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/vendor/s9e/text-formatter/src/Configurator/JavaScript/ -> CallbackGenerator.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  /**
   4  * @package   s9e\TextFormatter
   5  * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2022 The s9e authors
   6  * @license   http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License
   7  */
   8  namespace s9e\TextFormatter\Configurator\JavaScript;
  10  class CallbackGenerator
  11  {
  12      /**
  13      * @var array Path to callbacks in keys, callback signature in values
  14      */
  15      public $callbacks = [
  16          'tags.*.attributes.*.filterChain.*' => [
  17              'attrValue' => '*',
  18              'attrName'  => 'string'
  19          ],
  20          'tags.*.filterChain.*' => [
  21              'tag'       => '!Tag',
  22              'tagConfig' => '!Object'
  23          ]
  24      ];
  26      /**
  27      * @var Encoder
  28      */
  29      protected $encoder;
  31      /**
  32      * Constructor
  33      */
  34  	public function __construct()
  35      {
  36          $this->encoder = new Encoder;
  37      }
  39      /**
  40      * Replace all callbacks in given config
  41      *
  42      * @param  array $config Original config
  43      * @return array         Modified config
  44      */
  45  	public function replaceCallbacks(array $config)
  46      {
  47          foreach ($this->callbacks as $path => $params)
  48          {
  49              $config = $this->mapArray($config, explode('.', $path), $params);
  50          }
  52          return $config;
  53      }
  55      /**
  56      * Build the list of arguments used in a callback invocation
  57      *
  58      * @param  array  $params    Callback parameters
  59      * @param  array  $localVars Known vars from the calling scope
  60      * @return string            JavaScript code
  61      */
  62  	protected function buildCallbackArguments(array $params, array $localVars)
  63      {
  64          // Remove 'parser' as a parameter, since there's no such thing in JavaScript
  65          unset($params['parser']);
  67          // Rebuild the local vars map to include global vars and computed values
  68          $available  = array_combine(array_keys($localVars), array_keys($localVars));
  69          $available += [
  70              'innerText'      => '(tag.getEndTag() ? text.substr(tag.getPos() + tag.getLen(), tag.getEndTag().getPos() - tag.getPos() - tag.getLen()) : "")',
  71              'logger'         => 'logger',
  72              'openTags'       => 'openTags',
  73              'outerText'      => 'text.substr(tag.getPos(), (tag.getEndTag() ? tag.getEndTag().getPos() + tag.getEndTag().getLen() - tag.getPos() : tag.getLen()))',
  74              'registeredVars' => 'registeredVars',
  75              'tagText'        => 'text.substr(tag.getPos(), tag.getLen())',
  76              'text'           => 'text'
  77          ];
  79          $args = [];
  80          foreach ($params as $k => $v)
  81          {
  82              if (isset($v))
  83              {
  84                  // Param by value
  85                  $args[] = $this->encoder->encode($v);
  86              }
  87              elseif (isset($available[$k]))
  88              {
  89                  // Param by name that matches a local expression
  90                  $args[] = $available[$k];
  91              }
  92              else
  93              {
  94                  $args[] = 'registeredVars[' . json_encode($k) . ']';
  95              }
  96          }
  98          return implode(',', $args);
  99      }
 101      /**
 102      * Generate a function from a callback config
 103      *
 104      * @param  array $config Callback config
 105      * @param  array $params Param names as keys, param types as values
 106      * @return Code
 107      */
 108  	protected function generateFunction(array $config, array $params)
 109      {
 110          $js = (string) $config['js'];
 112          // returnFalse() and returnTrue() can be used as-is
 113          if ($js === 'returnFalse' || $js === 'returnTrue')
 114          {
 115              return new Code($js);
 116          }
 118          // Add an empty list of params if none is set
 119          $config += ['params' => []];
 121          $src  = $this->getHeader($params);
 122          $src .= 'function(' . implode(',', array_keys($params)) . '){';
 123          $src .= 'return ' . $this->parenthesizeCallback($js);
 124          $src .= '(' . $this->buildCallbackArguments($config['params'], $params) . ');}';
 126          return new Code($src);
 127      }
 129      /**
 130      * Generate a function header for given signature
 131      *
 132      * @param  array  $params Param names as keys, param types as values
 133      * @return string
 134      */
 135  	protected function getHeader(array $params)
 136      {
 137          // Prepare the function's header
 138          $header = "/**\n";
 139          foreach ($params as $paramName => $paramType)
 140          {
 141              $header .= '* @param {' . $paramType . '} ' . $paramName . "\n";
 142          }
 143          $header .= "* @return {*}\n";
 144          $header .= "*/\n";
 146          return $header;
 147      }
 149      /**
 150      * Replace callbacks in given config array
 151      *
 152      * @param  array    $array  Original config
 153      * @param  string[] $path   Path to callbacks
 154      * @param  array    $params Default params
 155      * @return array            Modified config
 156      */
 157  	protected function mapArray(array $array, array $path, array $params)
 158      {
 159          $key  = array_shift($path);
 160          $keys = ($key === '*') ? array_keys($array) : [$key];
 161          foreach ($keys as $key)
 162          {
 163              if (!isset($array[$key]))
 164              {
 165                  continue;
 166              }
 167              $array[$key] = (empty($path)) ? $this->generateFunction($array[$key], $params) : $this->mapArray($array[$key], $path, $params);
 168          }
 170          return $array;
 171      }
 173      /**
 174      * Add parentheses to a function literal, if necessary
 175      *
 176      * Will return single vars as-is, and will put anything else between parentheses
 177      *
 178      * @param  string $callback Original callback
 179      * @return string           Modified callback
 180      */
 181  	protected function parenthesizeCallback($callback)
 182      {
 183          return (preg_match('(^[.\\w]+$)D', $callback)) ? $callback : '(' . $callback  . ')';
 184      }
 185  }

Generated: Sun Jun 23 12:25:44 2024 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1