NV advanced last topic titles: Fehler

Du hast Probleme beim Einbau oder bei der Benutzung eines Mods? In diesem Forum bist du richtig.
phpBB 3.0 hat das Ende seiner Lebenszeit überschritten
phpBB 3.0 wird nicht mehr aktiv unterstützt. Insbesondere werden - auch bei Sicherheitslücken - keine Patches mehr bereitgestellt. Der Einsatz von phpBB 3.0 erfolgt daher auf eigene Gefahr. Wir empfehlen einen Umstieg auf die neuste phpBB-Version, welches aktiv weiterentwickelt wird und für welches regelmäßig Updates zur Verfügung gestellt werden.
Beiträge: 45
Registriert: 03.02.2011 22:24

NV advanced last topic titles: Fehler

Beitrag von Nolly »

Hallo zusammen,
mal wieder habe ich ein Problem. Nun habe ich schon verschiedene MOD´s versucht zu installieren. Aber immer wieder tauchen Fehler auf. Die https://www.phpbb.de/kb/mod_installation habe ich mir mehrfach durchgelesen und auch versucht genau zu befolgen, aber irgendwie scheine ich noch einen entscheiden Fehler zu begehen.
Nun will ich mal bei einem MOD bleiben und versuchen diesen zu installieren. Es handelt sich um den NV advanced last topic titles MOD, den ich hier in der alten Datenbank gefunden habe.
Wenn ich nun die Installationsdatei aufrufe und diese ausführe, bekomme ich folgende Fehlermeldung:

Code: Alles auswählen

"NV advanced last topic titles" MOD
PHP Version: 5.2.17-0.dotdeb.0
DBMS: MySQL(i) 5.1.54-0.dotdeb.0
phpBB3 Version: 3.0.8

Füge acp-Modul hinzu: NV advanced last topic titles
FEHLER: Die übergeordnete Kategorie, die für dieses Modul angegeben wurde, existiert nicht.

Füge acp-Modul hinzu: configuration of NV advanced last topic titles
FEHLER: Die übergeordnete Kategorie, die für dieses Modul angegeben wurde, existiert nicht.
Die PHP-Dateien habe ich wie folgt geändert:

Code: Alles auswählen

* @package phpBB3
* @version $Id$
* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License

* @ignore
if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))

* Display Forums
function display_forums($root_data = '', $display_moderators = true, $return_moderators = false)
	global $db, $auth, $user, $template;
	global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $config;

	$forum_rows = $subforums = $forum_ids = $forum_ids_moderator = $forum_moderators = $active_forum_ary = array();
	$parent_id = $visible_forums = 0;
	$sql_from = '';

	// Mark forums read?
	$mark_read = request_var('mark', '');

	if ($mark_read == 'all')
		$mark_read = '';

	if (!$root_data)
		if ($mark_read == 'forums')
			$mark_read = 'all';

		$root_data = array('forum_id' => 0);
		$sql_where = '';
		$sql_where = 'left_id > ' . $root_data['left_id'] . ' AND left_id < ' . $root_data['right_id'];

	// Display list of active topics for this category?
	$show_active = (isset($root_data['forum_flags']) && ($root_data['forum_flags'] & FORUM_FLAG_ACTIVE_TOPICS)) ? true : false;

	$sql_array = array(
		'SELECT'	=> 'f.*',
		'FROM'		=> array(
			FORUMS_TABLE		=> 'f'
		'LEFT_JOIN'	=> array(),

	if ($config['load_db_lastread'] && $user->data['is_registered'])
		$sql_array['LEFT_JOIN'][] = array('FROM' => array(FORUMS_TRACK_TABLE => 'ft'), 'ON' => 'ft.user_id = ' . $user->data['user_id'] . ' AND ft.forum_id = f.forum_id');
		$sql_array['SELECT'] .= ', ft.mark_time';
	else if ($config['load_anon_lastread'] || $user->data['is_registered'])
		$tracking_topics = (isset($_COOKIE[$config['cookie_name'] . '_track'])) ? ((STRIP) ? stripslashes($_COOKIE[$config['cookie_name'] . '_track']) : $_COOKIE[$config['cookie_name'] . '_track']) : '';
		$tracking_topics = ($tracking_topics) ? tracking_unserialize($tracking_topics) : array();

		if (!$user->data['is_registered'])
			$user->data['user_lastmark'] = (isset($tracking_topics['l'])) ? (int) (base_convert($tracking_topics['l'], 36, 10) + $config['board_startdate']) : 0;

	if ($show_active)
		$sql_array['LEFT_JOIN'][] = array(
			'FROM'	=> array(FORUMS_ACCESS_TABLE => 'fa'),
			'ON'	=> "fa.forum_id = f.forum_id AND fa.session_id = '" . $db->sql_escape($user->session_id) . "'"

		$sql_array['SELECT'] .= ', fa.user_id';
    if (!class_exists('phpbb_mods_advanced_last_topic_titles'))
		include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/mods/advanced_last_topic_titles.' . $phpEx);
	$sql_array = phpbb_mods_advanced_last_topic_titles::inject_sql($sql_array);
	$sql = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', array(
		'SELECT'	=> $sql_array['SELECT'],
		'FROM'		=> $sql_array['FROM'],
		'LEFT_JOIN'	=> $sql_array['LEFT_JOIN'],

		'WHERE'		=> $sql_where,

		'ORDER_BY'	=> 'f.left_id',

	$result = $db->sql_query($sql);

	$forum_tracking_info = array();
	$branch_root_id = $root_data['forum_id'];

	// Check for unread global announcements (index page only)
	$ga_unread = false;
	if ($root_data['forum_id'] == 0)
		$unread_ga_list = get_unread_topics($user->data['user_id'], 'AND t.forum_id = 0', '', 1);

		if (!empty($unread_ga_list))
			$ga_unread = true;

	while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
		$forum_id = $row['forum_id'];
		$row = phpbb_mods_advanced_last_topic_titles::inject_forum_row($row);

		// Mark forums read?
		if ($mark_read == 'forums' || $mark_read == 'all')
			if ($auth->acl_get('f_list', $forum_id))
				$forum_ids[] = $forum_id;

		// Category with no members
		if ($row['forum_type'] == FORUM_CAT && ($row['left_id'] + 1 == $row['right_id']))

		// Skip branch
		if (isset($right_id))
			if ($row['left_id'] < $right_id)

		if (!$auth->acl_get('f_list', $forum_id))
			// if the user does not have permissions to list this forum, skip everything until next branch
			$right_id = $row['right_id'];

