[HILFE] Ich kann keine neuen Kategorien & Foren erstellen

Fragen zur Bedienung von phpBB 3.0.x, Probleme bei der Benutzung und alle weiteren Fragen inkl. Update auf die neuste phpBB 3.0.14 Version
phpBB 3.0 hat das Ende seiner Lebenszeit überschritten
phpBB 3.0 wird nicht mehr aktiv unterstützt. Insbesondere werden - auch bei Sicherheitslücken - keine Patches mehr bereitgestellt. Der Einsatz von phpBB 3.0 erfolgt daher auf eigene Gefahr. Wir empfehlen einen Umstieg auf die neuste phpBB-Version, welches aktiv weiterentwickelt wird und für welches regelmäßig Updates zur Verfügung gestellt werden.
Daniel Kng
Beiträge: 18
Registriert: 06.07.2014 20:42

Re: [HILFE] Ich kann keine neuen Kategorien & Foren erstelle

Beitrag von Daniel Kng »

Ich bekomme es auch durch Probieren nicht hin.
Echt Komisch.

So ist der Inhalt der Datei:

Code: Alles auswählen

<!-- saved from url=(0094)https://raw.githubusercontent.com/phpbb/phpbb3/release-3.0.12/phpBB/develop/mysql_upgrader.php -->
<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"></head><body><pre style="word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;"><?php
* @package phpBB3
* @copyright (c) 2006 phpBB Group
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License v2
* This file creates SQL statements to upgrade phpBB on MySQL 3.x/4.0.x to 4.1.x/5.x

// Security message:
// This script is potentially dangerous.
// Remove or comment the next line (die(".... ) to enable this script.
// Do NOT FORGET to either remove this script or disable it after you have used it.

define('IN_PHPBB', true);
$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './';
$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx);

$prefix = $table_prefix;

$newline = "\n";

if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli')
	$newline = '<br>';

$sql = 'DESCRIBE ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' post_text';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);

$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);


$mysql_indexer = $drop_index = false;

if (strtolower($row['Type']) === 'mediumtext')
	$mysql_indexer = true;

if (strtolower($row['Key']) === 'mul')
	$drop_index = true;

echo "USE $dbname;$newline$newline";


$schema_data = get_schema_struct();
$dbms_type_map = array(
	'mysql_41'	=> array(
		'INT:'		=> 'int(%d)',
		'BINT'		=> 'bigint(20)',
		'UINT'		=> 'mediumint(8) UNSIGNED',
		'UINT:'		=> 'int(%d) UNSIGNED',
		'TINT:'		=> 'tinyint(%d)',
		'USINT'		=> 'smallint(4) UNSIGNED',
		'BOOL'		=> 'tinyint(1) UNSIGNED',
		'VCHAR'		=> 'varchar(255)',
		'VCHAR:'	=> 'varchar(%d)',
		'CHAR:'		=> 'char(%d)',
		'XSTEXT'	=> 'text',
		'XSTEXT_UNI'=> 'varchar(100)',
		'STEXT'		=> 'text',
		'STEXT_UNI'	=> 'varchar(255)',
		'TEXT'		=> 'text',
		'TEXT_UNI'	=> 'text',
		'MTEXT'		=> 'mediumtext',
		'MTEXT_UNI'	=> 'mediumtext',
		'TIMESTAMP'	=> 'int(11) UNSIGNED',
		'DECIMAL'	=> 'decimal(5,2)',
		'DECIMAL:'	=> 'decimal(%d,2)',
		'PDECIMAL'	=> 'decimal(6,3)',
		'PDECIMAL:'	=> 'decimal(%d,3)',
		'VCHAR_UNI'	=> 'varchar(255)',
		'VCHAR_UNI:'=> 'varchar(%d)',
		'VCHAR_CI'	=> 'varchar(255)',
		'VARBINARY'	=> 'varbinary(255)',

	'mysql_40'	=> array(
		'INT:'		=> 'int(%d)',
		'BINT'		=> 'bigint(20)',
		'UINT'		=> 'mediumint(8) UNSIGNED',
		'UINT:'		=> 'int(%d) UNSIGNED',
		'TINT:'		=> 'tinyint(%d)',
		'USINT'		=> 'smallint(4) UNSIGNED',
		'BOOL'		=> 'tinyint(1) UNSIGNED',
		'VCHAR'		=> 'varbinary(255)',
		'VCHAR:'	=> 'varbinary(%d)',
		'CHAR:'		=> 'binary(%d)',
		'XSTEXT'	=> 'blob',
		'XSTEXT_UNI'=> 'blob',
		'STEXT'		=> 'blob',
		'STEXT_UNI'	=> 'blob',
		'TEXT'		=> 'blob',
		'TEXT_UNI'	=> 'blob',
		'MTEXT'		=> 'mediumblob',
		'MTEXT_UNI'	=> 'mediumblob',
		'TIMESTAMP'	=> 'int(11) UNSIGNED',
		'DECIMAL'	=> 'decimal(5,2)',
		'DECIMAL:'	=> 'decimal(%d,2)',
		'PDECIMAL'	=> 'decimal(6,3)',
		'PDECIMAL:'	=> 'decimal(%d,3)',
		'VCHAR_UNI'	=> 'blob',
		'VCHAR_UNI:'=> array('varbinary(%d)', 'limit' => array('mult', 3, 255, 'blob')),
		'VCHAR_CI'	=> 'blob',
		'VARBINARY'	=> 'varbinary(255)',

foreach ($schema_data as $table_name => $table_data)
	$table_name = str_replace('phpbb_', $prefix, $table_name);
	// Write comment about table
	echo "# Table: '{$table_name}'$newline";

	// Create Table statement
	$generator = $textimage = false;

	// Do we need to DROP a fulltext index before we alter the table?
	if ($table_name == ($prefix . 'posts') && $drop_index)
		echo "ALTER TABLE {$table_name}{$newline}";
		echo "DROP INDEX post_text,{$newline}DROP INDEX post_subject,{$newline}DROP INDEX post_content;{$newline}{$newline}";

	$line = "ALTER TABLE {$table_name} $newline";

	// Table specific so we don't get overlap
	$modded_array = array();

	// Write columns one by one...
	foreach ($table_data['COLUMNS'] as $column_name => $column_data)
		// Get type
		if (strpos($column_data[0], ':') !== false)
			list($orig_column_type, $column_length) = explode(':', $column_data[0]);
			$column_type = sprintf($dbms_type_map['mysql_41'][$orig_column_type . ':'], $column_length);

			if (isset($dbms_type_map['mysql_40'][$orig_column_type . ':']['limit']) &&
				isset($dbms_type_map['mysql_40'][$orig_column_type . ':']['limit'][0]))
				switch ($dbms_type_map['mysql_40'][$orig_column_type . ':']['limit'][0])
					case 'mult':
						if (($column_length * $dbms_type_map['mysql_40'][$orig_column_type . ':']['limit'][1]) > $dbms_type_map['mysql_40'][$orig_column_type . ':']['limit'][2])
							$modded_array[$column_name] = $column_type;

			$orig_column_type .= ':';
			$orig_column_type = $column_data[0];
			$other_column_type = $dbms_type_map['mysql_40'][$column_data[0]];
			if ($other_column_type == 'text' || $other_column_type == 'blob')
				$modded_array[$column_name] = $column_type;
			$column_type = $dbms_type_map['mysql_41'][$column_data[0]];

		// Adjust default value if db-dependant specified
		if (is_array($column_data[1]))
			$column_data[1] = (isset($column_data[1][$dbms])) ? $column_data[1][$dbms] : $column_data[1]['default'];

		$line .= "\tMODIFY {$column_name} {$column_type} ";

