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PHP Cross Reference of phpBB-3.2.11-deutsch




/includes/ -> functions_transfer.php (summary)

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

Copyright: (c) phpBB Limited
License: GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
File Size: 899 lines (18 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 3 classes

transfer:: (12 methods):

ftp:: (14 methods):

ftp_fsock:: (17 methods):

Class: transfer  - X-Ref

Transfer class, wrapper for ftp/sftp/ssh

__construct()   X-Ref
Constructor - init some basic values

write_file($destination_file = '', $contents = '')   X-Ref
Write file to location

overwrite_file($source_file, $destination_file)   X-Ref
Moving file into location. If the destination file already exists it gets overwritten

make_dir($dir)   X-Ref
Create directory structure

copy_file($from_loc, $to_loc)   X-Ref
Copy file from source location to destination location

delete_file($file)   X-Ref
Remove file

remove_dir($dir)   X-Ref
Remove directory

rename($old_handle, $new_handle)   X-Ref
Rename a file or folder

file_exists($directory, $filename)   X-Ref
Check if a specified file exist...

open_session()   X-Ref
Open session

close_session()   X-Ref
Close current session

methods()   X-Ref
Determine methods able to be used

Class: ftp  - X-Ref

FTP transfer class

__construct($host, $username, $password, $root_path, $port = 21, $timeout = 10)   X-Ref
Standard parameters for FTP session

data()   X-Ref
Requests data

_init()   X-Ref
Init FTP Session

_mkdir($dir)   X-Ref
Create Directory (MKDIR)

_rmdir($dir)   X-Ref
Remove directory (RMDIR)

_rename($old_handle, $new_handle)   X-Ref
Rename file

_chdir($dir = '')   X-Ref
Change current working directory (CHDIR)

_chmod($file, $perms)   X-Ref
change file permissions (CHMOD)

_put($from_file, $to_file)   X-Ref
Upload file to location (PUT)

_delete($file)   X-Ref
Delete file (DELETE)

_close()   X-Ref
Close ftp session (CLOSE)

_cwd()   X-Ref
Return current working directory (CWD)
At the moment not used by parent class

_ls($dir = './')   X-Ref
Return list of files in a given directory (LS)

_site($command)   X-Ref
FTP SITE command (ftp-only function)

Class: ftp_fsock  - X-Ref

FTP fsock transfer class

__construct($host, $username, $password, $root_path, $port = 21, $timeout = 10)   X-Ref
Standard parameters for FTP session

data()   X-Ref
Requests data

_init()   X-Ref
Init FTP Session

_mkdir($dir)   X-Ref
Create Directory (MKDIR)

_rmdir($dir)   X-Ref
Remove directory (RMDIR)

_rename($old_handle, $new_handle)   X-Ref
Rename File

_chdir($dir = '')   X-Ref
Change current working directory (CHDIR)

_chmod($file, $perms)   X-Ref
change file permissions (CHMOD)

_put($from_file, $to_file)   X-Ref
Upload file to location (PUT)

_delete($file)   X-Ref
Delete file (DELETE)

_close()   X-Ref
Close ftp session (CLOSE)

_cwd()   X-Ref
Return current working directory (CWD)
At the moment not used by parent class

_ls($dir = './')   X-Ref
Return list of files in a given directory (LS)

_send_command($command, $args = '', $check = true)   X-Ref
Send a command to server (FTP fsock only function)

_open_data_connection()   X-Ref
Opens a connection to send data (FTP fosck only function)

_close_data_connection()   X-Ref
Closes a connection used to send data

_check_command($return = false)   X-Ref
Check to make sure command was successful (FTP fsock only function)

Generated: Wed Nov 11 20:33:01 2020 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1