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/vendor/s9e/text-formatter/src/Configurator/RendererGenerators/PHP/ -> Optimizer.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  /**
   4  * @package   s9e\TextFormatter
   5  * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2022 The s9e authors
   6  * @license   http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License
   7  */
   8  namespace s9e\TextFormatter\Configurator\RendererGenerators\PHP;
  10  /**
  11  * This class optimizes the code produced by the PHP renderer. It is not meant to be used on general
  12  * purpose code
  13  */
  14  class Optimizer
  15  {
  16      /**
  17      * @var BranchOutputOptimizer
  18      */
  19      public $branchOutputOptimizer;
  21      /**
  22      * @var integer Number of tokens in $this->tokens
  23      */
  24      protected $cnt;
  26      /**
  27      * @var integer Current token index
  28      */
  29      protected $i;
  31      /**
  32      * @var integer Maximum number iterations over the optimization passes
  33      */
  34      public $maxLoops = 10;
  36      /**
  37      * @var array Array of tokens from token_get_all()
  38      */
  39      protected $tokens;
  41      /**
  42      * Constructor
  43      */
  44  	public function __construct()
  45      {
  46          $this->branchOutputOptimizer = new BranchOutputOptimizer;
  47      }
  49      /**
  50      * Optimize the code generated by the PHP renderer generator
  51      *
  52      * @param  string $php Original code
  53      * @return string      Optimized code
  54      */
  55  	public function optimize($php)
  56      {
  57          $this->tokens = token_get_all('<?php ' . $php);
  58          $this->cnt    = count($this->tokens);
  59          $this->i      = 0;
  61          // Remove line numbers from tokens
  62          foreach ($this->tokens as &$token)
  63          {
  64              if (is_array($token))
  65              {
  66                  unset($token[2]);
  67              }
  68          }
  69          unset($token);
  71          // Optimization passes, in order of execution
  72          $passes = [
  73              'optimizeOutConcatEqual',
  74              'optimizeConcatenations',
  75              'optimizeHtmlspecialchars'
  76          ];
  78          // Limit the number of loops, in case something would make it loop indefinitely
  79          $remainingLoops = $this->maxLoops;
  80          do
  81          {
  82              $continue = false;
  84              foreach ($passes as $pass)
  85              {
  86                  // Run the pass
  87                  $this->$pass();
  89                  // If the array was modified, reset the keys and keep going
  90                  $cnt = count($this->tokens);
  91                  if ($this->cnt !== $cnt)
  92                  {
  93                      $this->tokens = array_values($this->tokens);
  94                      $this->cnt    = $cnt;
  95                      $continue     = true;
  96                  }
  97              }
  98          }
  99          while ($continue && --$remainingLoops);
 101          // Optimize common output expressions in if-else-elseif conditionals
 102          $php = $this->branchOutputOptimizer->optimize($this->tokens);
 104          // Reclaim some memory
 105          unset($this->tokens);
 107          return $php;
 108      }
 110      /**
 111      * Test whether current token is between two htmlspecialchars() calls
 112      *
 113      * @return bool
 114      */
 115  	protected function isBetweenHtmlspecialcharCalls()
 116      {
 117          return ($this->tokens[$this->i + 1]    === [T_STRING, 'htmlspecialchars']
 118               && $this->tokens[$this->i + 2]    === '('
 119               && $this->tokens[$this->i - 1]    === ')'
 120               && $this->tokens[$this->i - 2][0] === T_LNUMBER
 121               && $this->tokens[$this->i - 3]    === ',');
 122      }
 124      /**
 125      * Test whether current token is at the beginning of an htmlspecialchars()-safe var
 126      *
 127      * Tests whether current var is either $node->localName or $node->nodeName
 128      *
 129      * @return bool
 130      */
 131  	protected function isHtmlspecialcharSafeVar()
 132      {
 133          return ($this->tokens[$this->i    ]    === [T_VARIABLE,        '$node']
 134               && $this->tokens[$this->i + 1]    === [T_OBJECT_OPERATOR, '->']
 135               && ($this->tokens[$this->i + 2]   === [T_STRING,          'localName']
 136                || $this->tokens[$this->i + 2]   === [T_STRING,          'nodeName'])
 137               && $this->tokens[$this->i + 3]    === ','
 138               && $this->tokens[$this->i + 4][0] === T_LNUMBER
 139               && $this->tokens[$this->i + 5]    === ')');
 140      }
 142      /**
 143      * Test whether the cursor is at the beginning of an output assignment
 144      *
 145      * @return bool
 146      */
 147  	protected function isOutputAssignment()
 148      {
 149          return ($this->tokens[$this->i    ] === [T_VARIABLE,        '$this']
 150               && $this->tokens[$this->i + 1] === [T_OBJECT_OPERATOR, '->']
 151               && $this->tokens[$this->i + 2] === [T_STRING,          'out']
 152               && $this->tokens[$this->i + 3] === [T_CONCAT_EQUAL,    '.=']);
 153      }
 155      /**
 156      * Test whether the cursor is immediately after the output variable
 157      *
 158      * @return bool
 159      */
 160  	protected function isPrecededByOutputVar()