		// For hexadecimal values do not use single quotes
		if (!is_null($column_data[1]) && substr($column_type, -4) !== 'text' && substr($column_type, -4) !== 'blob')
			$line .= (strpos($column_data[1], '0x') === 0) ? "DEFAULT {$column_data[1]} " : "DEFAULT '{$column_data[1]}' ";
		$line .= 'NOT NULL';

		if (isset($column_data[2]))
			if ($column_data[2] == 'auto_increment')
				$line .= ' auto_increment';
			else if ($column_data[2] == 'true_sort')
				$line .= ' COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci';
			else if ($column_data[2] == 'no_sort')
				$line .= ' COLLATE utf8_bin';
		else if (preg_match('/(?:var)?char|(?:medium)?text/i', $column_type))
			$line .= ' COLLATE utf8_bin';

		$line .= ",$newline";

	// Write Keys
	if (isset($table_data['KEYS']))
		foreach ($table_data['KEYS'] as $key_name => $key_data)
			$temp = '';
			if (!is_array($key_data[1]))
				$key_data[1] = array($key_data[1]);

			$temp .= ($key_data[0] == 'INDEX') ? "\tADD KEY" : '';
			$temp .= ($key_data[0] == 'UNIQUE') ? "\tADD UNIQUE" : '';
			$repair = false;
			foreach ($key_data[1] as $key => $col_name)
				if (isset($modded_array[$col_name]))
					$repair = true;
			if ($repair)
				$line .= "\tDROP INDEX " . $key_name . ",$newline";
				$line .= $temp;
				$line .= ' ' . $key_name . ' (' . implode(', ', $key_data[1]) . "),$newline";

	//$line .= "\tCONVERT TO CHARACTER SET `utf8`$newline";
	$line .= "\tDEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin;$newline$newline";

	echo $line . "$newline";

	// Do we now need to re-add the fulltext index? ;)
	if ($table_name == ($prefix . 'posts') && $drop_index)
		echo "ALTER TABLE $table_name ADD FULLTEXT (post_subject), ADD FULLTEXT (post_text), ADD FULLTEXT post_content (post_subject, post_text);{$newline}";

* Define the basic structure
* The format:
*		array('{TABLE_NAME}' => {TABLE_DATA})
*			COLUMNS = array({column_name} = array({column_type}, {default}, {auto_increment}))
*			PRIMARY_KEY = {column_name(s)}
*			KEYS = array({key_name} = array({key_type}, {column_name(s)})),
*	Column Types:
*	INT:x		=> SIGNED int(x)
*	UINT		=> mediumint(8) UNSIGNED
*	UINT:x		=> int(x) UNSIGNED
*	TINT:x		=> tinyint(x)
*	USINT		=> smallint(4) UNSIGNED (for _order columns)
*	BOOL		=> tinyint(1) UNSIGNED
*	VCHAR		=> varchar(255)
*	CHAR:x		=> char(x)
*	XSTEXT_UNI	=> text for storing 100 characters (topic_title for example)
*	STEXT_UNI	=> text for storing 255 characters (normal input field with a max of 255 single-byte chars) - same as VCHAR_UNI
*	TEXT_UNI	=> text for storing 3000 characters (short text, descriptions, comments, etc.)
*	MTEXT_UNI	=> mediumtext (post text, large text)
*	VCHAR:x		=> varchar(x)
*	DECIMAL		=> decimal number (5,2)
*	DECIMAL:	=> decimal number (x,2)
*	PDECIMAL	=> precision decimal number (6,3)
*	PDECIMAL:	=> precision decimal number (x,3)
*	VCHAR_UNI	=> varchar(255) BINARY
*	VCHAR_CI	=> varchar_ci for postgresql, others VCHAR
function get_schema_struct()
	$schema_data = array();

	$schema_data['phpbb_attachments'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'attach_id'			=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'post_msg_id'		=> array('UINT', 0),
			'topic_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'in_message'		=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'poster_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'is_orphan'			=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'physical_filename'	=> array('VCHAR', ''),
			'real_filename'		=> array('VCHAR', ''),
			'download_count'	=> array('UINT', 0),
			'attach_comment'	=> array('TEXT_UNI', ''),
			'extension'			=> array('VCHAR:100', ''),
			'mimetype'			=> array('VCHAR:100', ''),
			'filesize'			=> array('UINT:20', 0),
			'filetime'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'thumbnail'			=> array('BOOL', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'attach_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'filetime'			=> array('INDEX', 'filetime'),
			'post_msg_id'		=> array('INDEX', 'post_msg_id'),
			'topic_id'			=> array('INDEX', 'topic_id'),
			'poster_id'			=> array('INDEX', 'poster_id'),
			'is_orphan'			=> array('INDEX', 'is_orphan'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_acl_groups'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'group_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'auth_option_id'	=> array('UINT', 0),
			'auth_role_id'		=> array('UINT', 0),
			'auth_setting'		=> array('TINT:2', 0),
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'group_id'		=> array('INDEX', 'group_id'),
			'auth_opt_id'	=> array('INDEX', 'auth_option_id'),
			'auth_role_id'	=> array('INDEX', 'auth_role_id'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_acl_options'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'auth_option_id'	=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'auth_option'		=> array('VCHAR:50', ''),
			'is_global'			=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'is_local'			=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'founder_only'		=> array('BOOL', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'auth_option_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'auth_option'		=> array('UNIQUE', 'auth_option'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_acl_roles'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'role_id'			=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'role_name'			=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'role_description'	=> array('TEXT_UNI', ''),
			'role_type'			=> array('VCHAR:10', ''),
			'role_order'		=> array('USINT', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'role_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'role_type'			=> array('INDEX', 'role_type'),
			'role_order'		=> array('INDEX', 'role_order'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_acl_roles_data'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'role_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'auth_option_id'	=> array('UINT', 0),
			'auth_setting'		=> array('TINT:2', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> array('role_id', 'auth_option_id'),
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'ath_op_id'			=> array('INDEX', 'auth_option_id'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_acl_users'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'user_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'auth_option_id'	=> array('UINT', 0),
			'auth_role_id'		=> array('UINT', 0),
			'auth_setting'		=> array('TINT:2', 0),
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'user_id'			=> array('INDEX', 'user_id'),
			'auth_option_id'	=> array('INDEX', 'auth_option_id'),
			'auth_role_id'		=> array('INDEX', 'auth_role_id'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_banlist'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'ban_id'			=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'ban_userid'		=> array('UINT', 0),
			'ban_ip'			=> array('VCHAR:40', ''),
			'ban_email'			=> array('VCHAR_UNI:100', ''),
			'ban_start'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'ban_end'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'ban_exclude'		=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'ban_reason'		=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'ban_give_reason'	=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'			=> 'ban_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'ban_end'			=> array('INDEX', 'ban_end'),
			'ban_user'			=> array('INDEX', array('ban_userid', 'ban_exclude')),
			'ban_email'			=> array('INDEX', array('ban_email', 'ban_exclude')),
			'ban_ip'			=> array('INDEX', array('ban_ip', 'ban_exclude')),

