registrieren auch sichtbar wenn man eingeloggt ist?

Alles zu Styles, Templates, Icons und Smilies für phpBB 2.0, sowie allgemeine Designfragen zur Integration von phpBB in bestehende Websites.
phpBB 2.0 hat das Ende seiner Lebenszeit überschritten
phpBB 2.0 wird nicht mehr aktiv unterstützt. Insbesondere werden - auch bei Sicherheitslücken - keine Patches mehr bereitgestellt. Der Einsatz von phpBB 2.0 erfolgt daher auf eigene Gefahr. Wir empfehlen einen Umstieg auf phpBB 3.0, welches aktiv weiterentwickelt wird und für welches regelmäßig Updates zur Verfügung gestellt werden.

registrieren auch sichtbar wenn man eingeloggt ist?

Beitrag von Sorcio »


nach längerer Ruhepause melde ich mich mal wieder zurück und habe ein kleineres Problem:

Code: Alles auswählen

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<html dir="{S_CONTENT_DIRECTION}">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset={S_CONTENT_ENCODING}">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
<title>{SITENAME} :: {PAGE_TITLE}</title>
<!-- link rel="stylesheet" href="templates/subSilver/{T_HEAD_STYLESHEET}" type="text/css" -->
<style type="text/css">
  The original subSilver Theme for phpBB version 2+
  Created by subBlue design

  NOTE: These CSS definitions are stored within the main page body so that you can use the phpBB2
  theme administration centre. When you have finalised your style you could cut the final CSS code
  and place it in an external file, deleting this section to save bandwidth.

/* General page style. The scroll bar colours only visible in IE5.5+ */
body { 
	background-color: {T_BODY_BGCOLOR};
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/* General font families for common tags */
font,th,td,p { font-family: {T_FONTFACE1} }
a:link,a:active,a:visited { color : {T_BODY_LINK}; }
a:hover		{ text-decoration: underline; color : {T_BODY_HLINK}; }
hr	{ height: 0px; border: solid {T_TR_COLOR3} 0px; border-top-width: 1px;}

/* This is the border line & background colour round the entire page */
.bodyline	{ background-color: {T_TD_COLOR2}; border: 1px {T_TH_COLOR1} solid; }

/* This is the outline round the main forum tables */
.forumline	{ background-color: {T_TD_COLOR2}; border: 2px {T_TH_COLOR2} solid; }

/* Main table cell colours and backgrounds */
td.row1	{ background-color: {T_TR_COLOR1}; }
td.row2	{ background-color: {T_TR_COLOR2}; }
td.row3	{ background-color: {T_TR_COLOR3}; }

  This is for the table cell above the Topics, Post & Last posts on the index.php page
  By default this is the fading out gradiated silver background.
  However, you could replace this with a bitmap specific for each forum
td.rowpic {
		background-color: {T_TD_COLOR2};
		background-image: url(templates/subSilver/images/{T_TH_CLASS3});
		background-repeat: repeat-y;

/* Header cells - the blue and silver gradient backgrounds */
th	{
	color: {T_FONTCOLOR3}; font-size: {T_FONTSIZE2}px; font-weight : bold; 
	background-color: {T_BODY_LINK}; height: 25px;
	background-image: url(templates/subSilver/images/{T_TH_CLASS2});
},td.catHead,td.catSides,td.catLeft,td.catRight,td.catBottom {
			background-image: url(templates/subSilver/images/{T_TH_CLASS1});
			background-color:{T_TR_COLOR3}; border: {T_TH_COLOR3}; border-style: solid; height: 28px;

  Setting additional nice inner borders for the main table cells.
  The names indicate which sides the border will be on.
  Don't worry if you don't understand this, just ignore it :-)
*/,td.catHead,td.catBottom {
	height: 29px;
	border-width: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
th.thHead,th.thSides,th.thTop,th.thLeft,th.thRight,th.thBottom,th.thCornerL,th.thCornerR {
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td.row3Right,td.spaceRow {
	background-color: {T_TR_COLOR3}; border: {T_TH_COLOR3}; border-style: solid;

th.thHead,td.catHead { font-size: {T_FONTSIZE3}px; border-width: 1px 1px 0px 1px; }
th.thSides,td.catSides,td.spaceRow	 { border-width: 0px 1px 0px 1px; }
th.thRight,td.catRight,td.row3Right	 { border-width: 0px 1px 0px 0px; }
th.thLeft,td.catLeft	  { border-width: 0px 0px 0px 1px; }
th.thBottom,td.catBottom  { border-width: 0px 1px 1px 1px; }
th.thTop	 { border-width: 1px 0px 0px 0px; }
th.thCornerL { border-width: 1px 0px 0px 1px; }
th.thCornerR { border-width: 1px 1px 0px 0px; }