 161      {
 162          return ($this->tokens[$this->i - 1] === [T_STRING,          'out']
 163               && $this->tokens[$this->i - 2] === [T_OBJECT_OPERATOR, '->']
 164               && $this->tokens[$this->i - 3] === [T_VARIABLE,        '$this']);
 165      }
 167      /**
 168      * Merge concatenated htmlspecialchars() calls together
 169      *
 170      * Must be called when the cursor is at the concatenation operator
 171      *
 172      * @return bool Whether calls were merged
 173      */
 174  	protected function mergeConcatenatedHtmlSpecialChars()
 175      {
 176          if (!$this->isBetweenHtmlspecialcharCalls())
 177          {
 178               return false;
 179          }
 181          // Save the escape mode of the first call
 182          $escapeMode = $this->tokens[$this->i - 2][1];
 184          // Save the index of the comma that comes after the first argument of the first call
 185          $startIndex = $this->i - 3;
 187          // Save the index of the parenthesis that follows the second htmlspecialchars
 188          $endIndex = $this->i + 2;
 190          // Move the cursor to the first comma of the second call
 191          $this->i = $endIndex;
 192          $parens = 0;
 193          while (++$this->i < $this->cnt)
 194          {
 195              if ($this->tokens[$this->i] === ',' && !$parens)
 196              {
 197                  break;
 198              }
 200              if ($this->tokens[$this->i] === '(')
 201              {
 202                  ++$parens;
 203              }
 204              elseif ($this->tokens[$this->i] === ')')
 205              {
 206                  --$parens;
 207              }
 208          }
 210          if ($this->tokens[$this->i + 1] !== [T_LNUMBER, $escapeMode])
 211          {
 212              return false;
 213          }
 215          // Replace the first comma of the first call with a concatenator operator
 216          $this->tokens[$startIndex] = '.';
 218          // Move the cursor back to the first comma then advance it and delete everything up to the
 219          // parenthesis of the second call, included
 220          $this->i = $startIndex;
 221          while (++$this->i <= $endIndex)
 222          {
 223              unset($this->tokens[$this->i]);
 224          }
 226          return true;
 227      }
 229      /**
 230      * Merge concatenated strings together
 231      *
 232      * Must be called when the cursor is at the concatenation operator
 233      *
 234      * @return bool Whether strings were merged
 235      */
 236  	protected function mergeConcatenatedStrings()
 237      {
 238          if ($this->tokens[$this->i - 1][0]    !== T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING
 239           || $this->tokens[$this->i + 1][0]    !== T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING
 240           || $this->tokens[$this->i - 1][1][0] !== $this->tokens[$this->i + 1][1][0])
 241          {
 242              return false;
 243          }
 245          // Merge both strings into the right string
 246          $this->tokens[$this->i + 1][1] = substr($this->tokens[$this->i - 1][1], 0, -1)
 247                                         . substr($this->tokens[$this->i + 1][1], 1);
 249          // Unset the tokens that have been optimized away
 250          unset($this->tokens[$this->i - 1]);
 251          unset($this->tokens[$this->i]);
 253          // Advance the cursor
 254          ++$this->i;
 256          return true;
 257      }
 259      /**
 260      * Optimize T_CONCAT_EQUAL assignments in an array of PHP tokens
 261      *
 262      * Will only optimize $this->out.= assignments
 263      *
 264      * @return void
 265      */
 266  	protected function optimizeOutConcatEqual()
 267      {
 268          // Start at offset 4 to skip the first four tokens: <?php $this->out.=
 269          $this->i = 3;
 271          while ($this->skipTo([T_CONCAT_EQUAL, '.=']))
 272          {
 273              // Test whether this T_CONCAT_EQUAL is preceded with $this->out
 274              if (!$this->isPrecededByOutputVar())
 275              {
 276                   continue;
 277              }
 279              while ($this->skipPast(';'))
 280              {
 281                  // Test whether the assignment is followed by another $this->out.= assignment
 282                  if (!$this->isOutputAssignment())
 283                  {
 284                       break;
 285                  }
 287                  // Replace the semicolon between assignments with a concatenation operator
 288                  $this->tokens[$this->i - 1] = '.';
 290                  // Remove the following $this->out.= assignment and move the cursor past it
 291                  unset($this->tokens[$this->i++]);
 292                  unset($this->tokens[$this->i++]);
 293                  unset($this->tokens[$this->i++]);
 294                  unset($this->tokens[$this->i++]);
 295              }
 296          }
 297      }
 299      /**
 300      * Optimize concatenations in an array of PHP tokens
 301      *
 302      * - Will precompute the result of the concatenation of constant strings
 303      * - Will replace the concatenation of two compatible htmlspecialchars() calls with one call to
 304      *   htmlspecialchars() on the concatenation of their first arguments
 305      *
 306      * @return void
 307      */
 308  	protected function optimizeConcatenations()
 309      {
 310          $this->i = 1;
 311          while ($this->skipTo('.'))