	$schema_data['phpbb_bbcodes'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'bbcode_id'				=> array('USINT', 0),
			'bbcode_tag'			=> array('VCHAR:16', ''),
			'bbcode_helpline'		=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'display_on_posting'	=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'bbcode_match'			=> array('TEXT_UNI', ''),
			'bbcode_tpl'			=> array('MTEXT_UNI', ''),
			'first_pass_match'		=> array('MTEXT_UNI', ''),
			'first_pass_replace'	=> array('MTEXT_UNI', ''),
			'second_pass_match'		=> array('MTEXT_UNI', ''),
			'second_pass_replace'	=> array('MTEXT_UNI', ''),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'bbcode_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'display_on_post'		=> array('INDEX', 'display_on_posting'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_bookmarks'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'topic_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'user_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'			=> array('topic_id', 'user_id'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_bots'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'bot_id'			=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'bot_active'		=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'bot_name'			=> array('STEXT_UNI', ''),
			'user_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'bot_agent'			=> array('VCHAR', ''),
			'bot_ip'			=> array('VCHAR', ''),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'bot_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'bot_active'		=> array('INDEX', 'bot_active'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_config'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'config_name'		=> array('VCHAR', ''),
			'config_value'		=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'is_dynamic'		=> array('BOOL', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'config_name',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'is_dynamic'		=> array('INDEX', 'is_dynamic'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_confirm'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'confirm_id'		=> array('CHAR:32', ''),
			'session_id'		=> array('CHAR:32', ''),
			'confirm_type'		=> array('TINT:3', 0),
			'code'				=> array('VCHAR:8', ''),
			'seed'				=> array('UINT:10', 0),
			'attempts'			=> array('UINT', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> array('session_id', 'confirm_id'),
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'confirm_type'		=> array('INDEX', 'confirm_type'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_disallow'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'disallow_id'		=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'disallow_username'	=> array('VCHAR_UNI:255', ''),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'disallow_id',

	$schema_data['phpbb_drafts'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'draft_id'			=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'user_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'topic_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'save_time'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'draft_subject'		=> array('STEXT_UNI', ''),
			'draft_message'		=> array('MTEXT_UNI', ''),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'draft_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'save_time'			=> array('INDEX', 'save_time'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_extensions'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'extension_id'		=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'group_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'extension'			=> array('VCHAR:100', ''),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'extension_id',

	$schema_data['phpbb_extension_groups'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'group_id'			=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'group_name'		=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'cat_id'			=> array('TINT:2', 0),
			'allow_group'		=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'download_mode'		=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'upload_icon'		=> array('VCHAR', ''),
			'max_filesize'		=> array('UINT:20', 0),
			'allowed_forums'	=> array('TEXT', ''),
			'allow_in_pm'		=> array('BOOL', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'group_id',

	$schema_data['phpbb_forums'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'forum_id'				=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'parent_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'left_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'right_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_parents'			=> array('MTEXT', ''),
			'forum_name'			=> array('STEXT_UNI', ''),
			'forum_desc'			=> array('TEXT_UNI', ''),
			'forum_desc_bitfield'	=> array('VCHAR:255', ''),
			'forum_desc_options'	=> array('UINT:11', 7),
			'forum_desc_uid'		=> array('VCHAR:8', ''),
			'forum_link'			=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'forum_password'		=> array('VCHAR_UNI:40', ''),
			'forum_style'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_image'			=> array('VCHAR', ''),
			'forum_rules'			=> array('TEXT_UNI', ''),
			'forum_rules_link'		=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'forum_rules_bitfield'	=> array('VCHAR:255', ''),
			'forum_rules_options'	=> array('UINT:11', 7),
			'forum_rules_uid'		=> array('VCHAR:8', ''),
			'forum_topics_per_page'	=> array('TINT:4', 0),
			'forum_type'			=> array('TINT:4', 0),
			'forum_status'			=> array('TINT:4', 0),
			'forum_posts'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_topics'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_topics_real'		=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_last_post_id'	=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_last_poster_id'	=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_last_post_subject' => array('STEXT_UNI', ''),
			'forum_last_post_time'	=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'forum_last_poster_name'=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'forum_last_poster_colour'=> array('VCHAR:6', ''),
			'forum_flags'			=> array('TINT:4', 32),
			'forum_options'			=> array('UINT:20', 0),
			'display_subforum_list'	=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'display_on_index'		=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'enable_indexing'		=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'enable_icons'			=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'enable_prune'			=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'prune_next'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'prune_days'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'prune_viewed'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'prune_freq'			=> array('UINT', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'forum_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
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			// We may want to set 'code' to VCHAR:50 or check if unicode support is possible... at the moment only ASCII characters are allowed.
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			'style_name'			=> array('VCHAR_UNI:255', ''),
			'style_copyright'		=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'style_active'			=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'template_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'theme_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'imageset_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'style_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'style_name'		=> array('UNIQUE', 'style_name'),
			'template_id'		=> array('INDEX', 'template_id'),
			'theme_id'			=> array('INDEX', 'theme_id'),
			'imageset_id'		=> array('INDEX', 'imageset_id'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_styles_template'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'template_id'			=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'template_name'			=> array('VCHAR_UNI:255', ''),
			'template_copyright'	=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'template_path'			=> array('VCHAR:100', ''),
			'bbcode_bitfield'		=> array('VCHAR:255', 'kNg='),
			'template_storedb'		=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'template_inherits_id'		=> array('UINT:4', 0),
			'template_inherit_path'		=> array('VCHAR', ''),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'template_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'tmplte_nm'				=> array('UNIQUE', 'template_name'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_styles_template_data'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'template_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'template_filename'		=> array('VCHAR:100', ''),
			'template_included'		=> array('TEXT', ''),
			'template_mtime'		=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'template_data'			=> array('MTEXT_UNI', ''),
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'tid'					=> array('INDEX', 'template_id'),
			'tfn'					=> array('INDEX', 'template_filename'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_styles_theme'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'theme_id'				=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'theme_name'			=> array('VCHAR_UNI:255', ''),
			'theme_copyright'		=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'theme_path'			=> array('VCHAR:100', ''),
			'theme_storedb'			=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'theme_mtime'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'theme_data'			=> array('MTEXT_UNI', ''),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'theme_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'theme_name'		=> array('UNIQUE', 'theme_name'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_styles_imageset'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'imageset_id'				=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'imageset_name'				=> array('VCHAR_UNI:255', ''),
			'imageset_copyright'		=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'imageset_path'				=> array('VCHAR:100', ''),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'		=> 'imageset_id',
		'KEYS'				=> array(
			'imgset_nm'			=> array('UNIQUE', 'imageset_name'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_styles_imageset_data'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'image_id'				=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'image_name'			=> array('VCHAR:200', ''),
			'image_filename'		=> array('VCHAR:200', ''),
			'image_lang'			=> array('VCHAR:30', ''),
			'image_height'			=> array('USINT', 0),
			'image_width'			=> array('USINT', 0),
			'imageset_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'		=> 'image_id',
		'KEYS'				=> array(
			'i_d'			=> array('INDEX', 'imageset_id'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_topics'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'topic_id'					=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'forum_id'					=> array('UINT', 0),
			'icon_id'					=> array('UINT', 0),
			'topic_attachment'			=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'topic_approved'			=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'topic_reported'			=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'topic_title'				=> array('STEXT_UNI', '', 'true_sort'),
			'topic_poster'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'topic_time'				=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'topic_time_limit'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'topic_views'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'topic_replies'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'topic_replies_real'		=> array('UINT', 0),
			'topic_status'				=> array('TINT:3', 0),
			'topic_type'				=> array('TINT:3', 0),
			'topic_first_post_id'		=> array('UINT', 0),
			'topic_first_poster_name'	=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'topic_first_poster_colour'	=> array('VCHAR:6', ''),
			'topic_last_post_id'		=> array('UINT', 0),
			'topic_last_poster_id'		=> array('UINT', 0),
			'topic_last_poster_name'	=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'topic_last_poster_colour'	=> array('VCHAR:6', ''),
			'topic_last_post_subject'	=> array('STEXT_UNI', ''),
			'topic_last_post_time'		=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'topic_last_view_time'		=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'topic_moved_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'topic_bumped'				=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'topic_bumper'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'poll_title'				=> array('STEXT_UNI', ''),
			'poll_start'				=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'poll_length'				=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'poll_max_options'			=> array('TINT:4', 1),
			'poll_last_vote'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'poll_vote_change'			=> array('BOOL', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'topic_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'forum_id'			=> array('INDEX', 'forum_id'),
			'forum_id_type'		=> array('INDEX', array('forum_id', 'topic_type')),
			'last_post_time'	=> array('INDEX', 'topic_last_post_time'),
			'topic_approved'	=> array('INDEX', 'topic_approved'),
			'forum_appr_last'	=> array('INDEX', array('forum_id', 'topic_approved', 'topic_last_post_id')),
			'fid_time_moved'	=> array('INDEX', array('forum_id', 'topic_last_post_time', 'topic_moved_id')),