/* The largest text used in the index page title and toptic title etc. */
.maintitle	{
	font-weight: bold; font-size: 22px; font-family: "{T_FONTFACE2}",{T_FONTFACE1};
	text-decoration: none; line-height : 120%; color : {T_BODY_TEXT};

/* General text */
.gen { font-size : {T_FONTSIZE3}px; }
.genmed { font-size : {T_FONTSIZE2}px; }
.gensmall { font-size : {T_FONTSIZE1}px; }
.gen,.genmed,.gensmall { color : {T_BODY_TEXT}; }
a.gen,a.genmed,a.gensmall { color: {T_BODY_LINK}; text-decoration: none; }
a.gen:hover,a.genmed:hover,a.gensmall:hover	{ color: {T_BODY_HLINK}; text-decoration: underline; }

/* The register, login, search etc links at the top of the page */
.mainmenu		{ font-size : {T_FONTSIZE2}px; color : {T_BODY_TEXT} }
a.mainmenu		{ text-decoration: none; color : {T_BODY_LINK};  }
a.mainmenu:hover{ text-decoration: underline; color : {T_BODY_HLINK}; }

/* Forum category titles */
.cattitle		{ font-weight: bold; font-size: {T_FONTSIZE3}px ; letter-spacing: 1px; color : {T_BODY_LINK}}
a.cattitle		{ text-decoration: none; color : {T_BODY_LINK}; }
a.cattitle:hover{ text-decoration: underline; }

/* Forum title: Text and link to the forums used in: index.php */
.forumlink		{ font-weight: bold; font-size: {T_FONTSIZE3}px; color : {T_BODY_LINK}; }
a.forumlink 	{ text-decoration: none; color : {T_BODY_LINK}; }
a.forumlink:hover{ text-decoration: underline; color : {T_BODY_HLINK}; }

/* Used for the navigation text, (Page 1,2,3 etc) and the navigation bar when in a forum */
.nav			{ font-weight: bold; font-size: {T_FONTSIZE2}px; color : {T_BODY_TEXT};}
a.nav			{ text-decoration: none; color : {T_BODY_LINK}; }
a.nav:hover		{ text-decoration: underline; }

/* titles for the topics: could specify viewed link colour too */
.topictitle,h1,h2	{ font-weight: bold; font-size: {T_FONTSIZE2}px; color : {T_BODY_TEXT}; }
a.topictitle:link   { text-decoration: none; color : {T_BODY_LINK}; }
a.topictitle:visited { text-decoration: none; color : {T_BODY_VLINK}; }
a.topictitle:hover	{ text-decoration: underline; color : {T_BODY_HLINK}; }

/* Name of poster in viewmsg.php and viewtopic.php and other places */
.name			{ font-size : {T_FONTSIZE2}px; color : {T_BODY_TEXT};}

/* Location, number of posts, post date etc */
.postdetails		{ font-size : {T_FONTSIZE1}px; color : {T_BODY_TEXT}; }

/* The content of the posts (body of text) */
.postbody { font-size : {T_FONTSIZE3}px; line-height: 18px}
a.postlink:link	{ text-decoration: none; color : {T_BODY_LINK} }
a.postlink:visited { text-decoration: none; color : {T_BODY_VLINK}; }
a.postlink:hover { text-decoration: underline; color : {T_BODY_HLINK}}

/* Quote & Code blocks */
.code { 
	font-family: {T_FONTFACE3}; font-size: {T_FONTSIZE2}px; color: {T_FONTCOLOR2};
	background-color: {T_TD_COLOR1}; border: {T_TR_COLOR3}; border-style: solid;
	border-left-width: 1px; border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px

.quote {
	font-family: {T_FONTFACE1}; font-size: {T_FONTSIZE2}px; color: {T_FONTCOLOR1}; line-height: 125%;
	background-color: {T_TD_COLOR1}; border: {T_TR_COLOR3}; border-style: solid;
	border-left-width: 1px; border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px

/* Copyright and bottom info */
.copyright		{ font-size: {T_FONTSIZE1}px; font-family: {T_FONTFACE1}; color: {T_FONTCOLOR1}; letter-spacing: -1px;}
a.copyright		{ color: {T_FONTCOLOR1}; text-decoration: none;}
a.copyright:hover { color: {T_BODY_TEXT}; text-decoration: underline;}

/* Form elements */
input,textarea, select {
	color : {T_BODY_TEXT};
	font: normal {T_FONTSIZE2}px {T_FONTFACE1};
	border-color : {T_BODY_TEXT};

/* The text input fields background colour */,, select {
	background-color : {T_TD_COLOR2};

input { text-indent : 2px; }

/* The buttons used for bbCode styling in message post */
input.button {
	background-color : {T_TR_COLOR1};
	color : {T_BODY_TEXT};
	font-size: {T_FONTSIZE2}px; font-family: {T_FONTFACE1};

