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PHP Cross Reference of phpBB-3.2.11-deutsch




/vendor/s9e/text-formatter/src/Plugins/HTMLElements/ -> Parser.js (source)

   1  matches.forEach(function(m)
   2  {
   3      // Test whether this is an end tag
   4      var isEnd = (text[m[0][1] + 1] === '/');
   6      var pos    = m[0][1],
   7          len    = m[0][0].length,
   8          elName = m[2 - isEnd][0].toLowerCase();
  10      // Use the element's alias if applicable, or the  name of the element (with the
  11      // configured prefix) otherwise
  12      var tagName = (config.aliases && config.aliases[elName] && config.aliases[elName][''])
  13                  ? config.aliases[elName]['']
  14                  : config.prefix + ':' + elName;
  16      if (isEnd)
  17      {
  18          addEndTag(tagName, pos, len);
  20          return;
  21      }
  23      // Test whether it's a self-closing tag or a start tag.
  24      //
  25      // A self-closing tag will become one start tag consuming all of the text followed by a
  26      // 0-width end tag. Alternatively, it could be replaced by a pair of 0-width tags plus
  27      // an ignore tag to prevent the text in between from being output
  28      var tag = (/(<\S+|['"\s])\/>$/.test(m[0][0]))
  29              ? addTagPair(tagName, pos, len, pos + len, 0)
  30              : addStartTag(tagName, pos, len);
  32      captureAttributes(tag, elName, m[3][0]);
  33  });
  35  /**
  36  * Capture all attributes in given string
  37  *
  38  * @param  {!Tag}    tag    Target tag
  39  * @param  {!string} elName Name of the HTML element
  40  * @param  {!string} str    String containing the attribute declarations
  41  */
  42  function captureAttributes(tag, elName, str)
  43  {
  44      // Capture attributes
  45      var attrRegexp = /[a-z][-a-z0-9]*(?:\s*=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^\s"'=<>`]+))?/gi,
  46          attrName,
  47          attrValue,
  48          attrMatch,
  49          pos;
  51      while (attrMatch = attrRegexp.exec(str))
  52      {
  53          pos = attrMatch[0].indexOf('=');
  55          /**
  56          * If there's no equal sign, it's a boolean attribute and we generate a value equal
  57          * to the attribute's name, lowercased
  58          *
  59          * @link http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/single-page.html#boolean-attributes
  60          */
  61          if (pos < 0)
  62          {
  63              pos = attrMatch[0].length;
  64              attrMatch[0] += '=' + attrMatch[0].toLowerCase();
  65          }
  67          // Normalize the attribute name, remove the whitespace around its value to account
  68          // for cases like <b title = "foo"/>
  69          attrName  = attrMatch[0].substr(0, pos).toLowerCase().replace(/^\s+/, '').replace('/\s+$/', '');
  70          attrValue = attrMatch[0].substr(1 + pos).replace(/^\s+/, '').replace('/\s+$/', '');
  72          // Use the attribute's alias if applicable
  73          if (HINT.HTMLELEMENTS_HAS_ALIASES && config.aliases && config.aliases[elName] && config.aliases[elName][attrName])
  74          {
  75              attrName = config.aliases[elName][attrName];
  76          }
  78          // Remove quotes around the value
  79          if (/^["']/.test(attrValue))
  80          {
  81              attrValue = attrValue.substr(1, attrValue.length - 2);
  82          }
  84          tag.setAttribute(attrName, html_entity_decode(attrValue));
  85      }
  86  }

Generated: Wed Nov 11 20:33:01 2020 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1