	$schema_data['phpbb_topics_track'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'user_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'topic_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'mark_time'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> array('user_id', 'topic_id'),
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'topic_id'			=> array('INDEX', 'topic_id'),
			'forum_id'			=> array('INDEX', 'forum_id'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_topics_posted'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'user_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'topic_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'topic_posted'		=> array('BOOL', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> array('user_id', 'topic_id'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_topics_watch'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'topic_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'user_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'notify_status'		=> array('BOOL', 0),
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'topic_id'			=> array('INDEX', 'topic_id'),
			'user_id'			=> array('INDEX', 'user_id'),
			'notify_stat'		=> array('INDEX', 'notify_status'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_user_group'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'group_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'user_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'group_leader'		=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'user_pending'		=> array('BOOL', 1),
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'group_id'			=> array('INDEX', 'group_id'),
			'user_id'			=> array('INDEX', 'user_id'),
			'group_leader'		=> array('INDEX', 'group_leader'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_users'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'user_id'					=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'user_type'					=> array('TINT:2', 0),
			'group_id'					=> array('UINT', 3),
			'user_permissions'			=> array('MTEXT', ''),
			'user_perm_from'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'user_ip'					=> array('VCHAR:40', ''),
			'user_regdate'				=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'username'					=> array('VCHAR_CI', ''),
			'username_clean'			=> array('VCHAR_CI', ''),
			'user_password'				=> array('VCHAR_UNI:40', ''),
			'user_passchg'				=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'user_pass_convert'			=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'user_email'				=> array('VCHAR_UNI:100', ''),
			'user_email_hash'			=> array('BINT', 0),
			'user_birthday'				=> array('VCHAR:10', ''),
			'user_lastvisit'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'user_lastmark'				=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'user_lastpost_time'		=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'user_lastpage'				=> array('VCHAR_UNI:200', ''),
			'user_last_confirm_key'		=> array('VCHAR:10', ''),
			'user_last_search'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'user_warnings'				=> array('TINT:4', 0),
			'user_last_warning'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'user_login_attempts'		=> array('TINT:4', 0),
			'user_inactive_reason'		=> array('TINT:2', 0),
			'user_inactive_time'		=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'user_posts'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'user_lang'					=> array('VCHAR:30', ''),
			'user_timezone'				=> array('DECIMAL', 0),
			'user_dst'					=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'user_dateformat'			=> array('VCHAR_UNI:30', 'd M Y H:i'),
			'user_style'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'user_rank'					=> array('UINT', 0),
			'user_colour'				=> array('VCHAR:6', ''),
			'user_new_privmsg'			=> array('INT:4', 0),
			'user_unread_privmsg'		=> array('INT:4', 0),
			'user_last_privmsg'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'user_message_rules'		=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'user_full_folder'			=> array('INT:11', -3),
			'user_emailtime'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'user_topic_show_days'		=> array('USINT', 0),
			'user_topic_sortby_type'	=> array('VCHAR:1', 't'),
			'user_topic_sortby_dir'		=> array('VCHAR:1', 'd'),
			'user_post_show_days'		=> array('USINT', 0),
			'user_post_sortby_type'		=> array('VCHAR:1', 't'),
			'user_post_sortby_dir'		=> array('VCHAR:1', 'a'),
			'user_notify'				=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'user_notify_pm'			=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'user_notify_type'			=> array('TINT:4', 0),
			'user_allow_pm'				=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'user_allow_viewonline'		=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'user_allow_viewemail'		=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'user_allow_massemail'		=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'user_options'				=> array('UINT:11', 230271),
			'user_avatar'				=> array('VCHAR', ''),
			'user_avatar_type'			=> array('TINT:2', 0),
			'user_avatar_width'			=> array('USINT', 0),
			'user_avatar_height'		=> array('USINT', 0),
			'user_sig'					=> array('MTEXT_UNI', ''),
			'user_sig_bbcode_uid'		=> array('VCHAR:8', ''),
			'user_sig_bbcode_bitfield'	=> array('VCHAR:255', ''),
			'user_from'					=> array('VCHAR_UNI:100', ''),
			'user_icq'					=> array('VCHAR:15', ''),
			'user_aim'					=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'user_yim'					=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'user_msnm'					=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'user_jabber'				=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'user_website'				=> array('VCHAR_UNI:200', ''),
			'user_occ'					=> array('TEXT_UNI', ''),
			'user_interests'			=> array('TEXT_UNI', ''),
			'user_actkey'				=> array('VCHAR:32', ''),
			'user_newpasswd'			=> array('VCHAR_UNI:40', ''),
			'user_form_salt'			=> array('VCHAR_UNI:32', ''),
			'user_new'					=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'user_reminded'				=> array('TINT:4', 0),
			'user_reminded_time'		=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'user_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'user_birthday'				=> array('INDEX', 'user_birthday'),
			'user_email_hash'			=> array('INDEX', 'user_email_hash'),
			'user_type'					=> array('INDEX', 'user_type'),
			'username_clean'			=> array('UNIQUE', 'username_clean'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_warnings'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'warning_id'			=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'user_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'post_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'log_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'warning_time'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'warning_id',

	$schema_data['phpbb_words'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'word_id'				=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'word'					=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'replacement'			=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'word_id',

	$schema_data['phpbb_zebra'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'user_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'zebra_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'friend'				=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'foe'					=> array('BOOL', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> array('user_id', 'zebra_id'),

	return $schema_data;
Beiträge: 11954
Registriert: 19.05.2005 21:45

Re: [HILFE] Ich kann keine neuen Kategorien & Foren erstelle

Beitrag von Crizzo »

Nimm mal einen Texteditor (Notepad++ o.ä.; Word ist kein Texteditor!), erstelle eine neue leere Datei und kopiere dort diesen Inhalt herein:

Code: Alles auswählen

* @package phpBB3
* @copyright (c) 2006 phpBB Group
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License v2
* This file creates SQL statements to upgrade phpBB on MySQL 3.x/4.0.x to 4.1.x/5.x

// Security message:
// This script is potentially dangerous.
// Remove or comment the next line (die(".... ) to enable this script.
// Do NOT FORGET to either remove this script or disable it after you have used it.
die("Please read the first lines of this script for instructions on how to enable it");

define('IN_PHPBB', true);
$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './';
$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx);

$prefix = $table_prefix;

$newline = "\n";

if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli')
	$newline = '<br>';

$sql = 'DESCRIBE ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' post_text';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);

$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);


$mysql_indexer = $drop_index = false;

if (strtolower($row['Type']) === 'mediumtext')
	$mysql_indexer = true;

if (strtolower($row['Key']) === 'mul')
	$drop_index = true;

echo "USE $dbname;$newline$newline";


