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/vendor/symfony/routing/Symfony/Component/Routing/ -> CompiledRoute.php (summary)

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File Size: 166 lines (4 kb)
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Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

CompiledRoute:: (11 methods):

Class: CompiledRoute  - X-Ref

CompiledRoutes are returned by the RouteCompiler class.

__construct($staticPrefix, $regex, array $tokens, array $pathVariables, $hostRegex = null, array $hostTokens = array()   X-Ref

param: string      $staticPrefix  The static prefix of the compiled route
param: string      $regex         The regular expression to use to match this route
param: array       $tokens        An array of tokens to use to generate URL for this route
param: array       $pathVariables An array of path variables
param: string|null $hostRegex     Host regex
param: array       $hostTokens    Host tokens
param: array       $hostVariables An array of host variables
param: array       $variables     An array of variables (variables defined in the path and in the host patterns)

serialize()   X-Ref

unserialize($serialized)   X-Ref

getStaticPrefix()   X-Ref
Returns the static prefix.

return: string The static prefix

getRegex()   X-Ref
Returns the regex.

return: string The regex

getHostRegex()   X-Ref
Returns the host regex.

return: string|null The host regex or null

getTokens()   X-Ref
Returns the tokens.

return: array The tokens

getHostTokens()   X-Ref
Returns the host tokens.

return: array The tokens

getVariables()   X-Ref
Returns the variables.

return: array The variables

getPathVariables()   X-Ref
Returns the path variables.

return: array The variables

getHostVariables()   X-Ref
Returns the host variables.

return: array The variables

Generated: Thu Jan 11 00:25:41 2018 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1