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/vendor/s9e/text-formatter/src/Configurator/Helpers/TemplateParser/ -> Parser.php (summary)

(no description)

File Size: 381 lines (11 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

Parser:: (17 methods):

Class: Parser  - X-Ref

__construct(Normalizer $normalizer)   X-Ref

return: void
param: Normalizer $normalizer

parse($template)   X-Ref
Parse a template into an internal representation

return: DOMDocument           Internal representation
param: string      $template Source template

appendAVT(DOMElement $parentNode, $avt)   X-Ref
Append <output/> elements corresponding to given AVT

return: void
param: DOMElement $parentNode Parent node
param: string     $avt        Attribute value template

appendLiteralOutput(DOMElement $parentNode, $content)   X-Ref
Append an <output/> element with literal content to given node

return: void
param: DOMElement $parentNode Parent node
param: string     $content    Content to output

appendConditionalAttributes(DOMElement $parentNode, $expr)   X-Ref
Append the structure for a <xsl:copy-of/> element to given node

return: void
param: DOMElement $parentNode Parent node
param: string     $expr       Select expression, which is should only contain attributes

appendXPathOutput(DOMElement $parentNode, $expr)   X-Ref
Append an <output/> element for given XPath expression to given node

return: void
param: DOMElement $parentNode Parent node
param: string     $expr       XPath expression

parseChildren(DOMElement $ir, DOMElement $parent)   X-Ref
Parse all the children of a given element

return: void
param: DOMElement $ir     Node in the internal representation that represents the parent node
param: DOMElement $parent Parent node

parseNode(DOMElement $ir, DOMElement $node)   X-Ref
Parse a given node into the internal representation

return: void
param: DOMElement $ir   Node in the internal representation that represents the node's parent
param: DOMElement $node Node to parse

parseXslApplyTemplates(DOMElement $ir, DOMElement $node)   X-Ref
Parse an <xsl:apply-templates/> node into the internal representation

return: void
param: DOMElement $ir   Node in the internal representation that represents the node's parent
param: DOMElement $node <xsl:apply-templates/> node

parseXslAttribute(DOMElement $ir, DOMElement $node)   X-Ref
Parse an <xsl:attribute/> node into the internal representation

return: void
param: DOMElement $ir   Node in the internal representation that represents the node's parent
param: DOMElement $node <xsl:attribute/> node

parseXslChoose(DOMElement $ir, DOMElement $node)   X-Ref
Parse an <xsl:choose/> node and its <xsl:when/> and <xsl:otherwise/> children into the
internal representation

return: void
param: DOMElement $ir   Node in the internal representation that represents the node's parent
param: DOMElement $node <xsl:choose/> node

parseXslComment(DOMElement $ir, DOMElement $node)   X-Ref
Parse an <xsl:comment/> node into the internal representation

return: void
param: DOMElement $ir   Node in the internal representation that represents the node's parent
param: DOMElement $node <xsl:comment/> node

parseXslCopyOf(DOMElement $ir, DOMElement $node)   X-Ref
Parse an <xsl:copy-of/> node into the internal representation

NOTE: only attributes are supported

return: void
param: DOMElement $ir   Node in the internal representation that represents the node's parent
param: DOMElement $node <xsl:copy-of/> node

parseXslElement(DOMElement $ir, DOMElement $node)   X-Ref
Parse an <xsl:element/> node into the internal representation

return: void
param: DOMElement $ir   Node in the internal representation that represents the node's parent
param: DOMElement $node <xsl:element/> node

parseXslIf(DOMElement $ir, DOMElement $node)   X-Ref
Parse an <xsl:if/> node into the internal representation

return: void
param: DOMElement $ir   Node in the internal representation that represents the node's parent
param: DOMElement $node <xsl:if/> node

parseXslText(DOMElement $ir, DOMElement $node)   X-Ref
Parse an <xsl:text/> node into the internal representation

return: void
param: DOMElement $ir   Node in the internal representation that represents the node's parent
param: DOMElement $node <xsl:text/> node

parseXslValueOf(DOMElement $ir, DOMElement $node)   X-Ref
Parse an <xsl:value-of/> node into the internal representation

return: void
param: DOMElement $ir   Node in the internal representation that represents the node's parent
param: DOMElement $node <xsl:value-of/> node

Generated: Sun Jun 23 12:25:44 2024 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1