		$forum_ids[] = $forum_id;

		if ($config['load_db_lastread'] && $user->data['is_registered'])
			$forum_tracking_info[$forum_id] = (!empty($row['mark_time'])) ? $row['mark_time'] : $user->data['user_lastmark'];
		else if ($config['load_anon_lastread'] || $user->data['is_registered'])
			if (!$user->data['is_registered'])
				$user->data['user_lastmark'] = (isset($tracking_topics['l'])) ? (int) (base_convert($tracking_topics['l'], 36, 10) + $config['board_startdate']) : 0;
			$forum_tracking_info[$forum_id] = (isset($tracking_topics['f'][$forum_id])) ? (int) (base_convert($tracking_topics['f'][$forum_id], 36, 10) + $config['board_startdate']) : $user->data['user_lastmark'];

		// Count the difference of real to public topics, so we can display an information to moderators
		$row['forum_id_unapproved_topics'] = ($auth->acl_get('m_approve', $forum_id) && ($row['forum_topics_real'] != $row['forum_topics'])) ? $forum_id : 0;
		$row['forum_topics'] = ($auth->acl_get('m_approve', $forum_id)) ? $row['forum_topics_real'] : $row['forum_topics'];

		// Display active topics from this forum?
		if ($show_active && $row['forum_type'] == FORUM_POST && $auth->acl_get('f_read', $forum_id) && ($row['forum_flags'] & FORUM_FLAG_ACTIVE_TOPICS))
			if (!isset($active_forum_ary['forum_topics']))
				$active_forum_ary['forum_topics'] = 0;

			if (!isset($active_forum_ary['forum_posts']))
				$active_forum_ary['forum_posts'] = 0;

			$active_forum_ary['forum_id'][]		= $forum_id;
			$active_forum_ary['enable_icons'][]	= $row['enable_icons'];
			$active_forum_ary['forum_topics']	+= $row['forum_topics'];
			$active_forum_ary['forum_posts']	+= $row['forum_posts'];

			// If this is a passworded forum we do not show active topics from it if the user is not authorised to view it...
			if ($row['forum_password'] && $row['user_id'] != $user->data['user_id'])
				$active_forum_ary['exclude_forum_id'][] = $forum_id;

		if ($row['parent_id'] == $root_data['forum_id'] || $row['parent_id'] == $branch_root_id)
			if ($row['forum_type'] != FORUM_CAT)
				$forum_ids_moderator[] = (int) $forum_id;

			// Direct child of current branch
			$parent_id = $forum_id;
			$forum_rows[$forum_id] = $row;

			if ($row['forum_type'] == FORUM_CAT && $row['parent_id'] == $root_data['forum_id'])
				$branch_root_id = $forum_id;
			$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_id_last_post'] = $row['forum_id'];
			$forum_rows[$parent_id]['orig_forum_last_post_time'] = $row['forum_last_post_time'];
		else if ($row['forum_type'] != FORUM_CAT)
			$subforums[$parent_id][$forum_id]['display'] = ($row['display_on_index']) ? true : false;
			$subforums[$parent_id][$forum_id]['name'] = $row['forum_name'];
			$subforums[$parent_id][$forum_id]['orig_forum_last_post_time'] = $row['forum_last_post_time'];
			$subforums[$parent_id][$forum_id]['children'] = array();

			if (isset($subforums[$parent_id][$row['parent_id']]) && !$row['display_on_index'])
				$subforums[$parent_id][$row['parent_id']]['children'][] = $forum_id;

			if (!$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_id_unapproved_topics'] && $row['forum_id_unapproved_topics'])
				$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_id_unapproved_topics'] = $forum_id;

			$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_topics'] += $row['forum_topics'];

			// Do not list redirects in LINK Forums as Posts.
			if ($row['forum_type'] != FORUM_LINK)
				$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_posts'] += $row['forum_posts'];

			if ($row['forum_last_post_time'] > $forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_last_post_time'])
				$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_last_post_id'] = $row['forum_last_post_id'];
				$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_last_post_subject'] = $row['forum_last_post_subject'];
				$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_last_post_time'] = $row['forum_last_post_time'];
				$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_last_poster_id'] = $row['forum_last_poster_id'];
				$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_last_poster_name'] = $row['forum_last_poster_name'];
				$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_last_poster_colour'] = $row['forum_last_poster_colour'];
				$forum_rows[$parent_id]['forum_id_last_post'] = $forum_id;
				$forum_rows = phpbb_mods_advanced_last_topic_titles::inject_forum_row_values($forum_rows, $parent_id, $row);

	// Handle marking posts
	if ($mark_read == 'forums' || $mark_read == 'all')
		$redirect = build_url(array('mark', 'hash'));
		$token = request_var('hash', '');
		if (check_link_hash($token, 'global'))
			if ($mark_read == 'all')
				$message = sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_INDEX'], '<a href="' . $redirect . '">', '</a>');
				// Add 0 to forums array to mark global announcements correctly
				$forum_ids[] = 0;
				markread('topics', $forum_ids);
				$message = sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_FORUM'], '<a href="' . $redirect . '">', '</a>');
			meta_refresh(3, $redirect);
			trigger_error($user->lang['FORUMS_MARKED'] . '<br /><br />' . $message);
			$message = sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_PAGE'], '<a href="' . $redirect . '">', '</a>');
			meta_refresh(3, $redirect);


	// Grab moderators ... if necessary
	if ($display_moderators)
		if ($return_moderators)
			$forum_ids_moderator[] = $root_data['forum_id'];
		get_moderators($forum_moderators, $forum_ids_moderator);

	// Used to tell whatever we have to create a dummy category or not.
	$last_catless = true;
	foreach ($forum_rows as $row)
		// Empty category
		if ($row['parent_id'] == $root_data['forum_id'] && $row['forum_type'] == FORUM_CAT)
			$template->assign_block_vars('forumrow', array(
				'S_IS_CAT'				=> true,
				'FORUM_ID'				=> $row['forum_id'],
				'FORUM_NAME'			=> $row['forum_name'],
				'FORUM_DESC'			=> generate_text_for_display($row['forum_desc'], $row['forum_desc_uid'], $row['forum_desc_bitfield'], $row['forum_desc_options']),
				'FORUM_FOLDER_IMG'		=> '',
				'FORUM_IMAGE'			=> ($row['forum_image']) ? '<img src="' . $phpbb_root_path . $row['forum_image'] . '" alt="' . $user->lang['FORUM_CAT'] . '" />' : '',
				'FORUM_IMAGE_SRC'		=> ($row['forum_image']) ? $phpbb_root_path . $row['forum_image'] : '',
				'U_VIEWFORUM'			=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'f=' . $row['forum_id']))


		$forum_id = $row['forum_id'];

		$forum_unread = (isset($forum_tracking_info[$forum_id]) && $row['orig_forum_last_post_time'] > $forum_tracking_info[$forum_id]) ? true : false;

		// Mark the first visible forum on index as unread if there's any unread global announcement
		if ($ga_unread && !empty($forum_ids_moderator) && $forum_id == $forum_ids_moderator[0])
			$forum_unread = true;

