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/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/ -> RingBridge.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  namespace GuzzleHttp;
   4  use GuzzleHttp\Message\MessageFactoryInterface;
   5  use GuzzleHttp\Message\RequestInterface;
   6  use GuzzleHttp\Event\ProgressEvent;
   7  use GuzzleHttp\Message\Request;
   8  use GuzzleHttp\Ring\Core;
   9  use GuzzleHttp\Stream\Stream;
  10  use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException;
  12  /**
  13   * Provides the bridge between Guzzle requests and responses and Guzzle Ring.
  14   */
  15  class RingBridge
  16  {
  17      /**
  18       * Creates a Ring request from a request object.
  19       *
  20       * This function does not hook up the "then" and "progress" events that
  21       * would be required for actually sending a Guzzle request through a
  22       * RingPHP handler.
  23       *
  24       * @param RequestInterface $request Request to convert.
  25       *
  26       * @return array Converted Guzzle Ring request.
  27       */
  28      public static function createRingRequest(RequestInterface $request)
  29      {
  30          $options = $request->getConfig()->toArray();
  31          $url = $request->getUrl();
  32          // No need to calculate the query string twice (in URL and query).
  33          $qs = ($pos = strpos($url, '?')) ? substr($url, $pos + 1) : null;
  35          return [
  36              'scheme'       => $request->getScheme(),
  37              'http_method'  => $request->getMethod(),
  38              'url'          => $url,
  39              'uri'          => $request->getPath(),
  40              'headers'      => $request->getHeaders(),
  41              'body'         => $request->getBody(),
  42              'version'      => $request->getProtocolVersion(),
  43              'client'       => $options,
  44              'query_string' => $qs,
  45              'future'       => isset($options['future']) ? $options['future'] : false
  46          ];
  47      }
  49      /**
  50       * Creates a Ring request from a request object AND prepares the callbacks.
  51       *
  52       * @param Transaction $trans Transaction to update.
  53       *
  54       * @return array Converted Guzzle Ring request.
  55       */
  56      public static function prepareRingRequest(Transaction $trans)
  57      {
  58          // Clear out the transaction state when initiating.
  59          $trans->exception = null;
  60          $request = self::createRingRequest($trans->request);
  62          // Emit progress events if any progress listeners are registered.
  63          if ($trans->request->getEmitter()->hasListeners('progress')) {
  64              $emitter = $trans->request->getEmitter();
  65              $request['client']['progress'] = function ($a, $b, $c, $d) use ($trans, $emitter) {
  66                  $emitter->emit('progress', new ProgressEvent($trans, $a, $b, $c, $d));
  67              };
  68          }
  70          return $request;
  71      }
  73      /**
  74       * Handles the process of processing a response received from a ring
  75       * handler. The created response is added to the transaction, and the
  76       * transaction stat is set appropriately.
  77       *
  78       * @param Transaction             $trans          Owns request and response.
  79       * @param array                   $response       Ring response array
  80       * @param MessageFactoryInterface $messageFactory Creates response objects.
  81       */
  82      public static function completeRingResponse(
  83          Transaction $trans,
  84          array $response,
  85          MessageFactoryInterface $messageFactory
  86      ) {
  87          $trans->state = 'complete';
  88          $trans->transferInfo = isset($response['transfer_stats'])
  89              ? $response['transfer_stats'] : [];
  91          if (!empty($response['status'])) {
  92              $options = [];
  93              if (isset($response['version'])) {
  94                  $options['protocol_version'] = $response['version'];
  95              }
  96              if (isset($response['reason'])) {
  97                  $options['reason_phrase'] = $response['reason'];
  98              }
  99              $trans->response = $messageFactory->createResponse(
 100                  $response['status'],
 101                  isset($response['headers']) ? $response['headers'] : [],
 102                  isset($response['body']) ? $response['body'] : null,
 103                  $options
 104              );
 105              if (isset($response['effective_url'])) {
 106                  $trans->response->setEffectiveUrl($response['effective_url']);
 107              }
 108          } elseif (empty($response['error'])) {
 109              // When nothing was returned, then we need to add an error.
 110              $response['error'] = self::getNoRingResponseException($trans->request);
 111          }
 113          if (isset($response['error'])) {
 114              $trans->state = 'error';
 115              $trans->exception = $response['error'];
 116          }
 117      }
 119      /**
 120       * Creates a Guzzle request object using a ring request array.
 121       *
 122       * @param array $request Ring request
 123       *
 124       * @return Request
 125       * @throws \InvalidArgumentException for incomplete requests.
 126       */
 127      public static function fromRingRequest(array $request)
 128      {
 129          $options = [];
 130          if (isset($request['version'])) {
 131              $options['protocol_version'] = $request['version'];
 132          }
 134          if (!isset($request['http_method'])) {
 135              throw new \InvalidArgumentException('No http_method');
 136          }
 138          return new Request(
 139              $request['http_method'],
 140              Core::url($request),
 141              isset($request['headers']) ? $request['headers'] : [],
 142              isset($request['body']) ? Stream::factory($request['body']) : null,
 143              $options
 144          );
 145      }
 147      /**
 148       * Get an exception that can be used when a RingPHP handler does not
 149       * populate a response.
 150       *
 151       * @param RequestInterface $request
 152       *
 153       * @return RequestException
 154       */
 155      public static function getNoRingResponseException(RequestInterface $request)
 156      {
 157          $message = <<<EOT
 158  Sending the request did not return a response, exception, or populate the
 159  transaction with a response. This is most likely due to an incorrectly
 160  implemented RingPHP handler. If you are simply trying to mock responses,
 161  then it is recommended to use the GuzzleHttp\Ring\Client\MockHandler.
 162  EOT;
 163          return new RequestException($message, $request);
 164      }
 165  }

Generated: Wed Nov 11 20:33:01 2020 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1