$schema_data = get_schema_struct();
$dbms_type_map = array(
	'mysql_41'	=> array(
		'INT:'		=> 'int(%d)',
		'BINT'		=> 'bigint(20)',
		'UINT'		=> 'mediumint(8) UNSIGNED',
		'UINT:'		=> 'int(%d) UNSIGNED',
		'TINT:'		=> 'tinyint(%d)',
		'USINT'		=> 'smallint(4) UNSIGNED',
		'BOOL'		=> 'tinyint(1) UNSIGNED',
		'VCHAR'		=> 'varchar(255)',
		'VCHAR:'	=> 'varchar(%d)',
		'CHAR:'		=> 'char(%d)',
		'XSTEXT'	=> 'text',
		'XSTEXT_UNI'=> 'varchar(100)',
		'STEXT'		=> 'text',
		'STEXT_UNI'	=> 'varchar(255)',
		'TEXT'		=> 'text',
		'TEXT_UNI'	=> 'text',
		'MTEXT'		=> 'mediumtext',
		'MTEXT_UNI'	=> 'mediumtext',
		'TIMESTAMP'	=> 'int(11) UNSIGNED',
		'DECIMAL'	=> 'decimal(5,2)',
		'DECIMAL:'	=> 'decimal(%d,2)',
		'PDECIMAL'	=> 'decimal(6,3)',
		'PDECIMAL:'	=> 'decimal(%d,3)',
		'VCHAR_UNI'	=> 'varchar(255)',
		'VCHAR_UNI:'=> 'varchar(%d)',
		'VCHAR_CI'	=> 'varchar(255)',
		'VARBINARY'	=> 'varbinary(255)',

	'mysql_40'	=> array(
		'INT:'		=> 'int(%d)',
		'BINT'		=> 'bigint(20)',
		'UINT'		=> 'mediumint(8) UNSIGNED',
		'UINT:'		=> 'int(%d) UNSIGNED',
		'TINT:'		=> 'tinyint(%d)',
		'USINT'		=> 'smallint(4) UNSIGNED',
		'BOOL'		=> 'tinyint(1) UNSIGNED',
		'VCHAR'		=> 'varbinary(255)',
		'VCHAR:'	=> 'varbinary(%d)',
		'CHAR:'		=> 'binary(%d)',
		'XSTEXT'	=> 'blob',
		'XSTEXT_UNI'=> 'blob',
		'STEXT'		=> 'blob',
		'STEXT_UNI'	=> 'blob',
		'TEXT'		=> 'blob',
		'TEXT_UNI'	=> 'blob',
		'MTEXT'		=> 'mediumblob',
		'MTEXT_UNI'	=> 'mediumblob',
		'TIMESTAMP'	=> 'int(11) UNSIGNED',
		'DECIMAL'	=> 'decimal(5,2)',
		'DECIMAL:'	=> 'decimal(%d,2)',
		'PDECIMAL'	=> 'decimal(6,3)',
		'PDECIMAL:'	=> 'decimal(%d,3)',
		'VCHAR_UNI'	=> 'blob',
		'VCHAR_UNI:'=> array('varbinary(%d)', 'limit' => array('mult', 3, 255, 'blob')),
		'VCHAR_CI'	=> 'blob',
		'VARBINARY'	=> 'varbinary(255)',

foreach ($schema_data as $table_name => $table_data)
	$table_name = str_replace('phpbb_', $prefix, $table_name);
	// Write comment about table
	echo "# Table: '{$table_name}'$newline";

	// Create Table statement
	$generator = $textimage = false;

	// Do we need to DROP a fulltext index before we alter the table?
	if ($table_name == ($prefix . 'posts') && $drop_index)
		echo "ALTER TABLE {$table_name}{$newline}";
		echo "DROP INDEX post_text,{$newline}DROP INDEX post_subject,{$newline}DROP INDEX post_content;{$newline}{$newline}";

	$line = "ALTER TABLE {$table_name} $newline";

	// Table specific so we don't get overlap
	$modded_array = array();

	// Write columns one by one...
	foreach ($table_data['COLUMNS'] as $column_name => $column_data)
		// Get type
		if (strpos($column_data[0], ':') !== false)
			list($orig_column_type, $column_length) = explode(':', $column_data[0]);
			$column_type = sprintf($dbms_type_map['mysql_41'][$orig_column_type . ':'], $column_length);

			if (isset($dbms_type_map['mysql_40'][$orig_column_type . ':']['limit']) &&
				isset($dbms_type_map['mysql_40'][$orig_column_type . ':']['limit'][0]))
				switch ($dbms_type_map['mysql_40'][$orig_column_type . ':']['limit'][0])
					case 'mult':
						if (($column_length * $dbms_type_map['mysql_40'][$orig_column_type . ':']['limit'][1]) > $dbms_type_map['mysql_40'][$orig_column_type . ':']['limit'][2])
							$modded_array[$column_name] = $column_type;

			$orig_column_type .= ':';
			$orig_column_type = $column_data[0];
			$other_column_type = $dbms_type_map['mysql_40'][$column_data[0]];
			if ($other_column_type == 'text' || $other_column_type == 'blob')
				$modded_array[$column_name] = $column_type;
			$column_type = $dbms_type_map['mysql_41'][$column_data[0]];

		// Adjust default value if db-dependant specified
		if (is_array($column_data[1]))
			$column_data[1] = (isset($column_data[1][$dbms])) ? $column_data[1][$dbms] : $column_data[1]['default'];

		$line .= "\tMODIFY {$column_name} {$column_type} ";

		// For hexadecimal values do not use single quotes
		if (!is_null($column_data[1]) && substr($column_type, -4) !== 'text' && substr($column_type, -4) !== 'blob')
			$line .= (strpos($column_data[1], '0x') === 0) ? "DEFAULT {$column_data[1]} " : "DEFAULT '{$column_data[1]}' ";
		$line .= 'NOT NULL';

		if (isset($column_data[2]))
			if ($column_data[2] == 'auto_increment')
				$line .= ' auto_increment';
			else if ($column_data[2] == 'true_sort')
				$line .= ' COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci';
			else if ($column_data[2] == 'no_sort')
				$line .= ' COLLATE utf8_bin';
		else if (preg_match('/(?:var)?char|(?:medium)?text/i', $column_type))
			$line .= ' COLLATE utf8_bin';

		$line .= ",$newline";

	// Write Keys
	if (isset($table_data['KEYS']))
		foreach ($table_data['KEYS'] as $key_name => $key_data)
			$temp = '';
			if (!is_array($key_data[1]))
				$key_data[1] = array($key_data[1]);

			$temp .= ($key_data[0] == 'INDEX') ? "\tADD KEY" : '';
			$temp .= ($key_data[0] == 'UNIQUE') ? "\tADD UNIQUE" : '';
			$repair = false;
			foreach ($key_data[1] as $key => $col_name)
				if (isset($modded_array[$col_name]))
					$repair = true;
			if ($repair)
				$line .= "\tDROP INDEX " . $key_name . ",$newline";
				$line .= $temp;
				$line .= ' ' . $key_name . ' (' . implode(', ', $key_data[1]) . "),$newline";

	//$line .= "\tCONVERT TO CHARACTER SET `utf8`$newline";
	$line .= "\tDEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin;$newline$newline";

	echo $line . "$newline";

	// Do we now need to re-add the fulltext index? ;)
	if ($table_name == ($prefix . 'posts') && $drop_index)
		echo "ALTER TABLE $table_name ADD FULLTEXT (post_subject), ADD FULLTEXT (post_text), ADD FULLTEXT post_content (post_subject, post_text);{$newline}";