		$folder_image = $folder_alt = $l_subforums = '';
		$subforums_list = array();

		// Generate list of subforums if we need to
		if (isset($subforums[$forum_id]))
			foreach ($subforums[$forum_id] as $subforum_id => $subforum_row)
				$subforum_unread = (isset($forum_tracking_info[$subforum_id]) && $subforum_row['orig_forum_last_post_time'] > $forum_tracking_info[$subforum_id]) ? true : false;

				if (!$subforum_unread && !empty($subforum_row['children']))
					foreach ($subforum_row['children'] as $child_id)
						if (isset($forum_tracking_info[$child_id]) && $subforums[$forum_id][$child_id]['orig_forum_last_post_time'] > $forum_tracking_info[$child_id])
							// Once we found an unread child forum, we can drop out of this loop
							$subforum_unread = true;

				if ($subforum_row['display'] && $subforum_row['name'])
					$subforums_list[] = array(
						'link'		=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'f=' . $subforum_id),
						'name'		=> $subforum_row['name'],
						'unread'	=> $subforum_unread,

				// If one subforum is unread the forum gets unread too...
				if ($subforum_unread)
					$forum_unread = true;

			$l_subforums = (sizeof($subforums[$forum_id]) == 1) ? $user->lang['SUBFORUM'] . ': ' : $user->lang['SUBFORUMS'] . ': ';
			$folder_image = ($forum_unread) ? 'forum_unread_subforum' : 'forum_read_subforum';
			switch ($row['forum_type'])
				case FORUM_POST:
					$folder_image = ($forum_unread) ? 'forum_unread' : 'forum_read';

				case FORUM_LINK:
					$folder_image = 'forum_link';

		// Which folder should we display?
		if ($row['forum_status'] == ITEM_LOCKED)
			$folder_image = ($forum_unread) ? 'forum_unread_locked' : 'forum_read_locked';
			$folder_alt = 'FORUM_LOCKED';
			$folder_alt = ($forum_unread) ? 'UNREAD_POSTS' : 'NO_UNREAD_POSTS';

		// Create last post link information, if appropriate
		if ($row['forum_last_post_id'])
			$last_post_subject = $row['forum_last_post_subject'];
			$last_post_time = $user->format_date($row['forum_last_post_time']);
			$last_post_url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", 'f=' . $row['forum_id_last_post'] . '&p=' . $row['forum_last_post_id']) . '#p' . $row['forum_last_post_id'];
			$last_post_subject = $last_post_time = $last_post_url = '';

		// Output moderator listing ... if applicable
		$l_moderator = $moderators_list = '';
		if ($display_moderators && !empty($forum_moderators[$forum_id]))
			$l_moderator = (sizeof($forum_moderators[$forum_id]) == 1) ? $user->lang['MODERATOR'] : $user->lang['MODERATORS'];
			$moderators_list = implode(', ', $forum_moderators[$forum_id]);

		$l_post_click_count = ($row['forum_type'] == FORUM_LINK) ? 'CLICKS' : 'POSTS';
		$post_click_count = ($row['forum_type'] != FORUM_LINK || $row['forum_flags'] & FORUM_FLAG_LINK_TRACK) ? $row['forum_posts'] : '';

		$s_subforums_list = array();
		foreach ($subforums_list as $subforum)
			$s_subforums_list[] = '<a href="' . $subforum['link'] . '" class="subforum ' . (($subforum['unread']) ? 'unread' : 'read') . '" title="' . (($subforum['unread']) ? $user->lang['UNREAD_POSTS'] : $user->lang['NO_UNREAD_POSTS']) . '">' . $subforum['name'] . '</a>';
		$s_subforums_list = (string) implode(', ', $s_subforums_list);
		$catless = ($row['parent_id'] == $root_data['forum_id']) ? true : false;

		if ($row['forum_type'] != FORUM_LINK)
			$u_viewforum = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'f=' . $row['forum_id']);
			// If the forum is a link and we count redirects we need to visit it
			// If the forum is having a password or no read access we do not expose the link, but instead handle it in viewforum
			if (($row['forum_flags'] & FORUM_FLAG_LINK_TRACK) || $row['forum_password'] || !$auth->acl_get('f_read', $forum_id))
				$u_viewforum = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'f=' . $row['forum_id']);
				$u_viewforum = $row['forum_link'];

		$template->assign_block_vars('forumrow', array(
			'S_IS_CAT'			=> false,
			'S_NO_CAT'			=> $catless && !$last_catless,
			'S_IS_LINK'			=> ($row['forum_type'] == FORUM_LINK) ? true : false,
			'S_UNREAD_FORUM'	=> $forum_unread,
			'S_LOCKED_FORUM'	=> ($row['forum_status'] == ITEM_LOCKED) ? true : false,
			'S_LIST_SUBFORUMS'	=> ($row['display_subforum_list']) ? true : false,
			'S_SUBFORUMS'		=> (sizeof($subforums_list)) ? true : false,
			'S_FEED_ENABLED'	=> ($config['feed_forum'] && !phpbb_optionget(FORUM_OPTION_FEED_EXCLUDE, $row['forum_options'])) ? true : false,

			'FORUM_ID'				=> $row['forum_id'],
			'FORUM_NAME'			=> $row['forum_name'],
			'FORUM_DESC'			=> generate_text_for_display($row['forum_desc'], $row['forum_desc_uid'], $row['forum_desc_bitfield'], $row['forum_desc_options']),
			'TOPICS'				=> $row['forum_topics'],
			$l_post_click_count		=> $post_click_count,
			'FORUM_FOLDER_IMG'		=> $user->img($folder_image, $folder_alt),
			'FORUM_FOLDER_IMG_SRC'	=> $user->img($folder_image, $folder_alt, false, '', 'src'),
			'FORUM_FOLDER_IMG_ALT'	=> isset($user->lang[$folder_alt]) ? $user->lang[$folder_alt] : '',
			'FORUM_IMAGE'			=> ($row['forum_image']) ? '<img src="' . $phpbb_root_path . $row['forum_image'] . '" alt="' . $user->lang[$folder_alt] . '" />' : '',
			'FORUM_IMAGE_SRC'		=> ($row['forum_image']) ? $phpbb_root_path . $row['forum_image'] : '',
			'LAST_POST_SUBJECT'		=> censor_text($last_post_subject),
			'LAST_POST_TIME'		=> $last_post_time,
			'LAST_POSTER'			=> get_username_string('username', $row['forum_last_poster_id'], $row['forum_last_poster_name'], $row['forum_last_poster_colour']),
			'LAST_POSTER_COLOUR'	=> get_username_string('colour', $row['forum_last_poster_id'], $row['forum_last_poster_name'], $row['forum_last_poster_colour']),
			'LAST_POSTER_FULL'		=> get_username_string('full', $row['forum_last_poster_id'], $row['forum_last_poster_name'], $row['forum_last_poster_colour']),
			'MODERATORS'			=> $moderators_list,
			'SUBFORUMS'				=> $s_subforums_list,

