Chatspot Installation

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Beiträge: 39
Registriert: 10.12.2005 17:23
Wohnort: Duisburg

Beitrag von penma »

Jetzt lern doch mal lesen. Und wenn du die Installationsanweisung willst, dann sag a) welche (die, die Easymod auswerten würde) oder b) die readme.txt. Beides kannst du dir aber bei runterladen und sieh bitte zu dass du die neueste Version (2.0.0a7 nimmst ;)) also mehr als das machen was drinsteht kann ich auch nicht.

Wenn du die unverständliche readme meinst, die ich eingangs erwähnte und die offenbar noch von einer alten Version ist, hier ist sie...


Code: Alles auswählen

                    Installation Instructions for Chatspot 2.00a

The following folders should be present in Chatspot's archive:

chatspot    - contains all the files necessary for Chatspot to run
db_accounts - contains an installation file to allow Chatspot to support additional 
              database accounts
install     - contains the installation files for Chatspot
uninstall   - contains files for the uninstallation of Chatspot

Table of Contents

Section 1.0: Installing Chatspot : Forum with no other MODs
Section 1.1: Installing Chatspot : Forum with other MODs / Manual Install
Section 2.0: The 'db_accounts' folder
Section 3.0: Uninstalling Chatspot
Section 4.0: Reducing queries and improving speed
Section 5.0: Additional Support
Section 6.0: How much can Chatspot cope with?
Section 7.0: Credits

1.0 Installing Chatspot : Forum with no other MODs

If you do not already have any other MODs installed, then this way is recommended.

Copy the folder /chatspotinstall to your phpBB root. Then surf to and follow the instructions provided - you
should be up and running pretty fast.

To run this script on a non-Windows server, you will have to CHMOD the forum directory
to 777 whilst the script runs. More info on that can be found at Wikipedia by going to:

** NOTE: This script is FULLY AUTOMATED and will continue if any error is reached. It may
         not work on heavily modded forums (at all). Currently it only updates subSilver
         template files and English langauge files, so you will also need to change those
         manually. (Work is underway to fix this).
If you run into any problems, try the forums.

1.1 Installing Chatspot : Forum with other MODs / Manual Install

If you *do* have other MODs installed, you will need to install the MOD using easyMOD,
or by executing the instructions in the install file manually. 

Manual install files can be found in /chatspotinstall/manual. DO NOT run the SQL in the
install file manually, as per the note. Instead, copy chatspot_db_install.php to the root
of the forum and execute it: This will update the tables.

The install script will only work with easyMOD v0.1.13 or higher.

These instructions will probably changed a bit between alpha and beta, thankfully. Feel
free to give me any suggestions on that.

2.0 The 'db_accounts' folder

The 'db_accounts' folder contains an installation file that will modify your 
'includes/db.php' file and include a brief check to see if Chatspot is currently
being used by the user.  If so, then it will include the 'chatspot/chatspot_db.php' file
in your 'chatspot' directory, which allows you to specify different database accounts for
Chatspot to use (it will randomly select one each time from the list you give it).

The reason for the aforementioned is that some hosts impose a query quota upon their 
clients (say 50 000 queries within a given timespan).  Since chat refreshes by default
every 5 seconds, if there are a few users chatting the number of queries really adds up
quickly.  Although I have tried to make Chatspot as conservative as possible
with queries, there are still a number of queries involved with managing both a forum
session and a chat session, and of course sending and receiving messages and whatnot.
From what I can tell--at least, it's how my host works--the query quota is imposed upon
an individual database account, and not the database itself (or the client's actual
account).  This means that if you create multiple database accounts and provide them 
access to the same database, they each independently have their own quotas.  Thus, if 
Chatspot has one or more of its own accounts, even it it exceeds its quota the
forum's quota will remain independent from Chatspot's, thus the forum will be able
to continue functioning normally.

To install this additional mod you need to first add one or more database accounts to
your forum's database (your host will provide help with this).  Next, modify the
'chatspot_db.php' file in your 'chatspot' directory (it was copied there during the
initial installation) and uncomment a pair of database account lines:

                    $db_accounts[] = ''; // account name
                    $db_accounts[] = ''; // password

and insert the new account name in the first line, and the corresponding password
in the second line.

Finally, either use EasyMod to run the 'Chatspot_db_accounts.txt' file, or 
perform the instructions on your own.

3.0 Uninstalling Chatspot

To uninstall Chatspot, you need to use the 'Chatspot_uninstall.txt' file.  Once
again if using EasyMod 0.1.13, the database tables will be automatically removed; 
otherwise you will need to copy 'Chatspot_db_uninstall.php' into your forum's root
directory and execute it via your browser, and then delete it afterwards.

There is no automated uninstall program.

Please note that if you use the 'Chatspot_db_accounts.txt' option, you'll need to 
uninstall that manually.  All you need to do is edit your 'includes/db.php' file, and
remove these lines:

// ******************** BEGIN Chatspot MOD ********************
if( defined( 'CHATSPOT' ) )
	include( $phpbb_root_path . 'chatspot/chatspot_db.' . $phpEx );
// ********************  END Chatspot MOD  ********************

Finally, you will need to manually delete the 'chatspot' directory from your forum's root 

4.0 Reducing Queries/Improving Speed

To further reduce queries and improve the speed somewhat there are a number of changes 
you can make in the 'chatspot_config.php' file:

[Reducing queries]

- changing 'refresh_time' to a higher value than '5' can have the largest single effect on
  the number of queries required (for example, you can set this to '10' and essentially 
  reduce the number of queries Chatspot uses by half).  Doing so, however, of course 
  degrades the quality of chat offered by Chatspot simply because users have to wait 
  longer to receive messages (10 seconds as opposed to 5).
- changing 'max_rooms' to a low value (such as '2') will prevent users from joining too
  many rooms and creating a great influx of database queries (since each room 
  independently polls for new messages every refresh cycle).