/* The main submit button option */
input.mainoption {
	background-color : {T_TD_COLOR1};
	font-weight : bold;

/* None-bold submit button */
input.liteoption {
	background-color : {T_TD_COLOR1};
	font-weight : normal;

/* This is the line in the posting page which shows the rollover
  help line. This is actually a text box, but if set to be the same
  colour as the background no one will know ;)
.helpline { background-color: {T_TR_COLOR2}; border-style: none; }

/* Import the fancy styles for IE only (NS4.x doesn't use the @import function) */
@import url("templates/subSilver/formIE.css"); 
<!-- BEGIN switch_enable_pm_popup -->
<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
	{'{U_PRIVATEMSGS_POPUP}', '_phpbbprivmsg', 'HEIGHT=225,resizable=yes,WIDTH=400');;
<!-- END switch_enable_pm_popup -->
<body bgcolor="{T_BODY_BGCOLOR}" text="{T_BODY_TEXT}" link="{T_BODY_LINK}" vlink="{T_BODY_VLINK}">

<a name="top"></a>

<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" border="0" align="center"> 
		<td class="bodyline"><table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
				<td align="center" width="100%" valign="middle"><a href="{U_INDEX}"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/logo_phpBB.jpg" border="0" alt="{L_INDEX}" vspace="1" /></a>
				<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0">
						<td align="center" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="mainmenu"><a href="{U_REGISTER}" class="mainmenu"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_register.gif" width="12" height="13" border="0" alt="{L_REGISTER}" hspace="3" />{L_REGISTER}</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="{U_FAQ}" class="mainmenu"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_faq.gif" width="12" height="13" border="0" alt="{L_FAQ}" hspace="3" />{L_FAQ}</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="{U_SEARCH}" class="mainmenu"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_search.gif" width="12" height="13" border="0" alt="{L_SEARCH}" hspace="3" /><font color="#99DD00">{L_SEARCH}</font></a>&nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="{U_MEMBERLIST}" class="mainmenu"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_members.gif" width="12" height="13" border="0" alt="{L_MEMBERLIST}" hspace="3" />{L_MEMBERLIST}</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="{U_GROUP_CP}" class="mainmenu"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_groups.gif" width="12" height="13" border="0" alt="{L_USERGROUPS}" hspace="3" />{L_USERGROUPS}</a>&nbsp;<td height="25" align="center" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="mainmenu">&nbsp;<a href="{U_PROFILE}" class="mainmenu"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_profile.gif" width="12" height="13" border="0" alt="{L_PROFILE}" hspace="3" />{L_PROFILE}</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="{U_PRIVATEMSGS}" class="mainmenu"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_message.gif" width="12" height="13" border="0" alt="{PRIVATE_MESSAGE_INFO}" hspace="3" />{PRIVATE_MESSAGE_INFO}</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="{U_LOGIN_LOGOUT}" class="mainmenu"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_login.gif" width="12" height="13" border="0" alt="{L_LOGIN_LOGOUT}" hspace="3" />{L_LOGIN_LOGOUT}</a>&nbsp;</span></td>

		<br />
Ich möchte gerne das alle links in einer reihe sind und das der registrieren link verschwindet wenn man eingeloggt ist, also baute ich alles ein einer linie ein, leider sieht man nun den registrieren link selbst wenn man eingeloggt ist immernoch. Könntet ihr mir sagen wo ich den Fehler eingebaut habe? ich habe auch bereits geschaut ob eine Variable oder so fehlen würde, aber ich sah nichts außergewöhnliches mehr. :-?

Würde mich über eure Hilfe freuen.

Sorcio :oops:
Beiträge: 154
Registriert: 05.11.2005 21:41

Beitrag von eiko »

Also, wenn du einen Link nur für nicht registrierte Benutzer sichtbar machen willst gehr das in dem du vor den Link

Code: Alles auswählen

<!-- BEGIN switch_user_logged_out -->
und nach den Link

Code: Alles auswählen

<!-- END switch_user_logged_out -->

Es were gut wenn du uns den Link zu deiner Seite geben würdest, bei dem in deiner Signatur kommt ne Errormeldung und bei sind alle Links in einer Reihe.

Beitrag von Sorcio » ist der Link und wie gesagt ich wollte halt alle Links in einer Linie haben, dies schaffte ich allein. Dann tauchte allerdings dieser fehler mit der registrierung auf :roll: :wink:
Beiträge: 154
Registriert: 05.11.2005 21:41

Beitrag von eiko »

Ist das Problem jetzt weg?

Beitrag von Sorcio »

Jawoll, danke ich hatte wohl versehentlich diese entsprechenden Quelltextangaben mit gelöscht, als ich die untere Zeile kopierte und den kopierten text entfernte. :oops:

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