			'L_SUBFORUM_STR'		=> $l_subforums,
			'L_FORUM_FOLDER_ALT'	=> $folder_alt,
			'L_MODERATOR_STR'		=> $l_moderator,

			'U_UNAPPROVED_TOPICS'	=> ($row['forum_id_unapproved_topics']) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.$phpEx", 'i=queue&mode=unapproved_topics&f=' . $row['forum_id_unapproved_topics']) : '',
			'U_VIEWFORUM'		=> $u_viewforum,
			'U_LAST_POSTER'		=> get_username_string('profile', $row['forum_last_poster_id'], $row['forum_last_poster_name'], $row['forum_last_poster_colour']),
			'U_LAST_POST'		=> $last_post_url)
		// Assign subforums loop for style authors
		foreach ($subforums_list as $subforum)
			$template->assign_block_vars('forumrow.subforum', array(
				'U_SUBFORUM'	=> $subforum['link'],
				'SUBFORUM_NAME'	=> $subforum['name'],
				'S_UNREAD'		=> $subforum['unread'])

		$last_catless = $catless;

		'U_MARK_FORUMS'		=> ($user->data['is_registered'] || $config['load_anon_lastread']) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'hash=' . generate_link_hash('global') . '&f=' . $root_data['forum_id'] . '&mark=forums') : '',
		'S_HAS_SUBFORUM'	=> ($visible_forums) ? true : false,
		'L_SUBFORUM'		=> ($visible_forums == 1) ? $user->lang['SUBFORUM'] : $user->lang['SUBFORUMS'],
		'LAST_POST_IMG'		=> $user->img('icon_topic_latest', 'VIEW_LATEST_POST'),
		'UNAPPROVED_IMG'	=> $user->img('icon_topic_unapproved', 'TOPICS_UNAPPROVED'),

	if ($return_moderators)
		return array($active_forum_ary, $forum_moderators);

	return array($active_forum_ary, array());

* Create forum rules for given forum
function generate_forum_rules(&$forum_data)
	if (!$forum_data['forum_rules'] && !$forum_data['forum_rules_link'])

	global $template, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;

	if ($forum_data['forum_rules'])
		$forum_data['forum_rules'] = generate_text_for_display($forum_data['forum_rules'], $forum_data['forum_rules_uid'], $forum_data['forum_rules_bitfield'], $forum_data['forum_rules_options']);

		'S_FORUM_RULES'	=> true,
		'U_FORUM_RULES'	=> $forum_data['forum_rules_link'],
		'FORUM_RULES'	=> $forum_data['forum_rules'])

* Create forum navigation links for given forum, create parent
* list if currently null, assign basic forum info to template
function generate_forum_nav(&$forum_data)
	global $db, $user, $template, $auth, $config;
	global $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path;

	if (!$auth->acl_get('f_list', $forum_data['forum_id']))

	// Get forum parents
	$forum_parents = get_forum_parents($forum_data);

	// Build navigation links
	if (!empty($forum_parents))
		foreach ($forum_parents as $parent_forum_id => $parent_data)
			list($parent_name, $parent_type) = array_values($parent_data);

			// Skip this parent if the user does not have the permission to view it
			if (!$auth->acl_get('f_list', $parent_forum_id))

			$template->assign_block_vars('navlinks', array(
				'S_IS_CAT'		=> ($parent_type == FORUM_CAT) ? true : false,
				'S_IS_LINK'		=> ($parent_type == FORUM_LINK) ? true : false,
				'S_IS_POST'		=> ($parent_type == FORUM_POST) ? true : false,
				'FORUM_NAME'	=> $parent_name,
				'FORUM_ID'		=> $parent_forum_id,
				'U_VIEW_FORUM'	=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'f=' . $parent_forum_id))

	$template->assign_block_vars('navlinks', array(
		'S_IS_CAT'		=> ($forum_data['forum_type'] == FORUM_CAT) ? true : false,
		'S_IS_LINK'		=> ($forum_data['forum_type'] == FORUM_LINK) ? true : false,
		'S_IS_POST'		=> ($forum_data['forum_type'] == FORUM_POST) ? true : false,
		'FORUM_NAME'	=> $forum_data['forum_name'],
		'FORUM_ID'		=> $forum_data['forum_id'],
		'U_VIEW_FORUM'	=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'f=' . $forum_data['forum_id']))

		'FORUM_ID' 		=> $forum_data['forum_id'],
		'FORUM_NAME'	=> $forum_data['forum_name'],
		'FORUM_DESC'	=> generate_text_for_display($forum_data['forum_desc'], $forum_data['forum_desc_uid'], $forum_data['forum_desc_bitfield'], $forum_data['forum_desc_options']),

		'S_ENABLE_FEEDS_FORUM'	=> ($config['feed_forum'] && $forum_data['forum_type'] == FORUM_POST && !phpbb_optionget(FORUM_OPTION_FEED_EXCLUDE, $forum_data['forum_options'])) ? true : false,


* Returns forum parents as an array. Get them from forum_data if available, or update the database otherwise
function get_forum_parents(&$forum_data)
	global $db;

	$forum_parents = array();

	if ($forum_data['parent_id'] > 0)
		if ($forum_data['forum_parents'] == '')
			$sql = 'SELECT forum_id, forum_name, forum_type
				WHERE left_id < ' . $forum_data['left_id'] . '
					AND right_id > ' . $forum_data['right_id'] . '
				ORDER BY left_id ASC';
			$result = $db->sql_query($sql);

			while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
				$forum_parents[$row['forum_id']] = array($row['forum_name'], (int) $row['forum_type']);

			$forum_data['forum_parents'] = serialize($forum_parents);

			$sql = 'UPDATE ' . FORUMS_TABLE . "
				SET forum_parents = '" . $db->sql_escape($forum_data['forum_parents']) . "'
				WHERE parent_id = " . $forum_data['parent_id'];
			$forum_parents = unserialize($forum_data['forum_parents']);

	return $forum_parents;

* Generate topic pagination
function topic_generate_pagination($replies, $url)
	global $config, $user;

	// Make sure $per_page is a valid value
	$per_page = ($config['posts_per_page'] <= 0) ? 1 : $config['posts_per_page'];

	if (($replies + 1) > $per_page)
		$total_pages = ceil(($replies + 1) / $per_page);
		$pagination = '';

