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/vendor/symfony/console/Symfony/Component/Console/Input/ -> InputInterface.php (summary)

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File Size: 152 lines (4 kb)
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Defines 1 class

InputInterface:: (15 methods):

Interface: InputInterface  - X-Ref

InputInterface is the interface implemented by all input classes.

getFirstArgument()   X-Ref
Returns the first argument from the raw parameters (not parsed).

return: string The value of the first argument or null otherwise

hasParameterOption($values)   X-Ref
Returns true if the raw parameters (not parsed) contain a value.

This method is to be used to introspect the input parameters
before they have been validated. It must be used carefully.

param: string|array $values The values to look for in the raw parameters (can be an array)
return: bool true if the value is contained in the raw parameters

getParameterOption($values, $default = false)   X-Ref
Returns the value of a raw option (not parsed).

This method is to be used to introspect the input parameters
before they have been validated. It must be used carefully.

param: string|array $values  The value(s) to look for in the raw parameters (can be an array)
param: mixed        $default The default value to return if no result is found
return: mixed The option value

bind(InputDefinition $definition)   X-Ref
Binds the current Input instance with the given arguments and options.

param: InputDefinition $definition A InputDefinition instance

validate()   X-Ref
Validates if arguments given are correct.

Throws an exception when not enough arguments are given.

getArguments()   X-Ref
Returns all the given arguments merged with the default values.

return: array

getArgument($name)   X-Ref
Gets argument by name.

param: string $name The name of the argument
return: mixed

setArgument($name, $value)   X-Ref
Sets an argument value by name.

param: string $name  The argument name
param: string $value The argument value

hasArgument($name)   X-Ref
Returns true if an InputArgument object exists by name or position.

param: string|int $name The InputArgument name or position
return: bool true if the InputArgument object exists, false otherwise

getOptions()   X-Ref
Returns all the given options merged with the default values.

return: array

getOption($name)   X-Ref
Gets an option by name.

param: string $name The name of the option
return: mixed

setOption($name, $value)   X-Ref
Sets an option value by name.

param: string      $name  The option name
param: string|bool $value The option value

hasOption($name)   X-Ref
Returns true if an InputOption object exists by name.

param: string $name The InputOption name
return: bool true if the InputOption object exists, false otherwise

isInteractive()   X-Ref
Is this input means interactive?

return: bool

setInteractive($interactive)   X-Ref
Sets the input interactivity.

param: bool $interactive If the input should be interactive

Generated: Thu Jan 11 00:25:41 2018 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1