 312          {
 313              $this->mergeConcatenatedStrings() || $this->mergeConcatenatedHtmlSpecialChars();
 314          }
 315      }
 317      /**
 318      * Optimize htmlspecialchars() calls
 319      *
 320      * - The result of htmlspecialchars() on literals is precomputed
 321      * - By default, the generator escapes all values, including variables that cannot contain
 322      *   special characters such as $node->localName. This pass removes those calls
 323      *
 324      * @return void
 325      */
 326  	protected function optimizeHtmlspecialchars()
 327      {
 328          $this->i = 0;
 330          while ($this->skipPast([T_STRING, 'htmlspecialchars']))
 331          {
 332              if ($this->tokens[$this->i] === '(')
 333              {
 334                  ++$this->i;
 335                  $this->replaceHtmlspecialcharsLiteral() || $this->removeHtmlspecialcharsSafeVar();
 336              }
 337          }
 338      }
 340      /**
 341      * Remove htmlspecialchars() calls on variables that are known to be safe
 342      *
 343      * Must be called when the cursor is at the first argument of the call
 344      *
 345      * @return bool Whether the call was removed
 346      */
 347  	protected function removeHtmlspecialcharsSafeVar()
 348      {
 349          if (!$this->isHtmlspecialcharSafeVar())
 350          {
 351               return false;
 352          }
 354          // Remove the htmlspecialchars() call, except for its first argument
 355          unset($this->tokens[$this->i - 2]);
 356          unset($this->tokens[$this->i - 1]);
 357          unset($this->tokens[$this->i + 3]);
 358          unset($this->tokens[$this->i + 4]);
 359          unset($this->tokens[$this->i + 5]);
 361          // Move the cursor past the call
 362          $this->i += 6;
 364          return true;
 365      }
 367      /**
 368      * Precompute the result of a htmlspecialchars() call on a string literal
 369      *
 370      * Must be called when the cursor is at the first argument of the call
 371      *
 372      * @return bool Whether the call was replaced
 373      */
 374  	protected function replaceHtmlspecialcharsLiteral()
 375      {
 376          // Test whether a constant string is being escaped
 377          if ($this->tokens[$this->i    ][0] !== T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING
 378           || $this->tokens[$this->i + 1]    !== ','
 379           || $this->tokens[$this->i + 2][0] !== T_LNUMBER
 380           || $this->tokens[$this->i + 3]    !== ')')
 381          {
 382              return false;
 383          }
 385          // Escape the content of the T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING token
 386          $this->tokens[$this->i][1] = var_export(
 387              htmlspecialchars(
 388                  stripslashes(substr($this->tokens[$this->i][1], 1, -1)),
 389                  $this->tokens[$this->i + 2][1]
 390              ),
 391              true
 392          );
 394          // Remove the htmlspecialchars() call, except for the T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING token
 395          unset($this->tokens[$this->i - 2]);
 396          unset($this->tokens[$this->i - 1]);
 397          unset($this->tokens[++$this->i]);
 398          unset($this->tokens[++$this->i]);
 399          unset($this->tokens[++$this->i]);
 401          return true;
 402      }
 404      /**
 405      * Move the cursor past given token
 406      *
 407      * @param  array|string $token Target token
 408      * @return bool                Whether a matching token was found and the cursor is within bounds
 409      */
 410  	protected function skipPast($token)
 411      {
 412          return ($this->skipTo($token) && ++$this->i < $this->cnt);
 413      }
 415      /**
 416      * Move the cursor until it reaches given token
 417      *
 418      * @param  array|string $token Target token
 419      * @return bool                Whether a matching token was found
 420      */
 421  	protected function skipTo($token)
 422      {
 423          while (++$this->i < $this->cnt)
 424          {
 425              if ($this->tokens[$this->i] === $token)
 426              {
 427                  return true;
 428              }
 429          }
 431          return false;
 432      }
 433  }

Generated: Sat Nov 4 14:26:03 2023 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1