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/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/LazyProxy/Instantiator/ -> InstantiatorInterface.php (summary)

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Defines 1 class

InstantiatorInterface:: (1 method):

Interface: InstantiatorInterface  - X-Ref

Lazy proxy instantiator, capable of instantiating a proxy given a container, the
service definitions and a callback that produces the real service instance.

instantiateProxy(ContainerInterface $container, Definition $definition, $id, $realInstantiator)   X-Ref
Instantiates a proxy object.

param: ContainerInterface $container        The container from which the service is being requested
param: Definition         $definition       The definition of the requested service
param: string             $id               Identifier of the requested service
param: callable           $realInstantiator Zero-argument callback that is capable of producing the real service instance
return: object

Generated: Wed Nov 11 20:33:01 2020 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1