* Define the basic structure
* The format:
*		array('{TABLE_NAME}' => {TABLE_DATA})
*			COLUMNS = array({column_name} = array({column_type}, {default}, {auto_increment}))
*			PRIMARY_KEY = {column_name(s)}
*			KEYS = array({key_name} = array({key_type}, {column_name(s)})),
*	Column Types:
*	INT:x		=> SIGNED int(x)
*	UINT		=> mediumint(8) UNSIGNED
*	UINT:x		=> int(x) UNSIGNED
*	TINT:x		=> tinyint(x)
*	USINT		=> smallint(4) UNSIGNED (for _order columns)
*	BOOL		=> tinyint(1) UNSIGNED
*	VCHAR		=> varchar(255)
*	CHAR:x		=> char(x)
*	XSTEXT_UNI	=> text for storing 100 characters (topic_title for example)
*	STEXT_UNI	=> text for storing 255 characters (normal input field with a max of 255 single-byte chars) - same as VCHAR_UNI
*	TEXT_UNI	=> text for storing 3000 characters (short text, descriptions, comments, etc.)
*	MTEXT_UNI	=> mediumtext (post text, large text)
*	VCHAR:x		=> varchar(x)
*	DECIMAL		=> decimal number (5,2)
*	DECIMAL:	=> decimal number (x,2)
*	PDECIMAL	=> precision decimal number (6,3)
*	PDECIMAL:	=> precision decimal number (x,3)
*	VCHAR_UNI	=> varchar(255) BINARY
*	VCHAR_CI	=> varchar_ci for postgresql, others VCHAR
function get_schema_struct()
	$schema_data = array();

	$schema_data['phpbb_attachments'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'attach_id'			=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'post_msg_id'		=> array('UINT', 0),
			'topic_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'in_message'		=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'poster_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'is_orphan'			=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'physical_filename'	=> array('VCHAR', ''),
			'real_filename'		=> array('VCHAR', ''),
			'download_count'	=> array('UINT', 0),
			'attach_comment'	=> array('TEXT_UNI', ''),
			'extension'			=> array('VCHAR:100', ''),
			'mimetype'			=> array('VCHAR:100', ''),
			'filesize'			=> array('UINT:20', 0),
			'filetime'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'thumbnail'			=> array('BOOL', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'attach_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'filetime'			=> array('INDEX', 'filetime'),
			'post_msg_id'		=> array('INDEX', 'post_msg_id'),
			'topic_id'			=> array('INDEX', 'topic_id'),
			'poster_id'			=> array('INDEX', 'poster_id'),
			'is_orphan'			=> array('INDEX', 'is_orphan'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_acl_groups'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'group_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'auth_option_id'	=> array('UINT', 0),
			'auth_role_id'		=> array('UINT', 0),
			'auth_setting'		=> array('TINT:2', 0),
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'group_id'		=> array('INDEX', 'group_id'),
			'auth_opt_id'	=> array('INDEX', 'auth_option_id'),
			'auth_role_id'	=> array('INDEX', 'auth_role_id'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_acl_options'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'auth_option_id'	=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'auth_option'		=> array('VCHAR:50', ''),
			'is_global'			=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'is_local'			=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'founder_only'		=> array('BOOL', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'auth_option_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'auth_option'		=> array('UNIQUE', 'auth_option'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_acl_roles'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'role_id'			=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'role_name'			=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'role_description'	=> array('TEXT_UNI', ''),
			'role_type'			=> array('VCHAR:10', ''),
			'role_order'		=> array('USINT', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'role_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'role_type'			=> array('INDEX', 'role_type'),
			'role_order'		=> array('INDEX', 'role_order'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_acl_roles_data'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'role_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'auth_option_id'	=> array('UINT', 0),
			'auth_setting'		=> array('TINT:2', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> array('role_id', 'auth_option_id'),
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'ath_op_id'			=> array('INDEX', 'auth_option_id'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_acl_users'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'user_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'auth_option_id'	=> array('UINT', 0),
			'auth_role_id'		=> array('UINT', 0),
			'auth_setting'		=> array('TINT:2', 0),
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'user_id'			=> array('INDEX', 'user_id'),
			'auth_option_id'	=> array('INDEX', 'auth_option_id'),
			'auth_role_id'		=> array('INDEX', 'auth_role_id'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_banlist'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'ban_id'			=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'ban_userid'		=> array('UINT', 0),
			'ban_ip'			=> array('VCHAR:40', ''),
			'ban_email'			=> array('VCHAR_UNI:100', ''),
			'ban_start'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'ban_end'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'ban_exclude'		=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'ban_reason'		=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'ban_give_reason'	=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'			=> 'ban_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'ban_end'			=> array('INDEX', 'ban_end'),
			'ban_user'			=> array('INDEX', array('ban_userid', 'ban_exclude')),
			'ban_email'			=> array('INDEX', array('ban_email', 'ban_exclude')),
			'ban_ip'			=> array('INDEX', array('ban_ip', 'ban_exclude')),

	$schema_data['phpbb_bbcodes'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'bbcode_id'				=> array('USINT', 0),
			'bbcode_tag'			=> array('VCHAR:16', ''),
			'bbcode_helpline'		=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'display_on_posting'	=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'bbcode_match'			=> array('TEXT_UNI', ''),
			'bbcode_tpl'			=> array('MTEXT_UNI', ''),
			'first_pass_match'		=> array('MTEXT_UNI', ''),
			'first_pass_replace'	=> array('MTEXT_UNI', ''),
			'second_pass_match'		=> array('MTEXT_UNI', ''),
			'second_pass_replace'	=> array('MTEXT_UNI', ''),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'bbcode_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'display_on_post'		=> array('INDEX', 'display_on_posting'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_bookmarks'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'topic_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'user_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'			=> array('topic_id', 'user_id'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_bots'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'bot_id'			=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'bot_active'		=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'bot_name'			=> array('STEXT_UNI', ''),
			'user_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'bot_agent'			=> array('VCHAR', ''),
			'bot_ip'			=> array('VCHAR', ''),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'bot_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'bot_active'		=> array('INDEX', 'bot_active'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_config'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'config_name'		=> array('VCHAR', ''),
			'config_value'		=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'is_dynamic'		=> array('BOOL', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'config_name',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'is_dynamic'		=> array('INDEX', 'is_dynamic'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_confirm'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'confirm_id'		=> array('CHAR:32', ''),
			'session_id'		=> array('CHAR:32', ''),
			'confirm_type'		=> array('TINT:3', 0),
			'code'				=> array('VCHAR:8', ''),
			'seed'				=> array('UINT:10', 0),
			'attempts'			=> array('UINT', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> array('session_id', 'confirm_id'),
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'confirm_type'		=> array('INDEX', 'confirm_type'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_disallow'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'disallow_id'		=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'disallow_username'	=> array('VCHAR_UNI:255', ''),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'disallow_id',

	$schema_data['phpbb_drafts'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'draft_id'			=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'user_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'topic_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'save_time'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'draft_subject'		=> array('STEXT_UNI', ''),
			'draft_message'		=> array('MTEXT_UNI', ''),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'draft_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'save_time'			=> array('INDEX', 'save_time'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_extensions'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'extension_id'		=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'group_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'extension'			=> array('VCHAR:100', ''),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'extension_id',

	$schema_data['phpbb_extension_groups'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'group_id'			=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'group_name'		=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'cat_id'			=> array('TINT:2', 0),
			'allow_group'		=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'download_mode'		=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'upload_icon'		=> array('VCHAR', ''),
			'max_filesize'		=> array('UINT:20', 0),
			'allowed_forums'	=> array('TEXT', ''),
			'allow_in_pm'		=> array('BOOL', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'group_id',

