TEST}.html' to <!-- INCLUDE ' ~ {TEST} ~ '.html
 150      *
 151      * @param array $tokens array of tokens to search for (imploded to a regular expression)
 152      * @param string $code
 153      * @return string
 154      */
 155  	protected function fix_inline_variable_tokens($tokens, $code)
 156      {
 157          $callback = function($matches)
 158          {
 159              // Replace template variables with start/end to parse variables (' ~ TEST ~ '.html)
 160              $matches[2] = preg_replace('#{([a-zA-Z0-9_\.$]+)}#', "'~ \$1 ~'", $matches[2]);
 162              return "<!-- {$matches[1]} {$matches[2]} -->";
 163          };
 165          return preg_replace_callback('#<!-- (' . implode('|', $tokens) . ') (.+?) -->#', $callback, $code);
 166      }
 168      /**
 169      * Add surrounding quotes
 170      *
 171      * Last step to fix tokens that may have inline variables
 172      * E.g. <!-- INCLUDE '{TEST}.html' to <!-- INCLUDE '' ~ {TEST} ~ '.html'
 173      *
 174      * @param array $tokens array of tokens to search for (imploded to a regular expression)
 175      * @param string $code
 176      * @return string
 177      */
 178  	protected function add_surrounding_quotes($tokens, $code)
 179      {
 180          return preg_replace('#<!-- (' . implode('|', $tokens) . ') (.+?) -->#', '<!-- $1 \'$2\' -->', $code);
 181      }
 183      /**
 184      * Fix begin tokens (convert our BEGIN to Twig for)
 185      *
 186      * Not meant to be used outside of this context, public because the anonymous function calls this
 187      *
 188      * @param string $code
 189      * @param array $parent_nodes (used in recursion)
 190      * @return string
 191      */
 192  	public function fix_begin_tokens($code, $parent_nodes = array())
 193      {
 194          // PHP 5.3 cannot use $this in an anonymous function, so use this as a work-around
 195          $parent_class = $this;
 196          $callback = function ($matches) use ($parent_class, $parent_nodes)
 197          {
 198              $hard_parents = explode('.', $matches[1]);
 199              array_pop($hard_parents); // ends with .
 200              if ($hard_parents)
 201              {
 202                  $parent_nodes = array_merge($hard_parents, $parent_nodes);
 203              }
 205              $name = $matches[2];
 206              $subset = trim(substr($matches[3], 1, -1)); // Remove parenthesis
 207              $body = $matches[4];
 209              // Replace <!-- BEGINELSE -->
 210              $body = str_replace('<!-- BEGINELSE -->', '{% else %}', $body);
 212              // Is the designer wanting to call another loop in a loop?
 213              // <!-- BEGIN loop -->
 214              // <!-- BEGIN !loop2 -->
 215              // <!-- END !loop2 -->
 216              // <!-- END loop -->
 217              // 'loop2' is actually on the same nesting level as 'loop' you assign
 218              // variables to it with template->assign_block_vars('loop2', array(...))
 219              if (strpos($name, '!') === 0)
 220              {
 221                  // Count the number if ! occurrences
 222                  $count = substr_count($name, '!');
 223                  for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
 224                  {
 225                      array_pop($parent_nodes);
 226                      $name = substr($name, 1);
 227                  }
 228              }
 230              // Remove all parent nodes, e.g. foo, bar from foo.bar.foobar.VAR
 231              foreach ($parent_nodes as $node)
 232              {
 233                  $body = preg_replace('#([^a-zA-Z0-9_])' . $node . '\.([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\.#', '$1$2.', $body);
 234              }
 236              // Add current node to list of parent nodes for child nodes
 237              $parent_nodes[] = $name;
 239              // Recursive...fix any child nodes
 240              $body = $parent_class->fix_begin_tokens($body, $parent_nodes);
 242              // Need the parent variable name
 243              array_pop($parent_nodes);
 244              $parent = (!empty($parent_nodes)) ? end($parent_nodes) . '.' : '';
 246              if ($subset !== '')
 247              {
 248                  $subset = '|subset(' . $subset . ')';
 249              }
 251              $parent = ($parent) ?: 'loops.';
 252              // Turn into a Twig for loop
 253              return "{% for {$name} in {$parent}{$name}{$subset} %}{$body}{% endfor %}";
