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/vendor/symfony/console/Input/ -> InputInterface.php (summary)

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File Size: 163 lines (5 kb)
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Defines 1 class

InputInterface:: (15 methods):

Interface: InputInterface  - X-Ref

InputInterface is the interface implemented by all input classes.

getFirstArgument()   X-Ref
Returns the first argument from the raw parameters (not parsed).

return: string|null The value of the first argument or null otherwise

hasParameterOption($values, $onlyParams = false)   X-Ref
Returns true if the raw parameters (not parsed) contain a value.

This method is to be used to introspect the input parameters
before they have been validated. It must be used carefully.
Does not necessarily return the correct result for short options
when multiple flags are combined in the same option.

return: bool true if the value is contained in the raw parameters
param: string|array $values     The values to look for in the raw parameters (can be an array)
param: bool         $onlyParams Only check real parameters, skip those following an end of options (--) signal

getParameterOption($values, $default = false, $onlyParams = false)   X-Ref
Returns the value of a raw option (not parsed).

This method is to be used to introspect the input parameters
before they have been validated. It must be used carefully.
Does not necessarily return the correct result for short options
when multiple flags are combined in the same option.

return: mixed The option value
param: string|array $values     The value(s) to look for in the raw parameters (can be an array)
param: mixed        $default    The default value to return if no result is found
param: bool         $onlyParams Only check real parameters, skip those following an end of options (--) signal

bind(InputDefinition $definition)   X-Ref
Binds the current Input instance with the given arguments and options.

validate()   X-Ref
Validates the input.

getArguments()   X-Ref
Returns all the given arguments merged with the default values.

return: array

getArgument($name)   X-Ref
Returns the argument value for a given argument name.

return: string|string[]|null The argument value
param: string $name The argument name

setArgument($name, $value)   X-Ref
Sets an argument value by name.

param: string               $name  The argument name
param: string|string[]|null $value The argument value

hasArgument($name)   X-Ref
Returns true if an InputArgument object exists by name or position.

return: bool true if the InputArgument object exists, false otherwise
param: string|int $name The InputArgument name or position

getOptions()   X-Ref
Returns all the given options merged with the default values.

return: array

getOption($name)   X-Ref
Returns the option value for a given option name.

return: string|string[]|bool|null The option value
param: string $name The option name

setOption($name, $value)   X-Ref
Sets an option value by name.

param: string                    $name  The option name
param: string|string[]|bool|null $value The option value

hasOption($name)   X-Ref
Returns true if an InputOption object exists by name.

return: bool true if the InputOption object exists, false otherwise
param: string $name The InputOption name

isInteractive()   X-Ref
Is this input means interactive?

return: bool

setInteractive($interactive)   X-Ref
Sets the input interactivity.

param: bool $interactive If the input should be interactive

Generated: Sat Nov 4 14:26:03 2023 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1