	$schema_data['phpbb_forums'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'forum_id'				=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'parent_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'left_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'right_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_parents'			=> array('MTEXT', ''),
			'forum_name'			=> array('STEXT_UNI', ''),
			'forum_desc'			=> array('TEXT_UNI', ''),
			'forum_desc_bitfield'	=> array('VCHAR:255', ''),
			'forum_desc_options'	=> array('UINT:11', 7),
			'forum_desc_uid'		=> array('VCHAR:8', ''),
			'forum_link'			=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'forum_password'		=> array('VCHAR_UNI:40', ''),
			'forum_style'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_image'			=> array('VCHAR', ''),
			'forum_rules'			=> array('TEXT_UNI', ''),
			'forum_rules_link'		=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'forum_rules_bitfield'	=> array('VCHAR:255', ''),
			'forum_rules_options'	=> array('UINT:11', 7),
			'forum_rules_uid'		=> array('VCHAR:8', ''),
			'forum_topics_per_page'	=> array('TINT:4', 0),
			'forum_type'			=> array('TINT:4', 0),
			'forum_status'			=> array('TINT:4', 0),
			'forum_posts'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_topics'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_topics_real'		=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_last_post_id'	=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_last_poster_id'	=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_last_post_subject' => array('STEXT_UNI', ''),
			'forum_last_post_time'	=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'forum_last_poster_name'=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'forum_last_poster_colour'=> array('VCHAR:6', ''),
			'forum_flags'			=> array('TINT:4', 32),
			'forum_options'			=> array('UINT:20', 0),
			'display_subforum_list'	=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'display_on_index'		=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'enable_indexing'		=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'enable_icons'			=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'enable_prune'			=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'prune_next'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'prune_days'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'prune_viewed'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'prune_freq'			=> array('UINT', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'forum_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'left_right_id'			=> array('INDEX', array('left_id', 'right_id')),
			'forum_lastpost_id'		=> array('INDEX', 'forum_last_post_id'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_forums_access'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'forum_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'user_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'session_id'			=> array('CHAR:32', ''),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> array('forum_id', 'user_id', 'session_id'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_forums_track'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'user_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'mark_time'				=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> array('user_id', 'forum_id'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_forums_watch'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'forum_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'user_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'notify_status'			=> array('BOOL', 0),
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'forum_id'				=> array('INDEX', 'forum_id'),
			'user_id'				=> array('INDEX', 'user_id'),
			'notify_stat'			=> array('INDEX', 'notify_status'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_groups'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'group_id'				=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'group_type'			=> array('TINT:4', 1),
			'group_founder_manage'	=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'group_skip_auth'		=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'group_name'			=> array('VCHAR_CI', ''),
			'group_desc'			=> array('TEXT_UNI', ''),
			'group_desc_bitfield'	=> array('VCHAR:255', ''),
			'group_desc_options'	=> array('UINT:11', 7),
			'group_desc_uid'		=> array('VCHAR:8', ''),
			'group_display'			=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'group_avatar'			=> array('VCHAR', ''),
			'group_avatar_type'		=> array('TINT:2', 0),
			'group_avatar_width'	=> array('USINT', 0),
			'group_avatar_height'	=> array('USINT', 0),
			'group_rank'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'group_colour'			=> array('VCHAR:6', ''),
			'group_sig_chars'		=> array('UINT', 0),
			'group_receive_pm'		=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'group_message_limit'	=> array('UINT', 0),
			'group_max_recipients'	=> array('UINT', 0),
			'group_legend'			=> array('BOOL', 1),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'group_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'group_legend_name'		=> array('INDEX', array('group_legend', 'group_name')),

	$schema_data['phpbb_icons'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'icons_id'				=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'icons_url'				=> array('VCHAR', ''),
			'icons_width'			=> array('TINT:4', 0),
			'icons_height'			=> array('TINT:4', 0),
			'icons_order'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'display_on_posting'	=> array('BOOL', 1),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'icons_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'display_on_posting'	=> array('INDEX', 'display_on_posting'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_lang'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'lang_id'				=> array('TINT:4', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'lang_iso'				=> array('VCHAR:30', ''),
			'lang_dir'				=> array('VCHAR:30', ''),
			'lang_english_name'		=> array('VCHAR_UNI:100', ''),
			'lang_local_name'		=> array('VCHAR_UNI:255', ''),
			'lang_author'			=> array('VCHAR_UNI:255', ''),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'lang_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'lang_iso'				=> array('INDEX', 'lang_iso'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_log'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'log_id'				=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'log_type'				=> array('TINT:4', 0),
			'user_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'topic_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'reportee_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'log_ip'				=> array('VCHAR:40', ''),
			'log_time'				=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'log_operation'			=> array('TEXT_UNI', ''),
			'log_data'				=> array('MTEXT_UNI', ''),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'log_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'log_type'				=> array('INDEX', 'log_type'),
			'forum_id'				=> array('INDEX', 'forum_id'),
			'topic_id'				=> array('INDEX', 'topic_id'),
			'reportee_id'			=> array('INDEX', 'reportee_id'),
			'user_id'				=> array('INDEX', 'user_id'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_login_attempts'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'attempt_ip'			=> array('VCHAR:40', ''),
			'attempt_browser'		=> array('VCHAR:150', ''),
			'attempt_forwarded_for'	=> array('VCHAR:255', ''),
			'attempt_time'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'user_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'username'				=> array('VCHAR_UNI:255', 0),
			'username_clean'		=> array('VCHAR_CI', 0),
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'att_ip'				=> array('INDEX', array('attempt_ip', 'attempt_time')),
			'att_for'		=> array('INDEX', array('attempt_forwarded_for', 'attempt_time')),
			'att_time'				=> array('INDEX', array('attempt_time')),
			'user_id'					=> array('INDEX', 'user_id'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_moderator_cache'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'forum_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'user_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'username'				=> array('VCHAR_UNI:255', ''),
			'group_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'group_name'			=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'display_on_index'		=> array('BOOL', 1),
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'disp_idx'				=> array('INDEX', 'display_on_index'),
			'forum_id'				=> array('INDEX', 'forum_id'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_modules'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'module_id'				=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'module_enabled'		=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'module_display'		=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'module_basename'		=> array('VCHAR', ''),
			'module_class'			=> array('VCHAR:10', ''),
			'parent_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'left_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'right_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'module_langname'		=> array('VCHAR', ''),
			'module_mode'			=> array('VCHAR', ''),
			'module_auth'			=> array('VCHAR', ''),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'module_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'left_right_id'			=> array('INDEX', array('left_id', 'right_id')),
			'module_enabled'		=> array('INDEX', 'module_enabled'),
			'class_left_id'			=> array('INDEX', array('module_class', 'left_id')),