		$times = 1;
		for ($j = 0; $j < $replies + 1; $j += $per_page)
			$pagination .= '<a href="' . $url . ($j == 0 ? '' : '&start=' . $j) . '">' . $times . '</a>';
			if ($times == 1 && $total_pages > 5)
				$pagination .= ' ... ';

				// Display the last three pages
				$times = $total_pages - 3;
				$j += ($total_pages - 4) * $per_page;
			else if ($times < $total_pages)
				$pagination .= '<span class="page-sep">' . $user->lang['COMMA_SEPARATOR'] . '</span>';
		$pagination = '';

	return $pagination;

* Obtain list of moderators of each forum
function get_moderators(&$forum_moderators, $forum_id = false)
	global $config, $template, $db, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $user, $auth;

	$forum_id_ary = array();

	if ($forum_id !== false)
		if (!is_array($forum_id))
			$forum_id = array($forum_id);

		// Exchange key/value pair to be able to faster check for the forum id existence
		$forum_id_ary = array_flip($forum_id);

	$sql_array = array(
		'SELECT'	=> 'm.*, u.user_colour, g.group_colour, g.group_type',

		'FROM'		=> array(

		'LEFT_JOIN'	=> array(
				'FROM'	=> array(USERS_TABLE => 'u'),
				'ON'	=> 'm.user_id = u.user_id',
				'FROM'	=> array(GROUPS_TABLE => 'g'),
				'ON'	=> 'm.group_id = g.group_id',

		'WHERE'		=> 'm.display_on_index = 1',

	// We query every forum here because for caching we should not have any parameter.
	$sql = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $sql_array);
	$result = $db->sql_query($sql, 3600);

	while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
		$f_id = (int) $row['forum_id'];

		if (!isset($forum_id_ary[$f_id]))

		if (!empty($row['user_id']))
			$forum_moderators[$f_id][] = get_username_string('full', $row['user_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_colour']);
			$group_name = (($row['group_type'] == GROUP_SPECIAL) ? $user->lang['G_' . $row['group_name']] : $row['group_name']);

			if ($user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS && !$auth->acl_get('u_viewprofile'))
				$forum_moderators[$f_id][] = '<span' . (($row['group_colour']) ? ' style="color:#' . $row['group_colour'] . ';"' : '') . '>' . $group_name . '</span>';
				$forum_moderators[$f_id][] = '<a' . (($row['group_colour']) ? ' style="color:#' . $row['group_colour'] . ';"' : '') . ' href="' . append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}memberlist.$phpEx", 'mode=group&g=' . $row['group_id']) . '">' . $group_name . '</a>';


* User authorisation levels output
* @param	string	$mode			Can be forum or topic. Not in use at the moment.
* @param	int		$forum_id		The current forum the user is in.
* @param	int		$forum_status	The forums status bit.
function gen_forum_auth_level($mode, $forum_id, $forum_status)
	global $template, $auth, $user, $config;

	$locked = ($forum_status == ITEM_LOCKED && !$auth->acl_get('m_edit', $forum_id)) ? true : false;

	$rules = array(
		($auth->acl_get('f_post', $forum_id) && !$locked) ? $user->lang['RULES_POST_CAN'] : $user->lang['RULES_POST_CANNOT'],
		($auth->acl_get('f_reply', $forum_id) && !$locked) ? $user->lang['RULES_REPLY_CAN'] : $user->lang['RULES_REPLY_CANNOT'],
		($user->data['is_registered'] && $auth->acl_gets('f_edit', 'm_edit', $forum_id) && !$locked) ? $user->lang['RULES_EDIT_CAN'] : $user->lang['RULES_EDIT_CANNOT'],
		($user->data['is_registered'] && $auth->acl_gets('f_delete', 'm_delete', $forum_id) && !$locked) ? $user->lang['RULES_DELETE_CAN'] : $user->lang['RULES_DELETE_CANNOT'],

	if ($config['allow_attachments'])
		$rules[] = ($auth->acl_get('f_attach', $forum_id) && $auth->acl_get('u_attach') && !$locked) ? $user->lang['RULES_ATTACH_CAN'] : $user->lang['RULES_ATTACH_CANNOT'];

	foreach ($rules as $rule)
		$template->assign_block_vars('rules', array('RULE' => $rule));


* Generate topic status
function topic_status(&$topic_row, $replies, $unread_topic, &$folder_img, &$folder_alt, &$topic_type)
	global $user, $config;

	$folder = $folder_new = '';

	if ($topic_row['topic_status'] == ITEM_MOVED)
		$topic_type = $user->lang['VIEW_TOPIC_MOVED'];
		$folder_img = 'topic_moved';
		$folder_alt = 'TOPIC_MOVED';
		switch ($topic_row['topic_type'])
			case POST_GLOBAL:
				$topic_type = $user->lang['VIEW_TOPIC_GLOBAL'];
				$folder = 'global_read';
				$folder_new = 'global_unread';

				$topic_type = $user->lang['VIEW_TOPIC_ANNOUNCEMENT'];
				$folder = 'announce_read';
				$folder_new = 'announce_unread';

			case POST_STICKY:
				$topic_type = $user->lang['VIEW_TOPIC_STICKY'];
				$folder = 'sticky_read';
				$folder_new = 'sticky_unread';

				$topic_type = '';
				$folder = 'topic_read';
				$folder_new = 'topic_unread';

				// Hot topic threshold is for posts in a topic, which is replies + the first post. ;)
				if ($config['hot_threshold'] && ($replies + 1) >= $config['hot_threshold'] && $topic_row['topic_status'] != ITEM_LOCKED)
					$folder .= '_hot';
					$folder_new .= '_hot';

		if ($topic_row['topic_status'] == ITEM_LOCKED)
			$topic_type = $user->lang['VIEW_TOPIC_LOCKED'];
			$folder .= '_locked';
			$folder_new .= '_locked';

		$folder_img = ($unread_topic) ? $folder_new : $folder;
		$folder_alt = ($unread_topic) ? 'UNREAD_POSTS' : (($topic_row['topic_status'] == ITEM_LOCKED) ? 'TOPIC_LOCKED' : 'NO_UNREAD_POSTS');

		// Posted image?
		if (!empty($topic_row['topic_posted']) && $topic_row['topic_posted'])
			$folder_img .= '_mine';

	if ($topic_row['poll_start'] && $topic_row['topic_status'] != ITEM_MOVED)
		$topic_type = $user->lang['VIEW_TOPIC_POLL'];

* Assign/Build custom bbcodes for display in screens supporting using of bbcodes
* The custom bbcodes buttons will be placed within the template block 'custom_codes'
function display_custom_bbcodes()
	global $db, $template, $user;

	// Start counting from 22 for the bbcode ids (every bbcode takes two ids - opening/closing)
	$num_predefined_bbcodes = 22;

	$sql = 'SELECT bbcode_id, bbcode_tag, bbcode_helpline
		WHERE display_on_posting = 1
		ORDER BY bbcode_tag';
	$result = $db->sql_query($sql);

