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/vendor/symfony/filesystem/Symfony/Component/Filesystem/ -> Filesystem.php (summary)

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Defines 1 class

Filesystem:: (16 methods):

Class: Filesystem  - X-Ref

Provides basic utility to manipulate the file system.

copy($originFile, $targetFile, $overwriteNewerFiles = false)   X-Ref
Copies a file.

If the target file is older than the origin file, it's always overwritten.
If the target file is newer, it is overwritten only when the
$overwriteNewerFiles option is set to true.

param: string $originFile          The original filename
param: string $targetFile          The target filename
param: bool   $overwriteNewerFiles If true, target files newer than origin files are overwritten

mkdir($dirs, $mode = 0777)   X-Ref
Creates a directory recursively.

param: string|array|\Traversable $dirs The directory path
param: int                       $mode The directory mode

exists($files)   X-Ref
Checks the existence of files or directories.

param: string|array|\Traversable $files A filename, an array of files, or a \Traversable instance to check
return: bool true if the file exists, false otherwise

touch($files, $time = null, $atime = null)   X-Ref
Sets access and modification time of file.

param: string|array|\Traversable $files A filename, an array of files, or a \Traversable instance to create
param: int                       $time  The touch time as a Unix timestamp
param: int                       $atime The access time as a Unix timestamp

remove($files)   X-Ref
Removes files or directories.

param: string|array|\Traversable $files A filename, an array of files, or a \Traversable instance to remove

chmod($files, $mode, $umask = 0000, $recursive = false)   X-Ref
Change mode for an array of files or directories.

param: string|array|\Traversable $files     A filename, an array of files, or a \Traversable instance to change mode
param: int                       $mode      The new mode (octal)
param: int                       $umask     The mode mask (octal)
param: bool                      $recursive Whether change the mod recursively or not

chown($files, $user, $recursive = false)   X-Ref
Change the owner of an array of files or directories.

param: string|array|\Traversable $files     A filename, an array of files, or a \Traversable instance to change owner
param: string                    $user      The new owner user name
param: bool                      $recursive Whether change the owner recursively or not

chgrp($files, $group, $recursive = false)   X-Ref
Change the group of an array of files or directories.

param: string|array|\Traversable $files     A filename, an array of files, or a \Traversable instance to change group
param: string                    $group     The group name
param: bool                      $recursive Whether change the group recursively or not

rename($origin, $target, $overwrite = false)   X-Ref
Renames a file or a directory.

param: string $origin    The origin filename or directory
param: string $target    The new filename or directory
param: bool   $overwrite Whether to overwrite the target if it already exists

isReadable($filename)   X-Ref
Tells whether a file exists and is readable.

param: string $filename Path to the file.

symlink($originDir, $targetDir, $copyOnWindows = false)   X-Ref
Creates a symbolic link or copy a directory.

param: string $originDir     The origin directory path
param: string $targetDir     The symbolic link name
param: bool   $copyOnWindows Whether to copy files if on Windows

makePathRelative($endPath, $startPath)   X-Ref
Given an existing path, convert it to a path relative to a given starting path.

param: string $endPath   Absolute path of target
param: string $startPath Absolute path where traversal begins
return: string Path of target relative to starting path

mirror($originDir, $targetDir, \Traversable $iterator = null, $options = array()   X-Ref
Mirrors a directory to another.

param: string       $originDir The origin directory
param: string       $targetDir The target directory
param: \Traversable $iterator  A Traversable instance
param: array        $options   An array of boolean options

isAbsolutePath($file)   X-Ref
Returns whether the file path is an absolute path.

param: string $file A file path
return: bool

toIterator($files)   X-Ref

param: mixed $files
return: \Traversable

dumpFile($filename, $content, $mode = 0666)   X-Ref
Atomically dumps content into a file.

param: string   $filename The file to be written to.
param: string   $content  The data to write into the file.
param: null|int $mode     The file mode (octal). If null, file permissions are not modified

Generated: Thu Jan 11 00:25:41 2018 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1