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/vendor/bantu/ini-get-wrapper/src/ -> IniGetWrapper.php (summary)

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File Size: 162 lines (5 kb)
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Defines 1 class

IniGetWrapper:: (8 methods):

Class: IniGetWrapper  - X-Ref

Wrapper class around built-in ini_get() function.

Provides easier handling of the different interpretations of ini values.
get($varname)   X-Ref
Simple wrapper around ini_get()
See http://php.net/manual/en/function.ini-get.php

return: null|string     Null if configuration option does not exist.
param: string $varname  The configuration option name.

getString($varname)   X-Ref
Gets the configuration option value as a trimmed string.

return: null|string     Null if configuration option does not exist.
param: string $varname  The configuration option name.

getBool($varname)   X-Ref
Gets configuration option value as a boolean.
Interprets the string value 'off' as false.

return: null|bool       Null if configuration option does not exist.
param: string $varname  The configuration option name.

getNumeric($varname)   X-Ref
Gets configuration option value as an integer.

return: null|int|float  Null if configuration option does not exist or is not numeric.
param: string $varname  The configuration option name.

getBytes($varname)   X-Ref
Gets configuration option value in bytes.
Converts strings like '128M' to bytes (integer or float).

return: null|int|float  Null if configuration option does not exist or is not well-formed.
param: string $varname  The configuration option name.

getList($varname)   X-Ref
Gets configuration option value as a list (array).
Converts comma-separated string into list (array).

return: null|array      Null if configuration option does not exist.
param: string $varname  The configuration option name.

listContains($varname, $needle)   X-Ref
Checks whether a list contains a given element (string).

return: null|bool       Null if configuration option does not exist.
param: string $varname  The configuration option name.
param: string $needle   The element to check whether it is contained in the list.

getPhp($varname)   X-Ref

param: string $varname  The configuration option name.

Generated: Sat Nov 4 14:26:03 2023 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1