	$i = 0;
	while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
		// If the helpline is defined within the language file, we will use the localised version, else just use the database entry...
		if (isset($user->lang[strtoupper($row['bbcode_helpline'])]))
			$row['bbcode_helpline'] = $user->lang[strtoupper($row['bbcode_helpline'])];

		$template->assign_block_vars('custom_tags', array(
			'BBCODE_NAME'		=> "'[{$row['bbcode_tag']}]', '[/" . str_replace('=', '', $row['bbcode_tag']) . "]'",
			'BBCODE_ID'			=> $num_predefined_bbcodes + ($i * 2),
			'BBCODE_TAG'		=> $row['bbcode_tag'],
			'BBCODE_HELPLINE'	=> $row['bbcode_helpline'],
			'A_BBCODE_HELPLINE'	=> str_replace(array('&', '"', "'", '<', '>'), array('&', '"', "\'", '<', '>'), $row['bbcode_helpline']),


* Display reasons
function display_reasons($reason_id = 0)
	global $db, $user, $template;

	$sql = 'SELECT *
		ORDER BY reason_order ASC';
	$result = $db->sql_query($sql);

	while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
		// If the reason is defined within the language file, we will use the localized version, else just use the database entry...
		if (isset($user->lang['report_reasons']['TITLE'][strtoupper($row['reason_title'])]) && isset($user->lang['report_reasons']['DESCRIPTION'][strtoupper($row['reason_title'])]))
			$row['reason_description'] = $user->lang['report_reasons']['DESCRIPTION'][strtoupper($row['reason_title'])];
			$row['reason_title'] = $user->lang['report_reasons']['TITLE'][strtoupper($row['reason_title'])];

		$template->assign_block_vars('reason', array(
			'ID'			=> $row['reason_id'],
			'TITLE'			=> $row['reason_title'],
			'DESCRIPTION'	=> $row['reason_description'],
			'S_SELECTED'	=> ($row['reason_id'] == $reason_id) ? true : false)

* Display user activity (action forum/topic)
function display_user_activity(&$userdata)
	global $auth, $template, $db, $user;
	global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;

	// Do not display user activity for users having more than 5000 posts...
	if ($userdata['user_posts'] > 5000)

	$forum_ary = array();

	// Do not include those forums the user is not having read access to...
	$forum_read_ary = $auth->acl_getf('!f_read');

	foreach ($forum_read_ary as $forum_id => $not_allowed)
		if ($not_allowed['f_read'])
			$forum_ary[] = (int) $forum_id;

	$forum_ary = array_unique($forum_ary);
	$forum_sql = (sizeof($forum_ary)) ? 'AND ' . $db->sql_in_set('forum_id', $forum_ary, true) : '';

	$fid_m_approve = $auth->acl_getf('m_approve', true);
	$sql_m_approve = (!empty($fid_m_approve)) ? 'OR ' . $db->sql_in_set('forum_id', array_keys($fid_m_approve)) : '';

	// Obtain active forum
	$sql = 'SELECT forum_id, COUNT(post_id) AS num_posts
		WHERE poster_id = ' . $userdata['user_id'] . "
			AND post_postcount = 1
			AND (post_approved = 1
		GROUP BY forum_id
		ORDER BY num_posts DESC";
	$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
	$active_f_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);

	if (!empty($active_f_row))
		$sql = 'SELECT forum_name
			WHERE forum_id = ' . $active_f_row['forum_id'];
		$result = $db->sql_query($sql, 3600);
		$active_f_row['forum_name'] = (string) $db->sql_fetchfield('forum_name');

	// Obtain active topic
	$sql = 'SELECT topic_id, COUNT(post_id) AS num_posts
		WHERE poster_id = ' . $userdata['user_id'] . "
			AND post_postcount = 1
			AND (post_approved = 1
		GROUP BY topic_id
		ORDER BY num_posts DESC";
	$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
	$active_t_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);

	if (!empty($active_t_row))
		$sql = 'SELECT topic_title
			WHERE topic_id = ' . $active_t_row['topic_id'];
		$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
		$active_t_row['topic_title'] = (string) $db->sql_fetchfield('topic_title');

	$userdata['active_t_row'] = $active_t_row;
	$userdata['active_f_row'] = $active_f_row;

	$active_f_name = $active_f_id = $active_f_count = $active_f_pct = '';
	if (!empty($active_f_row['num_posts']))
		$active_f_name = $active_f_row['forum_name'];
		$active_f_id = $active_f_row['forum_id'];
		$active_f_count = $active_f_row['num_posts'];
		$active_f_pct = ($userdata['user_posts']) ? ($active_f_count / $userdata['user_posts']) * 100 : 0;

	$active_t_name = $active_t_id = $active_t_count = $active_t_pct = '';
	if (!empty($active_t_row['num_posts']))
		$active_t_name = $active_t_row['topic_title'];
		$active_t_id = $active_t_row['topic_id'];
		$active_t_count = $active_t_row['num_posts'];
		$active_t_pct = ($userdata['user_posts']) ? ($active_t_count / $userdata['user_posts']) * 100 : 0;

	$l_active_pct = ($userdata['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS && $userdata['user_id'] == $user->data['user_id']) ? $user->lang['POST_PCT_ACTIVE_OWN'] : $user->lang['POST_PCT_ACTIVE'];

		'ACTIVE_FORUM'			=> $active_f_name,
		'ACTIVE_FORUM_POSTS'	=> ($active_f_count == 1) ? sprintf($user->lang['USER_POST'], 1) : sprintf($user->lang['USER_POSTS'], $active_f_count),
		'ACTIVE_FORUM_PCT'		=> sprintf($l_active_pct, $active_f_pct),
		'ACTIVE_TOPIC'			=> censor_text($active_t_name),
		'ACTIVE_TOPIC_POSTS'	=> ($active_t_count == 1) ? sprintf($user->lang['USER_POST'], 1) : sprintf($user->lang['USER_POSTS'], $active_t_count),
		'ACTIVE_TOPIC_PCT'		=> sprintf($l_active_pct, $active_t_pct),
		'U_ACTIVE_FORUM'		=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'f=' . $active_f_id),
		'U_ACTIVE_TOPIC'		=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", 't=' . $active_t_id),
		'S_SHOW_ACTIVITY'		=> true)

* Topic and forum watching common code
function watch_topic_forum($mode, &$s_watching, $user_id, $forum_id, $topic_id, $notify_status = 'unset', $start = 0)
	global $template, $db, $user, $phpEx, $start, $phpbb_root_path;

