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/vendor/s9e/text-formatter/src/Configurator/RendererGenerators/PHP/XPathConvertor/Convertors/ -> SingleByteStringManipulation.php (summary)

(no description)

File Size: 164 lines (4 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

SingleByteStringManipulation:: (10 methods):

Class: SingleByteStringManipulation  - X-Ref

getMatchers()   X-Ref

parseConcat($expr1, $expr2 = null)   X-Ref
Convert a call to concat()

return: string
param: string $expr1 First argument
param: string $expr2 All other comma-separated arguments, starting with a comma

parseNormalizeSpace($expr)   X-Ref
Convert a call to normalize-space()

return: string
param: string $expr

parseSubstringAfter($expr, $str)   X-Ref
Convert a call to substring-after() where the second argument is a literal string

return: string
param: string $expr
param: string $str

parseSubstringBefore($expr1, $expr2)   X-Ref
Convert a call to substring-before()

return: string
param: string $expr1
param: string $expr2

parseTranslate($expr, $from, $to)   X-Ref
Convert a call to translate() where the second and third arguments are literal strings

return: string
param: string $expr
param: string $from
param: string $to

isAsciiChars(array $chars)   X-Ref
Test whether given list of strings contains only single ASCII characters

return: bool
param: string[] $chars

serializeAsciiChars(array $chars)   X-Ref
Serialize a list of ASCII chars into a single PHP string

return: string
param: string[] $chars

serializeMap(array $from, array $to)   X-Ref
Serialize the lists of characters to replace with strtr()

return: string
param: string[] $from
param: string[] $to

splitStringChars($string)   X-Ref
Split individual characters from given literal string

return: string[]
param: string   $string Original string, including quotes

Generated: Sat Nov 4 14:26:03 2023 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1