[Increasing speed]

- changing 'check_board_sessions' to '0' might offer a speed increase when the online list
  of users is updated.  When set to '1' the board's (generally-rather-large) session table
  is examined to ensure that all sessions currently in Chatspot are still valid; this
  simply helps keep the list of chatters accurate.  Otherwise when set to '0' the board's
  session list is not checked.
- changing 'display_num_users_in_rooms' to '0' might offer a speed increase because the
  number of users in each room will no longer be tallied and displayed.
- changing 'allow_bbcode' to '0' might also offer a speed increase because messages won't
  have to be parsed each time to look for bbcode.

5.0 Additional Support
Chatspot has passed hands several times now, and therefore information on where to get
support is a bit cloudy. The current maintainer/owner is Techboy. The two previous leaders,
icedawg and Wooly Spud, do not wish to provide support for Chatspot. Please do not
e-mail them or post on their forums about support questions.

Instead, please point your browser to

Support via e-mail will be given but may not always be responded to. Please only use it
if you have something urgent, or it may not be provided in future verisons.

6.0 How much can Chatspot cope with?

This is the most frequent question; but it is more how much can your _server_ cope with.
We have had reports of Chatspot functioning with *two hundred* users in it, but this will
clearly vary dramatically depending on your servers' resources. You should contact your
host for advice if you are unsure.

7.0 Credits

Started Feburary 12th, 2005 as a blog post - necessity is the mother of invention.
Based on Chatspot 1.00 by icedawg, which is in turn based on Wooly Spud's Chatbox.

Please see the support section for information on support.
DO NOT contact icedawg or Wooly Spud for help. They do not support chatspot!
Beiträge: 1552
Registriert: 23.12.2005 14:32

Beitrag von scheibenbrot »

du willst doch ohne Easymod, also ist es doch klar das ich dich normaler haben möchte :wink:

Außerdem: So schwer isses auch wieder nicht, ist da keine changecode bei??
Oder lasse es dir doch auf Deutsch übersetzten....
>>>Jobbörse<<< :wink:
Ich mein nur wenn du mit dem Englichen nicht klar kommst...ich blick da nicht durch :o
Beiträge: 39
Registriert: 10.12.2005 17:23
Wohnort: Duisburg

Beitrag von penma »

Verdammt noch mal. Kann man nicht einfach mal das machen, was ich gerne haben würde? Eine deutsche Installationsanleitung die auf Anhieb funktioniert? :( :cry:
Valerie Raghnall
Beiträge: 3907
Registriert: 17.07.2002 14:03
Wohnort: Graz

Beitrag von Valerie Raghnall »

also wenn du einen übersetzer brauchst, musst du dich an ein übersetzerboard wenden, nicht an das phpbbsupportboard.
A Bus Station is where buses stop. A Train Station is where trains stop. On my desk, there is a Work Station.
Beiträge: 39
Registriert: 10.12.2005 17:23
Wohnort: Duisburg

Beitrag von penma »

Sagte ich, dass ich einen brauche? :P
Valerie Raghnall
Beiträge: 3907
Registriert: 17.07.2002 14:03
Wohnort: Graz

Beitrag von Valerie Raghnall »

penma hat geschrieben:Verdammt noch mal. Kann man nicht einfach mal das machen, was ich gerne haben würde? Eine deutsche Installationsanleitung die auf Anhieb funktioniert? :( :cry:
A Bus Station is where buses stop. A Train Station is where trains stop. On my desk, there is a Work Station.
Beiträge: 39
Registriert: 10.12.2005 17:23
Wohnort: Duisburg

Beitrag von penma »

"Auf Anhieb funktioniert" bezog sic sicherlich nicht auf die Originalanleitung. Und Englisch kann ich auch :P Also was nützt mir ein Übersetzer? Der macht die Anleitung auch nicht besser. :P
Beiträge: 17412
Registriert: 23.04.2003 08:22
Wohnort: Xanten

Beitrag von Dr.Death »

Und was steht in der Datei:

/chatspotinstall/manual ?
Beiträge: 39
Registriert: 10.12.2005 17:23
Wohnort: Duisburg

Beitrag von penma »

Rate was da drinsteht. Ein Haufen Anweisungen für Easymod, die ich alle von Hand ausgeführt habe. Ergebnis ist ein fast laufendes Chatspot, das aber keine Nachrichten einträgt (phpMyAdmin beweist das) und auch keine anzeigt. Nen neuen Thread mach ich dafür aber nicht ;)
Beiträge: 17412
Registriert: 23.04.2003 08:22
Wohnort: Xanten

Beitrag von Dr.Death »

Ich rate mal:

Es stehen Installationsanweisungen drin :-)

...und das beste: Wenn man keinen Fehler macht klappt es auch :-)

Jetzt mal im Ernst:

Wie sollen wir Dir helfen, wenn du uns keine Gelegenheit gibst ?
Baue den MOD erneut ein ( jaja, natürlich nach Anweisung ).

Wenn Du fertig bist und es nicht klappt:

Verlinke die Installationsanweisung und alle von dir geänderten Dateien als TXT Dateien.
Dann schauen wir uns das gemeinsam mal an.

P.S.: Gerade noch gefunden ---> Support Forum für den ChatSpot -->

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