	$table_sql = ($mode == 'forum') ? FORUMS_WATCH_TABLE : TOPICS_WATCH_TABLE;
	$where_sql = ($mode == 'forum') ? 'forum_id' : 'topic_id';
	$match_id = ($mode == 'forum') ? $forum_id : $topic_id;
	$u_url = "uid={$user->data['user_id']}";
	$u_url .= ($mode == 'forum') ? '&f' : '&f=' . $forum_id . '&t';

	// Is user watching this thread?
	if ($user_id != ANONYMOUS)
		$can_watch = true;

		if ($notify_status == 'unset')
			$sql = "SELECT notify_status
				FROM $table_sql
				WHERE $where_sql = $match_id
					AND user_id = $user_id";
			$result = $db->sql_query($sql);

			$notify_status = ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) ? $row['notify_status'] : NULL;

		if (!is_null($notify_status) && $notify_status !== '')

			if (isset($_GET['unwatch']))
				$uid = request_var('uid', 0);
				if ($uid != $user_id)
					$redirect_url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}view$mode.$phpEx", "$u_url=$match_id&start=$start");
					$message = $user->lang['ERR_UNWATCHING'] . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_' . strtoupper($mode)], '<a href="' . $redirect_url . '">', '</a>');
				if ($_GET['unwatch'] == $mode)
					$is_watching = 0;

					$sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table_sql . "
						WHERE $where_sql = $match_id
							AND user_id = $user_id";

				$redirect_url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}view$mode.$phpEx", "$u_url=$match_id&start=$start");

				meta_refresh(3, $redirect_url);

				$message = $user->lang['NOT_WATCHING_' . strtoupper($mode)] . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_' . strtoupper($mode)], '<a href="' . $redirect_url . '">', '</a>');
				$is_watching = true;

				if ($notify_status != NOTIFY_YES)
					$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $table_sql . "
						SET notify_status = " . NOTIFY_YES . "
						WHERE $where_sql = $match_id
							AND user_id = $user_id";
			if (isset($_GET['watch']))
				$token = request_var('hash', '');
				$redirect_url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}view$mode.$phpEx", "$u_url=$match_id&start=$start");

				if ($_GET['watch'] == $mode && check_link_hash($token, "{$mode}_$match_id"))
					$is_watching = true;

					$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $table_sql . " (user_id, $where_sql, notify_status)
						VALUES ($user_id, $match_id, " . NOTIFY_YES . ')';
					$message = $user->lang['ARE_WATCHING_' . strtoupper($mode)] . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_' . strtoupper($mode)], '<a href="' . $redirect_url . '">', '</a>');
					$message = $user->lang['ERR_WATCHING'] . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_' . strtoupper($mode)], '<a href="' . $redirect_url . '">', '</a>');

				meta_refresh(3, $redirect_url);

				$is_watching = 0;
		if (isset($_GET['unwatch']) && $_GET['unwatch'] == $mode)
			$can_watch = 0;
			$is_watching = 0;

	if ($can_watch)
		$s_watching['link'] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}view$mode.$phpEx", "$u_url=$match_id&" . (($is_watching) ? 'unwatch' : 'watch') . "=$mode&start=$start&hash=" . generate_link_hash("{$mode}_$match_id"));
		$s_watching['title'] = $user->lang[(($is_watching) ? 'STOP' : 'START') . '_WATCHING_' . strtoupper($mode)];
		$s_watching['is_watching'] = $is_watching;


* Get user rank title and image
* @param int $user_rank the current stored users rank id
* @param int $user_posts the users number of posts
* @param string &$rank_title the rank title will be stored here after execution
* @param string &$rank_img the rank image as full img tag is stored here after execution
* @param string &$rank_img_src the rank image source is stored here after execution
* Note: since we do not want to break backwards-compatibility, this function will only properly assign ranks to guests if you call it for them with user_posts == false
function get_user_rank($user_rank, $user_posts, &$rank_title, &$rank_img, &$rank_img_src)
	global $ranks, $config, $phpbb_root_path;

	if (empty($ranks))
		global $cache;
		$ranks = $cache->obtain_ranks();

	if (!empty($user_rank))
		$rank_title = (isset($ranks['special'][$user_rank]['rank_title'])) ? $ranks['special'][$user_rank]['rank_title'] : '';
		$rank_img = (!empty($ranks['special'][$user_rank]['rank_image'])) ? '<img src="' . $phpbb_root_path . $config['ranks_path'] . '/' . $ranks['special'][$user_rank]['rank_image'] . '" alt="' . $ranks['special'][$user_rank]['rank_title'] . '" title="' . $ranks['special'][$user_rank]['rank_title'] . '" />' : '';
		$rank_img_src = (!empty($ranks['special'][$user_rank]['rank_image'])) ? $phpbb_root_path . $config['ranks_path'] . '/' . $ranks['special'][$user_rank]['rank_image'] : '';
	else if ($user_posts !== false)
		if (!empty($ranks['normal']))
			foreach ($ranks['normal'] as $rank)
				if ($user_posts >= $rank['rank_min'])
					$rank_title = $rank['rank_title'];
					$rank_img = (!empty($rank['rank_image'])) ? '<img src="' . $phpbb_root_path . $config['ranks_path'] . '/' . $rank['rank_image'] . '" alt="' . $rank['rank_title'] . '" title="' . $rank['rank_title'] . '" />' : '';
					$rank_img_src = (!empty($rank['rank_image'])) ? $phpbb_root_path . $config['ranks_path'] . '/' . $rank['rank_image'] : '';

* Get user avatar
* @param string $avatar Users assigned avatar name
* @param int $avatar_type Type of avatar
* @param string $avatar_width Width of users avatar
* @param string $avatar_height Height of users avatar
* @param string $alt Optional language string for alt tag within image, can be a language key or text
* @param bool $ignore_config Ignores the config-setting, to be still able to view the avatar in the UCP
* @return string Avatar image
function get_user_avatar($avatar, $avatar_type, $avatar_width, $avatar_height, $alt = 'USER_AVATAR', $ignore_config = false)
	global $user, $config, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;

	if (empty($avatar) || !$avatar_type || (!$config['allow_avatar'] && !$ignore_config))
		return '';

	$avatar_img = '';

	switch ($avatar_type)
			if (!$config['allow_avatar_upload'] && !$ignore_config)
				return '';
			$avatar_img = $phpbb_root_path . "download/file.$phpEx?avatar=";

			if (!$config['allow_avatar_local'] && !$ignore_config)
				return '';
			$avatar_img = $phpbb_root_path . $config['avatar_gallery_path'] . '/';

			if (!$config['allow_avatar_remote'] && !$ignore_config)
				return '';

	$avatar_img .= $avatar;
	return '<img src="' . (str_replace(' ', '%20', $avatar_img)) . '" width="' . $avatar_width . '" height="' . $avatar_height . '" alt="' . ((!empty($user->lang[$alt])) ? $user->lang[$alt] : $alt) . '" />';


