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/vendor/s9e/text-formatter/src/Plugins/Litedown/Parser/Passes/ -> Links.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  /*
   4  * @package   s9e\TextFormatter
   5  * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2019 The s9e Authors
   6  * @license   http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License
   7  */
   8  namespace s9e\TextFormatter\Plugins\Litedown\Parser\Passes;
   9  use s9e\TextFormatter\Plugins\Litedown\Parser\LinkAttributesSetter;
  10  class Links extends AbstractPass
  11  {
  12      use LinkAttributesSetter;
  13  	public function parse()
  14      {
  15          if ($this->text->indexOf('](') !== \false)
  16              $this->parseInlineLinks();
  17          if ($this->text->hasReferences)
  18              $this->parseReferenceLinks();
  19      }
  20  	protected function addLinkTag($startPos, $endPos, $endLen, $linkInfo)
  21      {
  22          $priority = ($endLen === 1) ? 1 : -1;
  23          $tag = $this->parser->addTagPair('URL', $startPos, 1, $endPos, $endLen, $priority);
  24          $this->setLinkAttributes($tag, $linkInfo, 'url');
  25          $this->text->overwrite($startPos, 1);
  26          $this->text->overwrite($endPos,   $endLen);
  27      }
  28  	protected function getLabels()
  29      {
  30          \preg_match_all(
  31              '/\\[((?:[^\\x17[\\]]|\\[[^\\x17[\\]]*\\])*)\\]/',
  32              $this->text,
  33              $matches,
  34              \PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE
  35          );
  36          $labels = [];
  37          foreach ($matches[1] as $m)
  38              $labels[$m[1] - 1] = \strtolower($m[0]);
  39          return $labels;
  40      }
  41  	protected function parseInlineLinks()
  42      {
  43          \preg_match_all(
  44              '/\\[(?:[^\\x17[\\]]|\\[[^\\x17[\\]]*\\])*\\]\\(( *(?:[^\\x17\\s()]|\\([^\\x17\\s()]*\\))*(?=[ )]) *(?:"[^\\x17]*?"|\'[^\\x17]*?\'|\\([^\\x17)]*\\))? *)\\)/',
  45              $this->text,
  46              $matches,
  48          );
  49          foreach ($matches as $m)
  50          {
  51              $linkInfo = $m[1][0];
  52              $startPos = $m[0][1];
  53              $endLen   = 3 + \strlen($linkInfo);
  54              $endPos   = $startPos + \strlen($m[0][0]) - $endLen;
  55              $this->addLinkTag($startPos, $endPos, $endLen, $linkInfo);
  56          }
  57      }
  58  	protected function parseReferenceLinks()
  59      {
  60          $labels = $this->getLabels();
  61          foreach ($labels as $startPos => $id)
  62          {
  63              $labelPos = $startPos + 2 + \strlen($id);
  64              $endPos   = $labelPos - 1;
  65              $endLen   = 1;
  66              if ($this->text->charAt($labelPos) === ' ')
  67                  ++$labelPos;
  68              if (isset($labels[$labelPos], $this->text->linkReferences[$labels[$labelPos]]))
  69              {
  70                  $id     = $labels[$labelPos];
  71                  $endLen = $labelPos + 2 + \strlen($id) - $endPos;
  72              }
  73              if (isset($this->text->linkReferences[$id]))
  74                  $this->addLinkTag($startPos, $endPos, $endLen, $this->text->linkReferences[$id]);
  75          }
  76      }
  77  }

Generated: Wed Nov 11 20:33:01 2020 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1