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/vendor/s9e/text-formatter/src/Configurator/Collections/ -> Ruleset.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  /**
   4  * @package   s9e\TextFormatter
   5  * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2022 The s9e authors
   6  * @license   http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License
   7  */
   8  namespace s9e\TextFormatter\Configurator\Collections;
  10  use ArrayAccess;
  11  use BadMethodCallException;
  12  use InvalidArgumentException;
  13  use RuntimeException;
  14  use s9e\TextFormatter\Configurator\ConfigProvider;
  15  use s9e\TextFormatter\Configurator\JavaScript\Dictionary;
  16  use s9e\TextFormatter\Configurator\Validators\TagName;
  17  use s9e\TextFormatter\Parser;
  19  /**
  20  * @method void allowChild(string $tagName)
  21  * @method void allowDescendant(string $tagName)
  22  * @method void autoClose(bool $bool = true)
  23  * @method void autoReopen(bool $bool = true)
  24  * @method void breakParagraph(bool $bool = true)
  25  * @method void closeAncestor(string $tagName)
  26  * @method void closeParent(string $tagName)
  27  * @method void createChild(string $tagName)
  28  * @method void createParagraphs(bool $bool = true)
  29  * @method void denyChild(string $tagName)
  30  * @method void denyDescendant(string $tagName)
  31  * @method void disableAutoLineBreaks(bool $bool = true)
  32  * @method void enableAutoLineBreaks(bool $bool = true)
  33  * @method void fosterParent(string $tagName)
  34  * @method void ignoreSurroundingWhitespace(bool $bool = true)
  35  * @method void ignoreTags(bool $bool = true)
  36  * @method void ignoreText(bool $bool = true)
  37  * @method void isTransparent(bool $bool = true)
  38  * @method void preventLineBreaks(bool $bool = true)
  39  * @method void requireParent(string $tagName)
  40  * @method void requireAncestor(string $tagName)
  41  * @method void suspendAutoLineBreaks(bool $bool = true)
  42  * @method void trimFirstLine(bool $bool = true)
  43  * @see /docs/Rules.md
  44  */
  45  class Ruleset extends Collection implements ArrayAccess, ConfigProvider
  46  {
  47      /**
  48      * @var array Supported rules and the method used to add them
  49      */
  50      protected $rules = [
  51          'allowChild'                  => 'addTargetedRule',
  52          'allowDescendant'             => 'addTargetedRule',
  53          'autoClose'                   => 'addBooleanRule',
  54          'autoReopen'                  => 'addBooleanRule',
  55          'breakParagraph'              => 'addBooleanRule',
  56          'closeAncestor'               => 'addTargetedRule',
  57          'closeParent'                 => 'addTargetedRule',
  58          'createChild'                 => 'addTargetedRule',
  59          'createParagraphs'            => 'addBooleanRule',
  60          'denyChild'                   => 'addTargetedRule',
  61          'denyDescendant'              => 'addTargetedRule',
  62          'disableAutoLineBreaks'       => 'addBooleanRule',
  63          'enableAutoLineBreaks'        => 'addBooleanRule',
  64          'fosterParent'                => 'addTargetedRule',
  65          'ignoreSurroundingWhitespace' => 'addBooleanRule',
  66          'ignoreTags'                  => 'addBooleanRule',
  67          'ignoreText'                  => 'addBooleanRule',
  68          'isTransparent'               => 'addBooleanRule',
  69          'preventLineBreaks'           => 'addBooleanRule',
  70          'requireParent'               => 'addTargetedRule',
  71          'requireAncestor'             => 'addTargetedRule',
  72          'suspendAutoLineBreaks'       => 'addBooleanRule',
  73          'trimFirstLine'               => 'addBooleanRule'
  74      ];
  76      /**
  77      * Add a rule to this set
  78      *
  79      * @param  string $methodName Rule name
  80      * @param  array  $args       Arguments used to add given rule
  81      * @return self
  82      */
  83  	public function __call($methodName, array $args)
  84      {
  85          if (!isset($this->rules[$methodName]))
  86          {
  87              throw new BadMethodCallException("Undefined method '" . $methodName . "'");
  88          }
  90          array_unshift($args, $methodName);
  91          call_user_func_array([$this, $this->rules[$methodName]], $args);
  93          return $this;
  94      }
  96      //==========================================================================
  97      // ArrayAccess methods
  98      //==========================================================================
 100      /**
 101      * Test whether a rule category exists
 102      *
 103      * @param  string $k Rule name, e.g. "allowChild" or "isTransparent"
 104      */
 105  	public function offsetExists($k): bool
 106      {
 107          return isset($this->items[$k]);
 108      }
 110      /**
 111      * Return the content of a rule category
 112      *
 113      * @param  string $k Rule name, e.g. "allowChild" or "isTransparent"
 114      * @return mixed
 115      */
 116      #[\ReturnTypeWillChange]
 117  	public function offsetGet($k)
 118      {
 119          return $this->items[$k];
 120      }
 122      /**
 123      * Not supported
 124      */
 125  	public function offsetSet($k, $v): void
 126      {
 127          throw new RuntimeException('Not supported');
 128      }
 130      /**
 131      * Clear a subset of the rules
 132      *
 133      * @see clear()
 134      *
 135      * @param  string $k Rule name, e.g. "allowChild" or "isTransparent"
 136      */
 137  	public function offsetUnset($k): void
 138      {
 139          $this->remove($k);
 140      }
 142      //==========================================================================
 143      // Generic methods
 144      //==========================================================================
 146      /**
 147      * {@inheritdoc}
 148      */
 149  	public function asConfig()
 150      {
 151          $config = $this->items;
 153          // Remove rules that are not needed at parsing time. All of those are resolved when building