Code: Alles auswählen

<!-- BEGIN forumrow -->
	<!-- IF (forumrow.S_IS_CAT and not forumrow.S_FIRST_ROW) or forumrow.S_NO_CAT  -->

			<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>
	<!-- ENDIF -->

	<!-- IF forumrow.S_IS_CAT or forumrow.S_FIRST_ROW  or forumrow.S_NO_CAT  -->
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			<div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
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						<dt><!-- IF forumrow.S_IS_CAT --><a href="{forumrow.U_VIEWFORUM}">{forumrow.FORUM_NAME}</a><!-- ELSE -->{L_FORUM}<!-- ENDIF --></dt>
						<dd class="topics">{L_TOPICS}</dd>
						<dd class="posts">{L_POSTS}</dd>
						<dd class="lastpost"><span>{L_LAST_POST}</span></dd>
			<ul class="topiclist forums">
	<!-- ENDIF -->

	<!-- IF not forumrow.S_IS_CAT -->
		<li class="row">
			<dl class="icon" style="background-image: url({forumrow.FORUM_FOLDER_IMG_SRC}); background-repeat: no-repeat;">
				<dt title="{forumrow.FORUM_FOLDER_IMG_ALT}">
				<!-- IF S_ENABLE_FEEDS and forumrow.S_FEED_ENABLED --><!-- <a class="feed-icon-forum" title="{L_FEED} - {forumrow.FORUM_NAME}" href="{U_FEED}?f={forumrow.FORUM_ID}"><img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/feed.gif" alt="{L_FEED} - {forumrow.FORUM_NAME}" /></a> --><!-- ENDIF -->

					<!-- IF forumrow.FORUM_IMAGE --><span class="forum-image">{forumrow.FORUM_IMAGE}</span><!-- ENDIF -->
					<a href="{forumrow.U_VIEWFORUM}" class="forumtitle">{forumrow.FORUM_NAME}</a><br />
					<!-- IF forumrow.MODERATORS -->
						<br /><strong>{forumrow.L_MODERATOR_STR}:</strong> {forumrow.MODERATORS}
					<!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF forumrow.SUBFORUMS and forumrow.S_LIST_SUBFORUMS --><br /><strong>{forumrow.L_SUBFORUM_STR}</strong> {forumrow.SUBFORUMS}<!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- IF forumrow.CLICKS -->
					<dd class="redirect"><span>{L_REDIRECTS}: {forumrow.CLICKS}</span></dd>
				<!-- ELSEIF not forumrow.S_IS_LINK -->
					<dd class="topics">{forumrow.TOPICS} <dfn>{L_TOPICS}</dfn></dd>
					<dd class="posts">{forumrow.POSTS} <dfn>{L_POSTS}</dfn></dd>
					<dd class="lastpost"><span>
						<!-- IF forumrow.U_UNAPPROVED_TOPICS --><a href="{forumrow.U_UNAPPROVED_TOPICS}">{UNAPPROVED_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF -->
						<!-- IF forumrow.LAST_POST_TIME --><dfn>{L_LAST_POST}</dfn> <!-- IF S_ALTT_ACTIVE --><!-- IF forumrow.ALTT_LINK_NAME_SHORT --><a <!-- IF ALTT_STYLE -->style="{ALTT_STYLE}"<!-- ENDIF --> href="{forumrow.U_ALTT_LINK}" title="{forumrow.ALTT_LINK_NAME}">{forumrow.ALTT_LINK_NAME_SHORT}</a><!-- ELSE -->{L_ALTT_PROTECTED}<!-- ENDIF --><br /><!-- ENDIF --> {L_POST_BY_AUTHOR} {forumrow.LAST_POSTER_FULL}
						  <!-- IF S_ALTT_ACTIVE --><!-- IF forumrow.ALTT_LINK_NAME_SHORT --><a <!-- IF ALTT_STYLE -->style="{ALTT_STYLE}"<!-- ENDIF --> href="{forumrow.U_ALTT_LINK}" title="{forumrow.ALTT_LINK_NAME}">{forumrow.ALTT_LINK_NAME_SHORT}</a><!-- ELSE -->{L_ALTT_PROTECTED}<!-- ENDIF --><br /><!-- ENDIF -->
                        <!-- IF not S_IS_BOT --><a href="{forumrow.U_LAST_POST}">{LAST_POST_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --><br />{forumrow.LAST_POST_TIME}<!-- ELSE -->{L_NO_POSTS}<br />&nbsp;<!-- ENDIF --></span>
				<!-- ENDIF -->
	<!-- ENDIF -->

	<!-- IF forumrow.S_LAST_ROW -->

			<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>
	<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- BEGINELSE -->
	<div class="panel">
		<div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
		<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>
<!-- END forumrow -->
Was vielleicht auch noch wichtig wäre, ist das ich den Style cataclysmwow verwende und dort auch alle Änderungen vorgenommen habe.
Das Forum findet ihr unter folgendem Link http://www.sonjatooblt.de/Forum

Ich hoffe nun habe ich alle Infos rausgerückt die ihr braucht, um mir helfen zu können. Ansonsten fragt bitte.
Und nun erst Mal danke für eure Bemühungen.

LG Nolly
Beiträge: 45
Registriert: 03.02.2011 22:24

Re: NV advanced last topic titles: Fehler

Beitrag von Nolly »

Also die letzten Beiträge werden nun angezeigt. Allerdings doppelt. Ungefahr so:
Beitragstitel von User Beitragstitel :oops:
Beiträge: 45
Registriert: 03.02.2011 22:24

Re: NV advanced last topic titles: Fehler

Beitrag von Nolly »

Das Problem konnte ich lösen, indem ich

Code: Alles auswählen

in zeile 48 in der Datei forumlist_body.html löschte.Die Datei ist unter den Styles im template-Ordner zu finden.
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 06.05.2011 08:03

Re: NV advanced last topic titles: Fehler

Beitrag von phpbb308 »

hallo ich habe veruscht den Mod zu installieren. alle wunderbar geklappt nur bekomme ich wenn ich das forum aufrufe fehler im php code.

die zeilen wie etwa


werden als syntaxfehler gewertet.

was genau habe ich da falsch gemacht. leut anleitung muss ich diese zeilen jeweils im anschluss anfügen. danke :oops:
Beiträge: 892
Registriert: 25.09.2005 13:17

Re: NV advanced last topic titles: Fehler

Beitrag von wolfman24 »

@phpbb308: Deine Informationen sind etwas dürftig. Wie lautet denn die genaue Fehlermeldung? Und welche php Version benutzt du, die neuesten Version der NV altt Mod (ich glaube ab 1.3.0) benötigen php5 und laufen nicht mit php4. Wenn dem so ist, solltest du auf php5 upgraden (oder der Hoster).

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