	$schema_data['phpbb_poll_options'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'poll_option_id'		=> array('TINT:4', 0),
			'topic_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'poll_option_text'		=> array('TEXT_UNI', ''),
			'poll_option_total'		=> array('UINT', 0),
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'poll_opt_id'			=> array('INDEX', 'poll_option_id'),
			'topic_id'				=> array('INDEX', 'topic_id'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_poll_votes'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'topic_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'poll_option_id'		=> array('TINT:4', 0),
			'vote_user_id'			=> array('UINT', 0),
			'vote_user_ip'			=> array('VCHAR:40', ''),
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'topic_id'				=> array('INDEX', 'topic_id'),
			'vote_user_id'			=> array('INDEX', 'vote_user_id'),
			'vote_user_ip'			=> array('INDEX', 'vote_user_ip'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_posts'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'post_id'				=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'topic_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'forum_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'poster_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'icon_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'poster_ip'				=> array('VCHAR:40', ''),
			'post_time'				=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
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			// We may want to set 'code' to VCHAR:50 or check if unicode support is possible... at the moment only ASCII characters are allowed.
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			'user_last_warning'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
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			'user_inactive_time'		=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'user_posts'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'user_lang'					=> array('VCHAR:30', ''),
			'user_timezone'				=> array('DECIMAL', 0),
			'user_dst'					=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'user_dateformat'			=> array('VCHAR_UNI:30', 'd M Y H:i'),
			'user_style'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'user_rank'					=> array('UINT', 0),
			'user_colour'				=> array('VCHAR:6', ''),
			'user_new_privmsg'			=> array('INT:4', 0),
			'user_unread_privmsg'		=> array('INT:4', 0),
			'user_last_privmsg'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'user_message_rules'		=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'user_full_folder'			=> array('INT:11', -3),
			'user_emailtime'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
			'user_topic_show_days'		=> array('USINT', 0),
			'user_topic_sortby_type'	=> array('VCHAR:1', 't'),
			'user_topic_sortby_dir'		=> array('VCHAR:1', 'd'),
			'user_post_show_days'		=> array('USINT', 0),
			'user_post_sortby_type'		=> array('VCHAR:1', 't'),
			'user_post_sortby_dir'		=> array('VCHAR:1', 'a'),
			'user_notify'				=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'user_notify_pm'			=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'user_notify_type'			=> array('TINT:4', 0),
			'user_allow_pm'				=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'user_allow_viewonline'		=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'user_allow_viewemail'		=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'user_allow_massemail'		=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'user_options'				=> array('UINT:11', 230271),
			'user_avatar'				=> array('VCHAR', ''),
			'user_avatar_type'			=> array('TINT:2', 0),
			'user_avatar_width'			=> array('USINT', 0),
			'user_avatar_height'		=> array('USINT', 0),
			'user_sig'					=> array('MTEXT_UNI', ''),
			'user_sig_bbcode_uid'		=> array('VCHAR:8', ''),
			'user_sig_bbcode_bitfield'	=> array('VCHAR:255', ''),
			'user_from'					=> array('VCHAR_UNI:100', ''),
			'user_icq'					=> array('VCHAR:15', ''),
			'user_aim'					=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'user_yim'					=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'user_msnm'					=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'user_jabber'				=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'user_website'				=> array('VCHAR_UNI:200', ''),
			'user_occ'					=> array('TEXT_UNI', ''),
			'user_interests'			=> array('TEXT_UNI', ''),
			'user_actkey'				=> array('VCHAR:32', ''),
			'user_newpasswd'			=> array('VCHAR_UNI:40', ''),
			'user_form_salt'			=> array('VCHAR_UNI:32', ''),
			'user_new'					=> array('BOOL', 1),
			'user_reminded'				=> array('TINT:4', 0),
			'user_reminded_time'		=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'user_id',
		'KEYS'			=> array(
			'user_birthday'				=> array('INDEX', 'user_birthday'),
			'user_email_hash'			=> array('INDEX', 'user_email_hash'),
			'user_type'					=> array('INDEX', 'user_type'),
			'username_clean'			=> array('UNIQUE', 'username_clean'),

	$schema_data['phpbb_warnings'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'warning_id'			=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'user_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'post_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'log_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'warning_time'			=> array('TIMESTAMP', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'warning_id',

	$schema_data['phpbb_words'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'word_id'				=> array('UINT', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
			'word'					=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
			'replacement'			=> array('VCHAR_UNI', ''),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'word_id',

	$schema_data['phpbb_zebra'] = array(
		'COLUMNS'		=> array(
			'user_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'zebra_id'				=> array('UINT', 0),
			'friend'				=> array('BOOL', 0),
			'foe'					=> array('BOOL', 0),
		'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> array('user_id', 'zebra_id'),

	return $schema_data;
und speichere sie dann als mysql_upgrader.php
Denn was du da hast, ist keine PHP-Datei, da wurde noch alles mögliche davor gespeichert und so wird die Datei vom Server nicht als PHP-Datei erkannt.

Daniel Kng
Beiträge: 18
Registriert: 06.07.2014 20:42

Re: [HILFE] Ich kann keine neuen Kategorien & Foren erstelle

Beitrag von Daniel Kng »

Danke, Notepad++ ist mein Standard Editor ;)

Das werde ich dann Morgen Probieren, Danke ;)
Daniel Kng
Beiträge: 18
Registriert: 06.07.2014 20:42

Re: [HILFE] Ich kann keine neuen Kategorien & Foren erstelle

Beitrag von Daniel Kng »

So. Soweit scheint es zu klappen.
Aber ich denke, da ich ja definitiv einen Fehler habe, das dort was nicht stimmt. Den Überall steht das:
[ externes Bild ]

Oder denke ich wieder zu Kompliziert? :D
Daniel Kng
Beiträge: 18
Registriert: 06.07.2014 20:42

Re: [HILFE] Ich kann keine neuen Kategorien & Foren erstelle

Beitrag von Daniel Kng »

Edit: So wie es scheint soll ich alles einzeln selber eintragen?
Siehe Code:

Code: Alles auswählen

 Field 'r2t_report_forum' doesn't have a default value [1364]


INSERT INTO techboard_dbforums (parent_id, forum_type, forum_status, forum_parents, forum_name, forum_link, forum_desc, forum_desc_uid, forum_desc_options, forum_desc_bitfield, forum_rules, forum_rules_uid, forum_rules_options, forum_rules_bitfield, forum_rules_link, forum_image, forum_style, display_subforum_list, display_on_index, forum_topics_per_page, enable_indexing, enable_icons, enable_prune, prune_days, prune_viewed, prune_freq, forum_options, forum_flags, left_id, right_id) VALUES (0, 1, 0, '', 'Offtopic Bereich', '', '', '', 7, '', '', '', 7, '', '', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 7, 7, 1, 0, 48, 55, 56)


FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/dbal.php
LINE: 757
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/mysqli.php
LINE: 189
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/acp/acp_forums.php
LINE: 1018
CALL: dbal_mysqli->sql_query()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/acp/acp_forums.php
LINE: 186
CALL: acp_forums->update_forum_data()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/functions_module.php
LINE: 507
CALL: acp_forums->main()

FILE: [ROOT]/adm/index.php
LINE: 81
CALL: p_master->load_active()
Ich musste in der Datenbank die Tabelle "r2t_report_forum" die zu finden war unter " techboard_dbforums" ändern. In Phpmyadmin habe ich auf die Übersicht umgeschaltet, und den Wer in der Tabelle auf "Define" gesetzt. Schon war das Problem gelöst! (Falls andere User das Problem mal haben sollten.)
Beiträge: 11954
Registriert: 19.05.2005 21:45

Re: [HILFE] Ich kann keine neuen Kategorien & Foren erstelle

Beitrag von Crizzo »

Ich glaube du hast das falsch verstanden, du sollst diesen Schritt danach befolgen:
Es wird Dir einige SQL-Anweisungen zeigen, die Du dann über Deinen phpMyAdmin ausführen lassen kannst oder in eine MySQL-Konsole eingibst.
Das war er zeigt, ist die Ausgabe, die du dann per phpmyadmin ausführen musst. Einfach nur eine Sache umbenennen (oder was du da gemacht hast) löst das Problem nicht.
Daniel Kng
Beiträge: 18
Registriert: 06.07.2014 20:42

Re: [HILFE] Ich kann keine neuen Kategorien & Foren erstelle

Beitrag von Daniel Kng »

Daniel Kng hat geschrieben:So. Soweit scheint es zu klappen.
Aber ich denke, da ich ja definitiv einen Fehler habe, das dort was nicht stimmt. Den Überall steht das:
[ externes Bild ]

Oder denke ich wieder zu Kompliziert? :D
Wie du siehst, kommt dort immer das gleiche, aber es klappt wieder.
Beiträge: 11954
Registriert: 19.05.2005 21:45

Re: [HILFE] Ich kann keine neuen Kategorien & Foren erstelle

Beitrag von Crizzo »

Das ist ähnlich, nicht gleich. Hast du denn die SQL-Befehle schon ausgeführt?
Daniel Kng
Beiträge: 18
Registriert: 06.07.2014 20:42

Re: [HILFE] Ich kann keine neuen Kategorien & Foren erstelle

Beitrag von Daniel Kng »

Nein,laeuft auch so ;)
Beiträge: 11954
Registriert: 19.05.2005 21:45

Re: [HILFE] Ich kann keine neuen Kategorien & Foren erstelle

Beitrag von Crizzo »

Schauen wir mal wie lang. :geek:

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