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PHP Cross Reference of phpBB-3.3.14-deutsch




/phpbb/module/ -> module_manager.php (summary)

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

Copyright: (c) phpBB Limited
License: GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
File Size: 564 lines (18 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

module_manager:: (9 methods):

Class: module_manager  - X-Ref

__construct(\phpbb\cache\driver\driver_interface $cache, \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface $db, \phpbb\extension\manager $ext_manager, $modules_table, $phpbb_root_path, $php_ext)   X-Ref

param: \phpbb\cache\driver\driver_interface    $cache                Cache driver
param: \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface        $db                    Database driver
param: \phpbb\extension\manager                $ext_manager        Extension manager
param: string                                $modules_table        Module database table's name
param: string                                $phpbb_root_path    Path to phpBB's root
param: string                                $php_ext            Extension of PHP files

get_module_row($module_id, $module_class)   X-Ref
Get row for specified module

param: int        $module_id        ID of the module
param: string    $module_class    Class of the module (acp, ucp, mcp etc...)
return: array    Array of data fetched from the database

get_module_infos($module_class, $module = '', $use_all_available = false)   X-Ref
Get available module information from module files

param: string    $module_class        Class of the module (acp, ucp, mcp etc...)
param: string    $module                ID of module
param: bool        $use_all_available    Use all available instead of just all
return: array    Array with module information gathered from module info files.

get_module_branch($module_id, $module_class, $type = 'all', $include_module = true)   X-Ref
Get module branch

param: int        $module_id        ID of the module
param: string    $module_class    Class of the module (acp, ucp, mcp etc...)
param: string    $type            Type of branch (Expected values: all, parents or children)
param: bool        $include_module    Whether or not to include the specified module with $module_id
return: array    Returns an array containing the modules in the specified branch type.

remove_cache_file($module_class)   X-Ref
Remove modules cache file

param: string    $module_class    Class of the module (acp, ucp, mcp etc...)

update_module_data(&$module_data)   X-Ref
Update/Add module

param: array    &$module_data    The module data

move_module($from_module_id, $to_parent_id, $module_class)   X-Ref
Move module around the tree

param: int        $from_module_id    ID of the current parent module
param: int        $to_parent_id    ID of the target parent module
param: string    $module_class    Class of the module (acp, ucp, mcp etc...)

delete_module($module_id, $module_class)   X-Ref
Remove module from tree

param: int        $module_id        ID of the module to delete
param: string    $module_class    Class of the module (acp, ucp, mcp etc...)

move_module_by($module_row, $module_class, $action = 'move_up', $steps = 1)   X-Ref
Move module position by $steps up/down

param: array        $module_row        Array of module data
param: string    $module_class    Class of the module (acp, ucp, mcp etc...)
param: string    $action            Direction of moving (valid values: move_up or move_down)
param: int        $steps            Number of steps to move module
return: string    Returns the language name of the module

Generated: Mon Nov 25 19:05:08 2024 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1