* @license MIT * * @private - this class is just here as a small utility for this component, don't use it in your own code */ class InterceptorGenerator { /** * @param string $methodBody the body of the previously generated code. * It MUST assign the return value to a variable * `$returnValue` instead of directly returning * @param \ProxyManager\Generator\MethodGenerator $method * @param \Zend\Code\Generator\PropertyGenerator $prefixInterceptors * @param \Zend\Code\Generator\PropertyGenerator $suffixInterceptors * @param \ReflectionMethod|null $originalMethod */ public static function createInterceptedMethodBody( string $methodBody, MethodGenerator $method, PropertyGenerator $prefixInterceptors, PropertyGenerator $suffixInterceptors, ?\ReflectionMethod $originalMethod ) : string { $name = var_export($method->getName(), true); $prefixInterceptorsName = $prefixInterceptors->getName(); $suffixInterceptorsName = $suffixInterceptors->getName(); $params = []; foreach ($method->getParameters() as $parameter) { $parameterName = $parameter->getName(); $params[] = var_export($parameterName, true) . ' => $' . $parameter->getName(); } $paramsString = 'array(' . implode(', ', $params) . ')'; return "if (isset(\$this->$prefixInterceptorsName" . "[$name])) {\n" . " \$returnEarly = false;\n" . " \$prefixReturnValue = \$this->$prefixInterceptorsName" . "[$name]->__invoke(" . "\$this, \$this, $name, $paramsString, \$returnEarly);\n\n" . " if (\$returnEarly) {\n" . ' ' . ProxiedMethodReturnExpression::generate('$prefixReturnValue', $originalMethod) . "\n" . " }\n" . "}\n\n" . $methodBody . "\n\n" . "if (isset(\$this->$suffixInterceptorsName" . "[$name])) {\n" . " \$returnEarly = false;\n" . " \$suffixReturnValue = \$this->$suffixInterceptorsName" . "[$name]->__invoke(" . "\$this, \$this, $name, $paramsString, \$returnValue, \$returnEarly);\n\n" . " if (\$returnEarly) {\n" . ' ' . ProxiedMethodReturnExpression::generate('$suffixReturnValue', $originalMethod) . "\n" . " }\n" . "}\n\n" . ProxiedMethodReturnExpression::generate('$returnValue', $originalMethod); } }