 154          // the allowed bitfields
 155          unset($config['allowChild']);
 156          unset($config['allowDescendant']);
 157          unset($config['denyChild']);
 158          unset($config['denyDescendant']);
 159          unset($config['requireParent']);
 161          // Pack boolean rules into a bitfield
 162          $bitValues = [
 163              'autoClose'                   => Parser::RULE_AUTO_CLOSE,
 164              'autoReopen'                  => Parser::RULE_AUTO_REOPEN,
 165              'breakParagraph'              => Parser::RULE_BREAK_PARAGRAPH,
 166              'createParagraphs'            => Parser::RULE_CREATE_PARAGRAPHS,
 167              'disableAutoLineBreaks'       => Parser::RULE_DISABLE_AUTO_BR,
 168              'enableAutoLineBreaks'        => Parser::RULE_ENABLE_AUTO_BR,
 169              'ignoreSurroundingWhitespace' => Parser::RULE_IGNORE_WHITESPACE,
 170              'ignoreTags'                  => Parser::RULE_IGNORE_TAGS,
 171              'ignoreText'                  => Parser::RULE_IGNORE_TEXT,
 172              'isTransparent'               => Parser::RULE_IS_TRANSPARENT,
 173              'preventLineBreaks'           => Parser::RULE_PREVENT_BR,
 174              'suspendAutoLineBreaks'       => Parser::RULE_SUSPEND_AUTO_BR,
 175              'trimFirstLine'               => Parser::RULE_TRIM_FIRST_LINE
 176          ];
 178          $bitfield = 0;
 179          foreach ($bitValues as $ruleName => $bitValue)
 180          {
 181              if (!empty($config[$ruleName]))
 182              {
 183                  $bitfield |= $bitValue;
 184              }
 186              unset($config[$ruleName]);
 187          }
 189          // In order to speed up lookups, we use the tag names as keys
 190          foreach (['closeAncestor', 'closeParent', 'fosterParent'] as $ruleName)
 191          {
 192              if (isset($config[$ruleName]))
 193              {
 194                  $targets = array_fill_keys($config[$ruleName], 1);
 195                  $config[$ruleName] = new Dictionary($targets);
 196              }
 197          }
 199          // Add the bitfield to the config
 200          $config['flags'] = $bitfield;
 202          return $config;
 203      }
 205      /**
 206      * Merge a set of rules into this collection
 207      *
 208      * @param array|Ruleset $rules     2D array of rule definitions, or instance of Ruleset
 209      * @param bool          $overwrite Whether to overwrite scalar rules (e.g. boolean rules)
 210      */
 211  	public function merge($rules, $overwrite = true)
 212      {
 213          if (!is_array($rules)
 214           && !($rules instanceof self))
 215          {
 216              throw new InvalidArgumentException('merge() expects an array or an instance of Ruleset');
 217          }
 219          foreach ($rules as $action => $value)
 220          {
 221              if (is_array($value))
 222              {
 223                  foreach ($value as $tagName)
 224                  {
 225                      $this->$action($tagName);
 226                  }
 227              }
 228              elseif ($overwrite || !isset($this->items[$action]))
 229              {
 230                  $this->$action($value);
 231              }
 232          }
 233      }
 235      /**
 236      * Remove a specific rule, or all the rules of a given type
 237      *
 238      * @param  string $type    Type of rules to clear
 239      * @param  string $tagName Name of the target tag, or none to remove all rules of given type
 240      * @return void
 241      */
 242  	public function remove($type, $tagName = null)
 243      {
 244          if (preg_match('(^default(?:Child|Descendant)Rule)', $type))
 245          {
 246              throw new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot remove ' . $type);
 247          }
 249          if (isset($tagName))
 250          {
 251              $tagName = TagName::normalize($tagName);
 253              if (isset($this->items[$type]))
 254              {
 255                  // Compute the difference between current list and our one tag name
 256                  $this->items[$type] = array_diff(
 257                      $this->items[$type],
 258                      [$tagName]
 259                  );
 261                  if (empty($this->items[$type]))
 262                  {
 263                      // If the list is now empty, keep it neat and unset it
 264                      unset($this->items[$type]);
 265                  }
 266                  else
 267                  {
 268                      // If the list still have names, keep it neat and rearrange keys
 269                      $this->items[$type] = array_values($this->items[$type]);
 270                  }
 271              }
 272          }
 273          else
 274          {
 275              unset($this->items[$type]);
 276          }
 277      }
 279      //==========================================================================
 280      // Rules
 281      //==========================================================================
 283      /**
 284      * Add a boolean rule
 285      *
 286      * @param  string $ruleName Name of the rule
 287      * @param  bool   $bool     Whether to enable or disable the rule
 288      * @return self
 289      */
 290  	protected function addBooleanRule($ruleName, $bool = true)
 291      {
 292          if (!is_bool($bool))
 293          {
 294              throw new InvalidArgumentException($ruleName . '() expects a boolean');
 295          }
 297          $this->items[$ruleName] = $bool;
 298      }
 300      /**
 301      * Add a targeted rule
 302      *
 303      * @param  string $ruleName Name of the rule
 304      * @param  string $tagName  Name of the target tag
 305      * @return self
 306      */
 307  	protected function addTargetedRule($ruleName, $tagName)
 308      {
 309          $this->items[$ruleName][] = TagName::normalize($tagName);
 310      }
 311  }

Generated: Sun Jun 23 12:25:44 2024 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1