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/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpCache/ -> Store.php (summary)

(no description)

File Size: 433 lines (12 kb)
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Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

Store:: (19 methods):

Class: Store  - X-Ref

Store implements all the logic for storing cache metadata (Request and Response headers).

__construct($root)   X-Ref

param: string $root The path to the cache directory

cleanup()   X-Ref
Cleanups storage.

lock(Request $request)   X-Ref
Locks the cache for a given Request.

param: Request $request A Request instance
return: bool|string true if the lock is acquired, the path to the current lock otherwise

unlock(Request $request)   X-Ref
Releases the lock for the given Request.

param: Request $request A Request instance
return: bool False if the lock file does not exist or cannot be unlocked, true otherwise

isLocked(Request $request)   X-Ref
No description

lookup(Request $request)   X-Ref
Locates a cached Response for the Request provided.

param: Request $request A Request instance
return: Response|null A Response instance, or null if no cache entry was found

write(Request $request, Response $response)   X-Ref
Writes a cache entry to the store for the given Request and Response.

Existing entries are read and any that match the response are removed. This
method calls write with the new list of cache entries.

param: Request  $request  A Request instance
param: Response $response A Response instance
return: string The key under which the response is stored

generateContentDigest(Response $response)   X-Ref
Returns content digest for $response.

param: Response $response
return: string

invalidate(Request $request)   X-Ref
Invalidates all cache entries that match the request.

param: Request $request A Request instance

requestsMatch($vary, $env1, $env2)   X-Ref
Determines whether two Request HTTP header sets are non-varying based on
the vary response header value provided.

param: string $vary A Response vary header
param: array  $env1 A Request HTTP header array
param: array  $env2 A Request HTTP header array
return: bool true if the two environments match, false otherwise

getMetadata($key)   X-Ref
Gets all data associated with the given key.

Use this method only if you know what you are doing.

param: string $key The store key
return: array An array of data associated with the key

purge($url)   X-Ref
Purges data for the given URL.

param: string $url A URL
return: bool true if the URL exists and has been purged, false otherwise

load($key)   X-Ref
Loads data for the given key.

param: string $key The store key
return: string The data associated with the key

save($key, $data)   X-Ref
Save data for the given key.

param: string $key  The store key
param: string $data The data to store
return: bool

getPath($key)   X-Ref
No description

getCacheKey(Request $request)   X-Ref
Returns a cache key for the given Request.

param: Request $request A Request instance
return: string A key for the given Request

persistRequest(Request $request)   X-Ref
Persists the Request HTTP headers.

param: Request $request A Request instance
return: array An array of HTTP headers

persistResponse(Response $response)   X-Ref
Persists the Response HTTP headers.

param: Response $response A Response instance
return: array An array of HTTP headers

restoreResponse($headers, $body = null)   X-Ref
Restores a Response from the HTTP headers and body.

param: array  $headers An array of HTTP headers for the Response
param: string $body    The Response body
return: Response

Generated: Thu Jan 11 00:25:41 2018 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1