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/vendor/zendframework/zend-eventmanager/src/ -> EventManagerInterface.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * Zend Framework (http://framework.zend.com/)
   4   *
   5   * @link      http://github.com/zendframework/zf2 for the canonical source repository
   6   * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
   7   * @license   http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License
   8   */
  10  namespace Zend\EventManager;
  12  use Traversable;
  13  use Zend\Stdlib\CallbackHandler;
  15  /**
  16   * Interface for messengers
  17   */
  18  interface EventManagerInterface extends SharedEventManagerAwareInterface
  19  {
  20      /**
  21       * Trigger an event
  22       *
  23       * Should allow handling the following scenarios:
  24       * - Passing Event object only
  25       * - Passing event name and Event object only
  26       * - Passing event name, target, and Event object
  27       * - Passing event name, target, and array|ArrayAccess of arguments
  28       * - Passing event name, target, array|ArrayAccess of arguments, and callback
  29       *
  30       * @param  string|EventInterface $event
  31       * @param  object|string $target
  32       * @param  array|object $argv
  33       * @param  null|callable $callback
  34       * @return ResponseCollection
  35       */
  36      public function trigger($event, $target = null, $argv = array(), $callback = null);
  38      /**
  39       * Trigger an event until the given callback returns a boolean true
  40       *
  41       * Should allow handling the following scenarios:
  42       * - Passing Event object and callback only
  43       * - Passing event name, Event object, and callback only
  44       * - Passing event name, target, Event object, and callback
  45       * - Passing event name, target, array|ArrayAccess of arguments, and callback
  46       *
  47       * @param  string|EventInterface $event
  48       * @param  object|string $target
  49       * @param  array|object $argv
  50       * @param  callable $callback
  51       * @return ResponseCollection
  52       * @deprecated Please use trigger()
  53       */
  54      public function triggerUntil($event, $target, $argv = null, $callback = null);
  56      /**
  57       * Attach a listener to an event
  58       *
  59       * @param  string $event
  60       * @param  callable $callback
  61       * @param  int $priority Priority at which to register listener
  62       * @return CallbackHandler
  63       */
  64      public function attach($event, $callback = null, $priority = 1);
  66      /**
  67       * Detach an event listener
  68       *
  69       * @param  CallbackHandler|ListenerAggregateInterface $listener
  70       * @return bool
  71       */
  72      public function detach($listener);
  74      /**
  75       * Get a list of events for which this collection has listeners
  76       *
  77       * @return array
  78       */
  79      public function getEvents();
  81      /**
  82       * Retrieve a list of listeners registered to a given event
  83       *
  84       * @param  string $event
  85       * @return array|object
  86       */
  87      public function getListeners($event);
  89      /**
  90       * Clear all listeners for a given event
  91       *
  92       * @param  string $event
  93       * @return void
  94       */
  95      public function clearListeners($event);
  97      /**
  98       * Set the event class to utilize
  99       *
 100       * @param  string $class
 101       * @return EventManagerInterface
 102       */
 103      public function setEventClass($class);
 105      /**
 106       * Get the identifier(s) for this EventManager
 107       *
 108       * @return array
 109       */
 110      public function getIdentifiers();
 112      /**
 113       * Set the identifiers (overrides any currently set identifiers)
 114       *
 115       * @param string|int|array|Traversable $identifiers
 116       * @return EventManagerInterface
 117       */
 118      public function setIdentifiers($identifiers);
 120      /**
 121       * Add some identifier(s) (appends to any currently set identifiers)
 122       *
 123       * @param string|int|array|Traversable $identifiers
 124       * @return EventManagerInterface
 125       */
 126      public function addIdentifiers($identifiers);
 128      /**
 129       * Attach a listener aggregate
 130       *
 131       * @param  ListenerAggregateInterface $aggregate
 132       * @param  int $priority If provided, a suggested priority for the aggregate to use
 133       * @return mixed return value of {@link ListenerAggregateInterface::attach()}
 134       */
 135      public function attachAggregate(ListenerAggregateInterface $aggregate, $priority = 1);
 137      /**
 138       * Detach a listener aggregate
 139       *
 140       * @param  ListenerAggregateInterface $aggregate
 141       * @return mixed return value of {@link ListenerAggregateInterface::detach()}
 142       */
 143      public function detachAggregate(ListenerAggregateInterface $aggregate);
 144  }

Generated: Wed Nov 11 20:33:01 2020 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1