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/vendor/zendframework/zend-eventmanager/src/ -> EventManagerInterface.php (summary)

Zend Framework (http://framework.zend.com/)

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
License: https://github.com/zendframework/zend-eventmanager/blob/master/LICENSE.md
File Size: 162 lines (5 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

EventManagerInterface:: (11 methods):

Interface: EventManagerInterface  - X-Ref

Interface for messengers

trigger($eventName, $target = null, $argv = [])   X-Ref
Create and trigger an event.

Use this method when you do not want to create an EventInterface
instance prior to triggering. You will be required to pass:

- the event name
- the event target (can be null)
- any event parameters you want to provide (empty array by default)

It will create the Event instance for you and then trigger all listeners
related to the event.

return: ResponseCollection
param: string $eventName
param: null|object|string $target
param: array|object $argv

triggerUntil(callable $callback, $eventName, $target = null, $argv = [])   X-Ref
Create and trigger an event, applying a callback to each listener result.

Use this method when you do not want to create an EventInterface
instance prior to triggering. You will be required to pass:

- the event name
- the event target (can be null)
- any event parameters you want to provide (empty array by default)

It will create the Event instance for you, and trigger all listeners
related to the event.

The result of each listener is passed to $callback; if $callback returns
a boolean true value, the manager must short-circuit listener execution.

return: ResponseCollection
param: callable $callback
param: string $eventName
param: null|object|string $target
param: array|object $argv

triggerEvent(EventInterface $event)   X-Ref
Trigger an event

Provided an EventInterface instance, this method will trigger listeners
based on the event name, raising an exception if the event name is missing.

return: ResponseCollection
param: EventInterface $event

triggerEventUntil(callable $callback, EventInterface $event)   X-Ref
Trigger an event, applying a callback to each listener result.

Provided an EventInterface instance, this method will trigger listeners
based on the event name, raising an exception if the event name is missing.

The result of each listener is passed to $callback; if $callback returns
a boolean true value, the manager must short-circuit listener execution.

return: ResponseCollection
param: callable $callback
param: EventInterface $event

attach($eventName, callable $listener, $priority = 1)   X-Ref
Attach a listener to an event

The first argument is the event, and the next argument is a
callable that will respond to that event.

The last argument indicates a priority at which the event should be
executed; by default, this value is 1; however, you may set it for any
integer value. Higher values have higher priority (i.e., execute first).

You can specify "*" for the event name. In such cases, the listener will
be triggered for every event *that has registered listeners at the time
it is attached*. As such, register wildcard events last whenever possible!

return: callable
param: string $eventName Event to which to listen.
param: callable $listener
param: int $priority Priority at which to register listener.

detach(callable $listener, $eventName = null)   X-Ref
Detach a listener.

If no $event or '*' is provided, detaches listener from all events;
otherwise, detaches only from the named event.

return: void
param: callable $listener
param: null|string $eventName Event from which to detach; null and '*'

clearListeners($eventName)   X-Ref
Clear all listeners for a given event

return: void
param: string $eventName

setEventPrototype(EventInterface $prototype)   X-Ref
Provide an event prototype to use with trigger().

When `trigger()` needs to create an event instance, it should clone the
prototype provided to this method.

return: void
param: EventInterface $prototype

getIdentifiers()   X-Ref
Get the identifier(s) for this EventManager

return: array

setIdentifiers(array $identifiers)   X-Ref
Set the identifiers (overrides any currently set identifiers)

return: void
param: string[] $identifiers

addIdentifiers(array $identifiers)   X-Ref
Add identifier(s) (appends to any currently set identifiers)

return: void
param: string[] $identifiers

Generated: Sat Nov 4 14:26:03 2023 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1