 254          };
 256          return preg_replace_callback('#<!-- BEGIN ((?:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\.)*)([!a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(\([0-9,\-]+\))? -->(.+?)<!-- END \1\2 -->#s', $callback, $code);
 257      }
 259      /**
 260      * Fix IF statements
 261      *
 262      * @param string $code
 263      * @return string
 264      */
 265  	protected function fix_if_tokens($code)
 266      {
 267          // Replace ELSE IF with ELSEIF
 268          $code = preg_replace('#<!-- ELSE IF (.+?) -->#', '<!-- ELSEIF $1 -->', $code);
 270          // Replace our "div by" with Twig's divisibleby (Twig does not like test names with spaces)
 271          $code = preg_replace('# div by ([0-9]+)#', ' divisibleby($1)', $code);
 273          $callback = function($matches)
 274          {
 275              $inner = $matches[2];
 276              // Replace $TEST with definition.TEST
 277              $inner = preg_replace('#(\s\(*!?)\$([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)#', '$1definition.$2', $inner);
 279              // Replace .foo with loops.foo|length
 280              $inner = preg_replace('#(\s\(*!?)\.([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)([^a-zA-Z_0-9\.])#', '$1loops.$2|length$3', $inner);
 282              // Replace .foo.bar with foo.bar|length
 283              $inner = preg_replace('#(\s\(*!?)\.([a-zA-Z_0-9\.]+)([^a-zA-Z_0-9\.])#', '$1$2|length$3', $inner);
 285              return "<!-- {$matches[1]}IF{$inner}-->";
 286          };
 288          return preg_replace_callback('#<!-- (ELSE)?IF((.*?) (?:\(*!?[\$|\.]([^\s]+)(.*?))?)-->#', $callback, $code);
 289      }
 291      /**
 292      * Fix DEFINE statements and {$VARNAME} variables
 293      *
 294      * @param string $code
 295      * @return string
 296      */
 297  	protected function fix_define_tokens($code)
 298      {
 299          /**
 300          * Changing $VARNAME to definition.varname because set is only local
 301          * context (e.g. DEFINE $TEST will only make $TEST available in current
 302          * template and any child templates, but not any parent templates).
 303          *
 304          * DEFINE handles setting it properly to definition in its node, but the
 305          * variables reading FROM it need to be altered to definition.VARNAME
 306          *
 307          * Setting up definition as a class in the array passed to Twig
 308          * ($context) makes set definition.TEST available in the global context
 309          */
 311          // Replace <!-- DEFINE $NAME with {% DEFINE definition.NAME
 312          $code = preg_replace('#<!-- DEFINE \$(.*?) -->#', '{% DEFINE $1 %}', $code);
 314          // Changing UNDEFINE NAME to DEFINE NAME = null to save from creating an extra token parser/node
 315          $code = preg_replace('#<!-- UNDEFINE \$(.*?)-->#', '{% DEFINE $1= null %}', $code);
 317          // Replace all of our variables, {$VARNAME}, with Twig style, {{ definition.VARNAME }}
 318          $code = preg_replace('#{\$([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+)}#', '{{ definition.$1 }}', $code);
 320          // Replace all of our variables, ~ $VARNAME ~, with Twig style, ~ definition.VARNAME ~
 321          $code = preg_replace('#~ \$([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+) ~#', '~ definition.$1 ~', $code);
 323          return $code;
 324      }
 326      /**
 327      * Replace Twig tag masks with Twig tag calls
 328      *
 329      * E.g. <!-- BLOCK foo --> with {% block foo %}
 330      *
 331      * @param string $code
 332      * @param array $twig_tags All tags we want to create a mask for
 333      * @return string
 334      */
 335  	protected function replace_twig_tag_masks($code, $twig_tags)
 336      {
 337          $callback = function ($matches)
 338          {
 339              $matches[1] = strtolower($matches[1]);
 341              return "{% {$matches[1]}{$matches[2]}%}";
 342          };
 344          foreach ($twig_tags as &$tag)
 345          {
 346              $tag = strtoupper($tag);
 347          }
 349          // twig_tags is an array of the twig tags, which are all lowercase, but we use all uppercase tags
 350          $code = preg_replace_callback('#<!-- (' . implode('|', $twig_tags) . ')(.*?)-->#',$callback, $code);
 352          return $code;
 353      }
 354  }

Generated: Thu Jan 11 00:25:41 2018 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1